The door to the banquet hall had already been opened. The huge door frame made Charlotte Lingling's huge body look spacious. The sweet sound of the piano came from inside, which sounded leisurely and relaxed.

Stepping inside, countless Homies were singing and dancing outside, performing for everyone at the tea party.

"It's so lively."

Uta sighed softly and looked around at the tea party venue.

The space here is very large, about a hundred meters long and wide, and the decoration is extremely gorgeous. You can also see their pirate flags hanging on the wall, which is very eye-catching.

However, there are not many people here, and there are no more than a hundred people from the Star Pirates. Among them are the children of Charlotte Lingling and several members of the BIGMOM Pirates with high status. It feels more Like a family dinner.

Unlike Uta who looked at it so carefully, Link and Charlotte Lingling immediately looked at the huge round table in the center of the venue, with a huge cake on it.

The cake was very big, seven or eight meters tall, and looked about the same size as Charlotte Lingling.

The decoration is also extremely gorgeous. The patterns made of cream are very detailed and look lifelike. Various fruits are also carefully carved and placed in appropriate positions. It is not so much a cake as it is a work of art. .

Charlotte Lingling laughed and sat on the main seat. Link took Uta and sat aside, just like where he sat when he came with the Golden Lion many years ago.

The sweet smell hit their faces, and the aroma of cake tickled the taste buds of Link and Charlotte Lingling, making them impatient.

Katakuri has already brought Crocodile and the others here and will arrange for them to sit at the main table.

The brothers and sisters who had fainted before were also woken up by Katakuri and Klijia. Although it was a little difficult, they all woke up and sat at different tables according to their status and strength.

Only Brynn was still in a coma. At such a young age, she couldn't bear the overbearing conflict between Link and Charlotte Lingling. She fainted so completely that she couldn't wake up in a short time.

Seeing this, Smoothie put her on the small table aside and asked the sister next to her to take care of her, and then returned to his place.

Charlotte Lingling looked at the large round table that was already full, and then at the photo frames placed opposite, nodded with satisfaction, and announced the start of the tea party with a big smile.

"Oh! Eat the cake!"

Link clapped very cooperatively and laughed happily. Charlotte Lingling, who was sitting next to her, was also unequivocal. After speaking, she took out a large table knife and cut off a piece of the cake and put it on her plate.

Then he cut another piece and handed it to Link. This was a treatment that Katakuri and others had never enjoyed.

Link picked up the fork with a smile, and when he was about to eat, he remembered and quickly divided the cake on the plate into two halves and gave one half to Uta.

After Charlotte Lingling divided the portions for Link, she took a bite of the cake on the plate. The sweet cream and soft cake worked perfectly together, maximizing each other's strengths. It was so delicious that she picked it up. His face swayed from side to side happily.

Uta looked at the cake on the plate, then at the happy Charlotte Lingling, then picked up a fork, stabbed a piece of cake, and put it directly into her mouth.

As the taste of the cake exploded in her mouth, Uta slowly opened her eyes. This cake indeed tasted better than the one she made, and it was more than one level of delicious.

The taste is soft and delicate, melts in your mouth, full of milky flavor, very sweet, but not too sweet, perfect.

No wonder Link is obsessed with this.

"How is it? Is it delicious? Is it delicious?"

Link kept asking questions, and he paid great attention to Uta's opinion. After hearing this, Uta touched Link's head, smiled lightly and said to him: "Well, it's delicious."

It was so delicious that Uta decided that in order for Link to be able to eat cakes like this in the future, she must learn how to make this cake before leaving Ten Thousand Kingdoms.

After hearing Uta's reply, Link chuckled, and immediately started eating, narrowing his eyes happily.

Enelu, who was sitting not far away, saw this and looked at the cake in the center. Although he didn't like sweets in general, he wanted to try it after seeing Link eating so happily.

But the cake was a bit far away from him, so he took some trouble to cut off a small piece and put it in his mouth.

I chewed it twice and swallowed it. Although the cake was delicious, the sweetness was a bit too sweet for Enero. I took one bite and stopped eating it.

Looking around, he saw Katakuri on the opposite side and asked him directly: "Do you have anything like apple pie here?"

Katakuri didn't eat, he just sat calmly with his arms folded over his shoulders. Hearing Eniru's words, he stood up, calmly said "wait" and left here.

Eniru's words also made many of Charlotte Lingling's children look at him and whisper among themselves, saying that they actually ordered Katakuri brother.

Enelu heard these words clearly, but he didn't care at all.

It took us so many days to get here. If we don’t enjoy the meal, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?

So Eniru just chose to ignore them and ate the apple-flavored dessert on the table before Katakuri came back.

Crocodile sat next to Enel and glanced sideways at Enel, but said nothing and continued to hold his cigar in his mouth. Like Katakuri, he did not eat the cake on the table.

In addition to the huge cake placed close to Charlotte Lingling, there were many desserts placed on this huge round table, but Crocodile had no intention of eating it at all. Like Katakuri before, he was just calm. watching.

Among them, the most interesting thing on the table is the photo frame placed opposite Charlotte Lingling. Before Link and the others came in, Crocodile looked up. The photo showed an old man wearing a nun's uniform with a smile. Very gentle and brilliant.

Crocodile didn't know this person, but he observed that Charlotte Lingling would look at the photo frame from time to time while eating cake, as if having the photo frame here would make her feel at ease.

So who is the person up here?

When he had questions, Crocodile quietly asked the oldest Gureva, but Gureva knew nothing about the people in the photos and could not explain to Crocodile.

In addition, he didn't really like eating cakes, so Crocodile just held his cigar in his mouth and had no intention of eating.

The food on this huge round table is all kinds of desserts including cakes. Most of them are in different styles, and some of them Crocodile can't even name.

The moment he saw the food on the table, he knew that Link and Charlotte Lingling would definitely get along well.

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