Uta stood behind Link, looking at the figure in front of him, his smile never disappeared.

Enel was also interested in Charlotte Lingling, who had a stiff face, snickering at the corner of her mouth, as if she was watching a good show. Guleva and Olvia also looked at each other, and they both laughed silently.

Only Crocodile looked at Katakuri and the others calmly, watching their every move.

Charlotte Lingling smiled, her expression gradually turned terrifying, her eyes were fixed on Link, and she said: "Being mean to her? Does this count as being mean to her?"

She was just telling this little girl the rules of the sea.


Nodding, Link said affirmatively, looking into Charlotte Lingling's eyes, and said: "You can't be cruel to Wuta."

Link repeated what he said before. Charlotte Lingling looked at Link for more than ten seconds and suddenly burst into laughter.

"MAMAMAMA~Okay, then don't be cruel to her."

Looking at Link with raised eyebrows, Charlotte Lingling continued: "You are really different from that smelly lion."

That bastard Golden Lion only said that he wanted to rule the world and didn't care about anything else. But they all came from the same boat. Charlotte Lingling knew that that guy Golden Lion was very loyal and cared about a lot of things.

Although he didn't know the reason when he broke into the Navy Headquarters alone, the fact that he didn't bring any of his subordinates proved it. He knew that he probably wouldn't be able to come back, and he didn't want to drag all his subordinates into the water.

The biggest difference between Link and the Golden Lion is that he will directly say what he cares about.

When Link heard Charlotte Lingling's change of tone, he turned back to look at Uta and asked, "Do you want Aunt Lingling to apologize?"

"Apologise? Forget it, I don't really care about what I just said."

Link's words about not being allowed to kill Wuta made her very happy.

Holding Link's cheek, Uta smiled gently at Link.

Moreover, as a sea emperor, how could Charlotte Lingling apologize?

This is unrealistic, and Uta hasn't learned how to make the cake yet, and she doesn't want Link and Charlotte Lingling to fall out at the moment.

"Hehe, okay, then I will forgive Aunt Lingling."

Link said with a smile, but his cheek was pinched by Uta now, so his words were not very clear.

"It's really funny, MAMAMAMA~"

After laughing twice, Charlotte Lingling looked at Link and said with some pity: "Originally I wanted to marry one of my daughters to you, but now it seems there is no hope."

Although the contact time was not long, looking at Link and Uta's appearance, outsiders couldn't get in at all, so Charlotte Lingling gave up the idea of ​​​​marriage. She knew that neither Link nor Uta would agree.

Some of Charlotte Lingling's daughters couldn't help but look at Link when they heard their mother's words.

Not to mention Link's appearance, just the fact that he contradicted his mother for Uta was very handsome in their eyes.

But now I can only feel a pity secretly, because Link didn't even look at them from beginning to end, all he saw was Uta except the cake.

But when it came to marriage, Uta suddenly remembered that they once met someone in the Devil's Triangle who claimed to be Charlotte Lingling's daughter. She also proposed to Link, and it was very unpleasant at the time.

He took out the life card in his coat pocket. This life card was floating straight towards Charlotte Lingling. Although Uta grabbed it, he could still clearly see that it was Charlotte Lingling.

"We met your daughter in the Devil's Triangle. I remember her name is Laura. Please say hello to you when we see you."

Uta said calmly, and directly let go of his hand, and the life card floated towards Charlotte Lingling in mid-air.

The name Laura was like a taboo. When they heard her name, everyone except the Star Pirates looked towards Uta, and then they were attracted by the life card that kept floating towards Charlotte Lingling.

"Hey, it seems there is some inside information."

Guleva looked around, raised her eyebrows and smiled. Olvia heard this and shook her head gently, telling her not to cause trouble yet.

"Laura...Laura...it really surprised me."

Charlotte Lingling grabbed the life card floating towards her, her expression became more and more gloomy, even uglier than when Link contradicted her before.

Upon seeing this, Uta knew that the matter was not simple. He looked around to see if he could find anything on the faces of Charlotte Lingling's children, but found that their faces were all very heavy.

Especially on the small table nearby, Uta saw someone who looked exactly like Laura. Her eyes were a little happy and a little worried, but she didn't dare to say anything due to Charlotte Lingling's majesty. .


Uta thought secretly, and then heard the angry voice of Charlotte Lingling next to her.

"Say hello to me? Laura dared to do such a thing, do you think I will forgive her!!!"

Charlotte Lingling became particularly angry, and some of her domineering and domineering energy leaked out, but it was only fleeting, and it was not directed at anyone here, so no one fainted.

You know, she almost got back together with the giants!

The prince of the giant tribe took a fancy to Laura, and Laura was the daughter of Charlotte Lingling.

But Charlotte Lingling, who once destroyed a giant village, and the giants have always had a bad relationship.

But the current Giant King loves his son very much and agrees to his son marrying Charlotte Lingling's daughter. This makes Charlotte Lingling, who wants a giant clan, very happy and plans to prepare a grand wedding for this.

But no one expected that at the most critical moment, her daughter Laura would actually run away from her marriage! This made the already bad relationship between the two parties even worse, so Charlotte Lingling hated Laura very much.

Because of her escape from marriage, Charlotte Lingling's plan completely failed. Naturally, she would not feel good when she heard the news about Laura.

"How dare she say hello to me?!!"

Charlotte Lingling roared loudly, and both Smoothie and Katakuri sighed calmly, knowing that even after a long time, their mother was still not calm.

"Aunt Lingling seems very angry."

Link whispered something to Uta that anyone could see, and looked at the angry Charlotte Lingling strangely.

Aunt Lingling's voice became very irritable. He had never heard such a voice from Aunt Lingling before, which meant that Aunt Lingling was really angry now.

"Just be angry if you're angry. This is her family matter and has nothing to do with us."

After touching Link's head, Uta didn't expect that just conveying Laura's words could make Charlotte Lingling so angry.

"It's a family matter, but I'm still a little curious."

After thinking about it, Link smiled directly and asked the angry Charlotte Lingling: "Aunt Lingling, why are you so angry?"

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