Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 289 It’s really annoying

The rest of these people have already been buried in the sea. It's not that they can't hang around women as pirate leaders, but they will leave huge holes and they can use this woman as a hostage to threaten them.

"Interesting? Ha, saying something like this only proves that you are too boring."

Crocodile sneered and taunted, looking at Charlotte Lingling without any fear, making Charlotte Lingling smile even bigger.

"Whether it's interesting or boring, how are you going to find the red historical text if you don't have any power?"

Charlotte Lingling looked at the members of the Star Pirates and counted them one by one, and then said: "Just the eight of you? Don't be ridiculous, the eight of you will probably have a hard time finding four red stones in your lifetime."

Charlotte Lingling has had the text of the red road sign in the treasure house for many years, but she only has this piece of it over the years, and has never heard anything about the others.

As the emperor of the sea, Charlotte Lingling's BIGMOM pirate group is extremely powerful. They only obtained one red stone in this way. Naturally, they don't think Link and the others can find them all.

Hearing this, Crocodile just took another puff of his cigar, slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said with a smile: "I have thought about your question when I first learned about this information."

Because in the Star Pirates, no one will think about him if he doesn't want to, and Crocodile has become accustomed to this.

"We have too few people, so it will definitely be difficult to find red stones, but we have Neptune, and we can find the red stones in the sea. The rest is just a matter of walking through all the land."

Crocodile understood that as long as he was close to the historical text, Link would use his weird ability to hear the location of the historical text, and the same was true for the red road signs.

Katakuri and the others were shocked by Crocodile's bold words, including Charlotte Lingling, but after two seconds of silence, only Charlotte Lingling laughed.


Charlotte Lingling laughed with tears in her eyes as she kept holding her stomach, but except for Link, all the other members of the Star Pirates looked at Charlotte Lingling with a calm smile.

Charlotte Lingling didn't find it funny when Link said he wanted to become the Pirate King.

As the Emperor of the Sea, Link does have the ability to compete for the throne of the Pirate King.

But Charlotte Lingling couldn't help laughing when she heard Crocodile's words, and burst into tears.

"Sand Crocodile, do you know what you are talking about? And you have visited all the land? Putting aside the issue of time, there are many places you can't just go to if you want to."

For example, in her Ten Thousand Kingdoms, if the Star Pirates entered Ten Thousand Kingdoms without her invitation, it would be an invasion, and the two parties would have started a war.

"Whitebeard's territory, Kaido's territory, the Navy Headquarters, the Red Earth Continent, the little devils who have just become the Five Emperors, this world is not as simple as you think, and only one Link can't take you that far."

Charlotte Lingling opened her arms and said something to the Star Pirates, her tone full of ridicule.

It is really not surprising that the Star Pirates, who have just entered the new world and have not even seen the tip of the iceberg of the sea, would say such innocent words.

Crocodile just looked at Charlotte Lingling, holding a cigar in his mouth and smiling contemptuously. He had no intention of explaining anymore. On the contrary, Enelu who was standing beside him suddenly asked: "BIGMOM, do you believe in fate?"

Link once said similar words to him, which impressed Enelu deeply.

However, when Charlotte Lingling heard about fate, she just smiled disdainfully and said coldly: "Destiny is just a comfort given to the weak, it is just a ridiculous word."

Fate, fate, if everything is determined by fate, what is the meaning of the existence of the world? It's just a narrative book.

"But in my opinion, meeting my companions is my destiny, and becoming the Pirate King is Link's destiny. These so-called red stones are like iron blocks attracted by magnetism. They will appear next to Link one after another. .”

Enelu smiled confidently, extremely sure of what he said.

Charlotte Lingling was about to speak but paused.

Because there is a red stone on Cake Island at this time, so isn't this just like what Enel said, the red stone appeared next to Link?

Quickly dismissing the idea, Charlotte Lingling told herself that it was just a coincidence.

Link came here because of her invitation. Without her invitation, Link would not have come to Cake Island, so this must be a coincidence.

"Then I hope fate will always be on your side."

Charlotte Lingling said calmly, and looked at Link again. He was sitting on the ground at this time, lying forward on Uta's lap and falling asleep. It was obvious that he had not heard a word of the conversation just now.

Charlotte Lingling frowned slightly, looked at Crocodile again, and said to him: "You should have thought about the next step for the Star Pirates?"

Seeing this question being asked again, Crocodile laughed and said flatly to Charlotte Lingling: "Although I don't know why you are so curious, I can tell you this question."

The Star Pirates are now the focus of the world, and even if they don't tell them now, Charlotte Lingling will soon know about their actions.

"There are too many emperors in the new world. We plan to let one of them retire first and turn the five emperors back into the four emperors."

This sounds very arrogant. Today's Sea Emperors, including Link, are all famous figures. Crocodile's words are actually too understatement, making people feel very unreal.

But Charlotte Lingling became interested and asked with interest: "Oh? Resigning a sea emperor? Where is the target? It shouldn't be me, right?"

Link didn't seem to be someone who beat around the bush. If the target was her, the meeting would be a fight. The two parties had already started fighting.

Crocodile had already reached this point, so naturally he would not hide it anymore, and said calmly: "Red-haired Shanks, for some reasons, the Red-haired Pirates are our target."

Although the most suitable one is the Whitebeard Pirates, this is Link's wish, and the Star Pirates will naturally move forward according to Link's wishes.

"Shanks, that redhead is really annoying too."

Charlotte Lingling smiled and said that she and Shanks had some grudges, so it was perfect to hear that Link was going to cause trouble for Shanks.

Before Xiang Ke became the Four Emperors, there was no such thing as the Four Emperors in the New World. At that time, Whitebeard, Kaido and she were the three pillars of the New World's sea areas, controlling most of the New World's sea areas, and were called "Yonko" by pirates and underground forces. As the emperor of the sea.

When Shanks came to power, he naturally had to seize the territory from their hands and encircle the territory. It was in this way that Shanks became the Emperor of the Sea. Morgans also called them the Four Emperors on the day Shanks came to power.

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