Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 321 Take a step to speak

Crocodile and the three people next door were also leaning against the rock wall to soak in the hot spring. Daz was silent, but Enel and Crocodile kept chatting.

"How are you doing there? Did you get any useful information?"

After folding a towel and covering it on his head, Enelu asked lazily, without even opening his eyes.

"Nothing about the red-haired pirates. There has been little news about the red-haired pirates on the sea recently. They are very low-key."

Crocodile replied casually, leaning against the rock wall and closing his eyes to rest.

There is no news about the red-haired pirates in the newspapers, but there is a lot of news about their Star Pirates. In addition, there are no useful clues on Seken Island, which makes it extremely difficult to find traces of the red-haired pirates.

"But I found other news, related to this island."

Crocodile was still planning to put it off first, but the next second he heard Eniro casually say: "Ah, it's Endpoint, right? I've heard about this too, it's not interesting."

Enel didn't think that three volcanic eruptions would destroy the new world, so he just listened to a few words and ignored it.

Just listen to this thing, he doesn't think it is true.

Crocodile did not respond after hearing this. Instead, he continued to sink his body and submerged his head into the hot spring.

This Endpoint was only circulated in the New World. He had heard this rumor when he entered the New World, but he didn't take it seriously.

Regardless of whether this was true or not, he had no intention of detonating the volcano.

Otherwise, if it is true, the final island will also be submerged in magma, and their journey will become meaningless.

As for the Navy's propaganda, Crocodile didn't believe a word of what they said.

Even if it is to prevent some lunatic from planning to drag the world with him, this Endpoint can only be said to be fake if it is real.

After a while, Enilu, who was silent, suddenly thought of something and said with a smile: "We three ability users are soaking in the hot spring here. This should be the time when we are at our weakest, right?"

Most of the body was submerged in the hot spring, and almost all of the physical strength disappeared. It felt very similar to the feeling of soaking in sea water, but the feeling of dehydration was much weaker, not as serious as being soaked in sea water.

But both Crocodile and Daz ignored Enelu's teasing. Enelu also smiled and didn't care, and continued to enjoy the hot springs.

But it didn't take long for Enilu to lazily say: "There are a lot of people outside. Who among you two is going to deal with it? I want to hang out for a while longer, so I won't go."

This hot spring is very comfortable to soak in, and the people outside are easy to deal with, so it doesn't matter who goes there.

Crocodile stood up directly, pushed back Daz who was about to get up, and said softly: "I'll go, it just so happens that I don't feel very comfortable here."

He is a person with the ability of the Shasha Fruit, and his weakness is water, so naturally he doesn't like this place very much.

Daz also knew this, nodded and sat back honestly.

At this time, there were many people standing outside the door of a hot spring room, all in suits and leather shoes, and dressed seriously.

But at this time, these people's faces were more or less panicked, and they looked at the closed door in front of them with fear.

A middle-aged man couldn't stand the depressing atmosphere. He stepped forward and whispered to the leading old man: "Mayor, there is no need for us to come in person, right? They are very vicious and terrifying pirates!"

There was a hint of trembling in this man's words, and his eyes were always looking towards the door in front of him, as if there was some savage beast inside.

"Only in person can we show our sincerity. If you are afraid, go back quickly and don't embarrass me!"

The old man scolded angrily, causing the middle-aged man to shrink back in fear. No matter how frightened and unwilling he was, he could only retreat silently.

This old man is the mayor of the city of Saiken Island. When a big figure like the Emperor of the Sea comes to the island, he must come to meet him.

Although they are just pirates, the mayor still knows about them. Except for a few pirates who made wild remarks that happened to be overheard by Anilu, there are currently no casualties on Seken Island, which means there should be no danger in this visit.

After adjusting his tie and looking at how neat and tidy he was, the old man took a long breath and raised his right hand, trying to knock on the closed door in front of him.

But before he stretched out his hand, Crocodile's indifferent voice sounded from behind him.

"You'd better not knock on the door, it's our captain's private time now."

A simple sentence made the mayor's hand stop instantly, and the people behind him immediately looked back. Under Crocodile's gaze, they instinctively flew out of the two rows to make way for him.

Crocodile walked straight up to the old man and said calmly: "Looking for us, what's wrong?"

This old man and these people are all very weak. He can solve them all in a sandstorm without any threat at all.

Except for fools who overestimate their capabilities, no one with such strength would come to trouble them, so they should have something to do with them.

"Hello, my name is Kevin and I am the mayor of this city."

Kevin was startled when he heard Crocodile's voice just now. Seeing that although his tone was cold, he didn't mean to attack immediately, he breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to Crocodile with a smile, thinking Shake hands with him.

However, Crocodile just glanced at him without any intention of shaking hands, and continued to say coldly: "Before my patience is exhausted, tell me your purpose as soon as possible. I don't have time to waste with you here."

And at this time, Link and Uta were soaking in the hot spring in the single room in front. Crocodile didn't know if the two of them were resting now. He didn't want to make too much noise.

Kevin was not embarrassed when he saw this. He took his hand back and said with a smile: "That's it. When the Emperor of the Sea comes to this island, as the mayor, I will definitely come to greet him in person, but I am really busy with official duties during the day. , I have to come late, please forgive me."

He wouldn't have dared to come if it wasn't for a little observation. He was not allowed to make fun of himself and his men's lives, but naturally Kevin wouldn't tell Crocodile.

"There's no need to greet you. Get out now. We don't have time to deal with you."

Crocodile refused directly and coldly, making Mayor Kevin's face stiffen. The people behind him also jumped out to express their dissatisfaction with Crocodile.

They are all in high positions, and they would not have climbed to their current position without any brains. If they jumped out at this time, they would be killed.

"Ahem, actually we have other things to do. If it's not convenient here, can we take a step to talk?"

Kevin coughed slightly and had no intention of leaving for the time being.

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