Lakilu paused and said slowly: "Uta, the boss still misses you very much. He often..."

Ask Gordon about you.

Before he could say the second half of the sentence, he was suddenly kicked by Jesus beside him.

Lakilu realized belatedly that if he said this, it would be equivalent to betraying Gordon, so he muttered a few words but said nothing in the end.

Jesus Bu and Hongo also looked at each other, and finally looked at Beckman.

There is no way, none of them are very good at dealing with women. Talking with Uta can only be left to the eloquent Beckman.

Beckman also noticed the sight behind him. If Uta hadn't been looking at him now, he would have really wanted to kick the people behind him.

But at this time he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Throwing away the cigarette butt in his hand and stamping it out, Beckman said softly: "Uta, the situation at that time was too complicated. Shanks was not sure of protecting your safety, so he left you in Eregia. of."

In order to protect Utta, Shanks took the initiative and resisted the charge of destroying Eregia. During those days, they were chased by the navy for a long time and had a very difficult time.

But Beckman's explanation did not waver Uta, but continued to say coldly: "Then why did he leave me in Iregia without saying a word? Can you understand my original mood?"

She no longer wanted to experience that feeling of despair of being abandoned again.

"Why? Not even an explanation?! Why don't you give me a chance to choose?! Doesn't my wish matter at all?!!!"

As he spoke, Uta suddenly shouted.

Beckman and the others wanted to explain and talked in random directions. In contrast, Crocodile and the others became silent at this time.

Lakilu and Jesus talked about Shanks' difficulties, Hongo, Snake and others talked about their dangerous situation after taking the blame. They were all explaining what happened at that time.

But everyone was saying that their voices overlapped each other and sounded very messy.

Beckman's eyebrows jumped when he heard this, and he quickly stopped Lakilu and the others from explaining. He looked at Uta, whose face became increasingly indifferent, and sighed heavily.

"Although it's not appropriate for me to say this, I still want to tell you, Uta, that Shanks has always been concerned about you."

Beckman's voice was very gentle, just like what Uta remembered from his childhood, but Uta had lost interest in chatting and said indifferently: "That's his business and has nothing to do with me."

The outside world, the real world.

Shanks looked at Uta who finished singing and said with a faint smile: "Uta, the singing is very nice."

He had already seen this scene with his vision of the future, but when he saw Uta pulling Crocodile and the others in, he didn't stop him. Instead, like Link, he stood there and listened to Uta singing.

When the song ended, Uta did not listen to Shanks' praise. Instead, he looked at Link and said softly: "Link, freeze the sea and don't fight on the island."

That group of people has been working very hard to rebuild their home recently, but just the collision between Link and Shanks just now destroyed most of it. If the fight continues, the island will probably be worthless for construction.

"Hey, okay."

Link laughed twice, trotted to the shore, and stirred up the freezing air of the underworld. Two blue slashes crossed the sea, and the nearby sea area was instantly frozen.

Looking at the ice covering a range of several miles, Link nodded with satisfaction. This place should be enough for them to fight.

Looking back at Shanks, he raised Qiushui and pointed at him and said, "Come on, Uta won't let you fight on the island."

With that said, he jumped onto the ice and moved towards the center little by little.

Shanks did not go there for the time being, but looked at Uta and said with a smile: "I originally wanted to talk to you about something, but now it seems I can only talk for a while."

Uta has pulled everyone into the world of songs, and it will definitely be impossible for him and Link not to fight like this.

But Uta just glanced at him, and then continued to look at Link, obviously not taking his words to heart.

When Shanks saw this, he just shook his head and smiled bitterly. He said no more and followed Link.

The two of them were getting further and further away from the island, but Uta's face began to become more and more ugly, but it was not because of this place, but because of the song world.

In the song world, Beckman knew that he could not persuade Uta. After all, the person who tied the bell had to be tied to untie the bell. Shanks could only do this, so he stepped aside, stopped talking, and waited for Link and Shanks from the outside world. The winner is determined by Kekes.

But without Beckman's intervention, Snake and Hongo were still telling Uta how much Shanks had missed him over the years, hoping to give Uta the slightest chance of changing his mind.

As he was talking, Lakilu suddenly said: "But didn't the boss leave you in Eregia so that you could meet Link?"

Lakilu saw that Uta cared very much about Link, so he wanted to use this roundabout tactic.

But it was this sentence that made Uta, who had been ignoring them, suddenly turn his head and look at them with cold eyes.

"This idiot."

Beckman sighed speechlessly and had a headache. There must be a reason why he didn't say this before.

Lakilu also realized something was wrong, but he was not good at dealing with women and didn't know what was wrong.

Gabu behind him also rushed to his side in an instant, covered his mouth, and whispered in his ear: "Have you forgotten what happened in Iregia?"

As soon as these words came out, Laqilu reacted instantly.

Because of the Demon King of Song, there were very few survivors left in Iregia, and Link was one of them. According to Gordon, Link was probably crazy because of this.

Jesus Bu quickly stood in front of Lachilu and said with an apologetic smile: "Uta, don't worry, Lachilu said the wrong thing. We will teach him a lesson when we go back and let him know the consequences of saying the wrong thing!"

As he spoke, he waved his fist, which looked very funny.

After all, he still has a wife and children. Unlike Lachilu, a guy who doesn't understand women, he just knew that Uta was in a bad mood at this time and had nothing to say, so he stayed aside and didn't say much. .

But at this time, if he didn't talk about Lajilu, Uta would be angered, so he naturally had to step forward to smooth things over.

Opposite Uta lowered her head slightly, her hair covering her eyes, making her eyes unclear.

Crocodile and Enelu also stood up and looked at them with cold expressions.

At this moment, Uta suddenly said softly: "I almost killed Link..."

Every time he thought of this, Uta felt as if his heart was being pinched so hard that he could hardly breathe.

"Link... almost died in my hands..."

I just saw that in anime 1068, the young Aunt Lingling finally came out! (But now that Lingling has Hades, she probably won’t give Kaido a chance to reminisce.)

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