Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 349 Bring my wheelchair over here!

On the Star, Uta pushed Link to Gureva's side. Looking at Link who was being checked by Gureva, he asked with some concern: "Gureva, is Link okay?"

Link suddenly fainted. After Uta replied to Shanks, he immediately returned to the Star and asked Gureva what happened.

"It's a small matter, just exhausted. He can just take a nap and be fine."

After a brief inspection, Gureva smiled and reassured Uta.

Link's body just hasn't recovered yet, and he's a bit overused due to excessive use of his abilities.

But it would have been hard to say if Crocodile hadn't stopped the gravel that Shanks had blown away.

After hearing this, Uta sent Link back to rest, and Gureva returned to the small round table, drinking plum wine with a smile.

"Hehe, Link is fine, but Shanks is fine."

They saw clearly what happened just now on the boat, and Gureva happily explained it to Olvia.

Although she was only observing from a distance, Gureva was sure that Shanks would definitely stay in bed for a few days this time.

The fact is just as Gulewa guessed. Shanks, who had just received the promise, did not show up for several days. Link's injury has improved visibly, and he can now run and jump.

Seeing that Olvia and the others were interested, Link smiled and told them what he had heard.

Shanks was tied up by Hongo, and he had been asking Hongo to let him go these days. However, due to the joint refusal of Hongo and Beckman, Shanks could only lie in bed sickly and bored. day.

His open wound had been re-sutured by Hongo, but the bone that had just been reattached was broken again. In order to prevent Shanks from continuing to suffer, Hongo had united a group of crew members. Before Shanks had almost recovered, Won't let him come down.

"So don't worry, Uta, Shanks won't come to bother you."

Link said with a smile.

He didn't mean to hear these things, it was just that Shanks's shout was a bit loud, so he heard it naturally.

Uta smiled and nodded, gently stroking Link's hair.

Several days passed like this, and all the bandages on Link's body had been removed, and his injuries had completely recovered. With the addition of Gureva's special ointment, not a single scar was left on his body.

At this time, Link was happily running back and forth on the Star. He had been wrapped in a bandage for half a month. Suddenly removing the bandage was like being freed from restraints, and his whole body felt very relaxed.

"We can leave here tomorrow, right?"

Olivia looked at Link running excitedly and asked Crocodile in a low voice.

Crocodile heard this but did not give an accurate answer, but said: "You need to ask Link first to see what he thinks."

After all, Link is the captain of the Star Pirates, and he must make the decision about the voyage.

After asking Link, Link felt that he could leave at any time and let Crocodile and the others decide. He himself had pestered Uta to go to the kitchen to watch Uta make cakes.

Link hadn't eaten cake for a long time and was a little greedy.

"Then let's leave tomorrow and choose any route."

Crocodile, Enel and Olvia discussed the time to leave, and no one had any objections, so they decided on the time to leave.

He Kaiwen said, although he was a little unhappy about the departure of the Star Pirates, he still smiled and wished them a safe journey.

That night, the survivors of Saiken Island held a grand banquet to see them off, and everyone on the island participated in it, which was very lively.

"So, Hongo, you are going to the banquet as well, and just let Beckman stay and take care of me."

On a hospital bed on the Redforth, Shanks persuaded Hongo with a smile on his face.

But Hongo was unmoved. He glanced at Beckman beside him and said calmly: "You just want to distract me so that you can find Uta."

Shanks' purpose was so obvious that he already knew what he was aiming for as soon as he opened his mouth, but he still stood up, straightened his clothes and walked towards the door.

"Don't get hurt again."

After saying the last sentence, Hongo left without looking back.

The Star Pirates will leave tomorrow. If Shanks doesn't go, he doesn't know when he will see Uta next time.

Upon hearing this, Shanks immediately smiled and nodded in agreement, then looked at Beckman who was smoking and said: "Quickly, untie the rope! Move my wheelchair over here!"

The wheelchair that accompanied him to victory has been repaired and can still be used.

Beckman held a cigarette in his mouth, untied the rope in a few moments, picked up Shanks, threw him directly into the wheelchair, and pushed him to find Uta.

On the shore, not far from the Star, there was a small fire burning. There were some barbecues next to the fire, and a pot of thick soup was boiling directly above it.

Next to the fire, Crocodile and the others were chatting in twos and threes. Link was holding a big plate and happily eating the cake on it. Uta was sitting next to Link, with gentle eyes and looking at Link with a slight smile.

In the distance, Beckman pushed Shanks over, waved to Uta from afar, and shouted happily: "Uta, good evening!"

But after hearing Shanks's cry, Uta just glanced at him lightly, then ignored him and continued to look at Link.

Crocodile and others did the same. They glanced at it and ignored it, continuing to chat with their companions.

This attitude was very cold, but Shanks didn't care. At least now Uta wouldn't be full of resentment when he saw him. This was a good start for him.

In the blink of an eye, Beckman pushed Shanks to the bonfire. Link looked up and moved directly towards Uta, blocking Shanks and Uta to prevent him from getting closer, and then He continued to eat the cake, but still looked at Shanks from time to time, his eyes full of defense.

Shanks just smiled gently and said hello to Link and the others, but no one responded.

"You guys are really cold."

Shaking his head, Shanks said with a smile.

Beckman behind him had already left to look for Lakilu and the others when they sent him here, and he had no worries at all about throwing the injured Shanks near another group of pirates.

Uta looked at Shanks who was not planning to leave at all, and could only say coldly: "If you have anything to say, please tell me and leave immediately. We don't have any dinner for you here."

Shanks wanted to say a few words to lighten the atmosphere, but looking at Uta's serious eyes, he knew that she was not joking, so he had to smile bitterly and sigh.

He knew that Uta would not forgive him in a short time.

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