"...Are you serious?"

Enilu looked at the irregular golden wall that was three meters long, one meter thick, and his mouth twitched slightly.

Although they are not short of gold, if a corner of this thing is knocked off and thrown into the sea, it will not be recovered and it will be wasted.

Crocodile also understood what Enelu meant, and he said casually with a cigar in his mouth: "So I want you to control your physical strength and domineering power, as long as you don't knock it away."

Pointing to the irregular golden wall, Crocodile stood aside and signaled that he could start.

Enelu still stood there, looking at the big golden wall, and sighed helplessly.

Okay, this can be considered a method.

After moving his wrist a little, Enel walked towards the golden wall.

But before practice, he still had something to do.

A blue-white electric current appeared on his right arm. After approaching, Enelu directly placed his hand on the golden wall.

He wanted to use Lei Metallurgy to make the golden wall neater. The golden wall in front of him was put together by Crocodile with brute force, and it looked very awkward.

Not long after, the golden wall continued to deform under the thunder, becoming extremely regular and looking like a neat square. Then, Enelu began to gather his domineering energy and practice.

Not long after Link fell asleep, he was awakened by a muffled sound.

Looking at Enelu who was trying hard to shake his fist at the golden wall, Link, who was lying on the sofa, twisted around, covered his ears and continued to sleep.

Just like this, several days passed. Crocodile's method was very good. Enel's domineering power has improved significantly. It is estimated that he will be able to master internal destruction in a few days.

But Crocodile made slow progress in learning to foresee the future, and although Daz and Enel took turns using the golden wall, it had no obvious effect.

At this time, on the deck of the Star, Enelu punched the golden wall for the last time, making a huge gap in the wall, then relaxed his body and stopped.

The majestic current was released outwards, and the damaged golden wall was restored to its original state.

Enelu still had a lot of strength, but the Star was about to reach the next island, so he stopped training.

"There are so many trees, hey, it looks like Boss Shiji's experimental island."

Sitting on the bow of the boat, Link held Uta in his arms and kept looking at the island in front of him.

Hearing this, Uta raised his head slightly, looked over, and chuckled softly, saying, "Well, it looks almost the same from such a distance."

An island covered with forest vegetation perfectly meets the inclusion requirements of Shiji Boss Experimental Island.

The reason why Link remembers it so clearly is because he jointly dismantled many of them during training with the Golden Lion, so he has some impressions.

We haven't arrived yet, and this is not the route Crocodile took, so we don't know the name of this island yet.

The island in front is a summer island with dense forests and looks full of life.

Thanks to the excellent performance of the Star, it quickly reached the shore.

However, because the water on the shore was very shallow, the ship could not get closer, so Anilu controlled the Star to fly forward for a certain distance and directly parked the Star on the soft beach, saving them the trouble of anchoring. .

"Finally a less noisy island."

Enelu smiled and picked his ears. The domineering energy of his eyes completely enveloped the entire island, and he heard all the sounds on the island.

There are not many people on this unknown island. There is not even a city. There is only a small village located in the forest a few kilometers in front of them. There are only more than a hundred people. Even the number of people on Angel Island is far away. Compared to it, Enelu sounds very relaxed.

Some people chatted leisurely, but there was no useful information, so Anilu took back his words.

"Daz, there's no need to watch the boat. There aren't many people on this island. I can monitor them at any time."

After saying something casually, Link smiled and hugged Uta and disappeared into the dense forest ahead.

"At least wait until I finish."

Enelu shook his head helplessly, but he didn't care much and jumped directly from the Star.

Olvia and Robin had packed their backpacks, and Gureva was carrying an unopened bottle of plum wine. The three of them walked off the boat together, and Daz followed behind them to protect them.

"I'm going to ask the time it takes to record the pointer and the name of the island. If you feel bored, just play around on the island like Link."

Crocodile spoke to Enelu, and when he saw that he shrugged and had no idea of ​​moving, he turned into yellow sand and disappeared.

A few days ago, before leaving New Sacon Island, Beckman gave Crocodile a simple map, saying that he was repaying the favor of waking him up in the first place.

Because if Crocodile hadn't woken him up at that time, Shanks would have died of excessive blood loss.

However, because of Uta's relationship, even if she didn't call Beckman, Gureva would give Shanks simple treatment and not let him die.

Waking up Beckman would save Gureva some trouble.

But Beckmann felt that this thing was the same thing, so he gave this new world chart drawn by himself.

Almost every island in the Grand Line has recorded pointers, so pirates rarely draw charts.

Moreover, although this simple chart is poorly drawn and the location is not accurate, the things recorded on it are very useful.

Next to the circle that represents the island, the name of the island and the forces behind it are written. The power map of the Five Emperors is clearly visible. Even the name of their Star Pirates is written next to the new Saken Island that is still under construction. name.

However, there are only five sea emperors recorded, and none of the others. I don’t know if this chart is a castrated version or if Beckman looks down on underground forces such as shipping kings or loan shark kings.

After handing the chart to Crocodile, Beckman said that the islands drawn above are only a general direction, and the islands are not complete. It is definitely not possible to sail according to the chart, otherwise they will only go further and further off. .

The greatest value of this chart is the information recorded on it, which gave Crocodile a lot of ideas.

However, he has been practicing these days and has no time to study these. Crocodile has never said anything. Anyway, this thing is not very important to Link. He can just discuss it when he has free time.

Looking at the simple chart in his hand, Crocodile came to a stop outside the village on the island. After a short flight, he quickly found the village on the island.

Walking towards the village step by step, Crocodile did not lower his steps and was soon discovered by the people in the village.

Several strong men looked at Crocodile warily with weapons in hand, seemingly not recognizing him.

And just when Crocodile was about to speak, there was a loud noise in the forest to their left, and a huge golden slash was seen rushing into the sky and disappearing.

I had a headache when I slept with a fan blowing on. Then I slept with the air conditioner blowing on, and I caught a cold and my head hurt even more. Alas...

Say something else.

The results have been gradually declining for almost a month. In order not to oversubscribe, I should resume two updates in the future.

It might be two chapters and two thousand words, it might be two chapters and three thousand words, not necessarily.

At this point, I’ve finished what I wanted to say, see you next time~

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