The coins kept rolling on the fingertips, and the sunlight reflected the golden light on them. Others glanced at it and didn't care.

Gold, this is the most indispensable thing on the Star.

Not to mention the gold inlaid on the hull, the amount of gold in the storage room alone is huge, so much that even if the gold wall of Enel's training weapon is blown away, it won't hurt.

Except for the golden bell left to Nolan on the Island of Gods, the rest of the gold was brought over by Enel.

"...Let's head towards Shuixian Star Island along the road first, and try to find red stones on the way. If you can't find it, we'll talk about it later."

After stopping the noisy Gureva and Enelu, Uta covered Link's ears with both hands and said helplessly.

Link had just fallen asleep, so don't let them wake him up.

The two people who stopped arguing glanced at Uta and nodded. Crocodile thought so too, so naturally he didn't refuse. As for Olvia and Robin, they didn't care about it, not to mention Daz. Well, he never expresses any opinions.

Seeing this, Uta smiled, looked at the chart, and said softly: "Shanks said that the time has not come yet. If you go up early, you may be disappointed and leave, but I don't care about this, and neither does Link, so don't pay attention to it." As for Shanks, we can just be like before."

All they want is the title of Pirate King, and they don't care about other things.

So it doesn’t matter if there is nothing on the island, as long as we reach the final island.

"Oh, I see."

Crocodile nodded to express his understanding. He originally didn't want to listen to Shanks' words. There was no need to listen to those words that he didn't know what to say.

In this way, a not-so-long meeting ended. Although Crocodile still wanted to say something about the red stone, he gave up looking at the sleeping Link.

It doesn't matter if you don't say those words. Anyway, Link will take the initiative to say it when he hears the voice of the historical text. He knows that both Olvia and Robin like that kind of stone.

Enelu left with the table and chairs, Uta took Link to sleep under the shade of a tree aside, Crocodile was still studying the sea chart, Gureva stayed with nothing to do, and Daz arrived further away. Practice quietly in this place.

The archaeological duo conducted another exploration of this small village and initially concluded that this abandoned village had been abandoned for about two hundred years.

Two hundred years is not a long time, and Gureva is already over a hundred years old, so the archaeological significance of this village is of little significance.

But being idle is also idle, and you will naturally take action.

Robin put the Golden Bailey back into her pocket, and first went to the entrance of the cave before, but Robin didn't find anything from inside, so she gave up searching here.

On the other side of the village, Olvia found a yellowed diary in a drawer and learned the reason why this place was abandoned.

Disease, or plague.

No one in the village knew where this terrible plague came from. This highly contagious plague soon contaminated most of the people in the village.

Then, a man named York told the people in the village that a panacea appeared on the sea that could cure all diseases. Although the medicine was very expensive, York planned to bring the panacea back for the sake of the village.

The village was not wealthy, and not many people believed what he said, but the owner of the diary was different. She chose to believe it.

People who were not infected with the plague left the village and lived on the other side of the island, while all the infected people were left behind, quietly waiting to perish.

The same goes for the owner of the diary. As time goes by, she eventually dies with hope and regret.

On the last page of her diary, she wrote: Counting the time, Brother York should be back soon. Haha, what a pity. I can no longer hold on, but there are still many villagers who are still insisting on living. Brother York...

At the end of writing, the handwriting became more and more distorted. It can be imagined that the owner of the diary was very reluctant to even hold a pen to write. Olvia could not recognize the last few sentences, but she could guess what was written. .

The last line of the diary owner should be that Brother York can definitely save the village.

The diary had already turned yellow and became crisp. Olvia turned the pages very carefully. She looked at the wrinkles on the writing on the last page and reached out to touch it.

Is it a tear stain?

Olivia thought so, she closed the diary expressionlessly and put it back where it belonged.

No bones were seen in the entire abandoned village. It may be that people who were not infected came over after a while to help contain them.

After closing the cabinet, Olvia turned and walked out of the room.

The plague is terrible, especially if there are no doctors.

And it wasn't the first time she heard the word "panacea". There were always some strange rumors in the sea.

The most recent one was in Drum Kingdom.

There is a rumor that the witch living in the snow-capped mountains possesses a panacea that can cure everything. However, this is actually spread because of Gureva's superb medical skills and her ability to cure many difficult and complicated diseases.

Therefore, the panacea mentioned in the diary should also be a doctor with relatively good medical skills. If it weren't for the timing, Olvia would have suspected that it was Gureva.

Looking at her white fingers, Olvia sighed silently.

After touching it, I realized that it was the tear stain of a plague carrier. Although it has been about two hundred years, I don’t know if it still carries the plague. I can only go out to see Gureva first. I hope everything is okay. .

With this in mind, Olvia left this time, leaving the room silent again.

Robin on the other side entered the house where the Golden Bailey was buried. The ground in this house was covered with dust, and there were traces of snakes, insects, rats and ants walking on it, which was very conspicuous.

I looked around and saw that although the house didn't have much furniture, it was quite clean except for the dust and cobwebs, which showed how much the owner cared about his home.

After turning around, there was nothing of value except a broken eternity pointer.

He reached out and picked it up, looked through it, and found no writing on it. The pointer was also damaged and could no longer guide the direction. There was no way to know where this eternal pointer was pointing.

"There's no useful information at all."

Reluctantly putting down the eternity pointer in his hand, Robin also left the house.

After she briefly turned around most of the houses, the sky in the west was already faintly red, and the sun was about to set, so Robin walked back.

As soon as she walked back to the camp, she saw Gureva pointing at Olvia and blaming her. Olvia just smiled gently and did not refute.

"...You know there's a plague but you still touch it? What do you think?"

Guleva had already given Olvia some preventive medicine, and checked her carefully. After confirming that she was fine, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to accuse Olvia.

Olvia also knew that what she did was wrong, so she did not refute.

Although there are some animal activities here, many viruses are nothing to animals and are fatal diseases to humans. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that the plague has disappeared just because there are animals here.

Therefore, everyone here took two resistance pills, even Link.

He was sleeping soundly when Gureva came over and stuffed two pills into his mouth without saying a word. Link didn't know what happened and looked at Gureva's back with confusion.

Olvia, who was being scolded, saw Robin coming back out of the corner of her eye, and quickly started to change the subject, trying to save a bit of face in front of her daughter, and said: "By the way, Guleva, I saw in the diary that it was said that at that time... There is a panacea in the sea, does this medicine really exist in this world?"

Guleva saw the request in Olvia's eyes and snorted coldly, saving her some face and not accusing her any more.

"Oh, panacea is a imaginary word. I have told you before that there is no panacea in the world, and there is no medicine that can cure all diseases in the world."

Many diseases have very different reactions to drugs. Even if all the drugs were condensed into one tablet, it would not be a panacea. On the contrary, it would kill people.

Therefore, Gureva disdains the so-called panacea. In her opinion, only a doctor with strong medical skills can be called a panacea.

Just like her.

"However, although there is no panacea, there are still many ways to treat diseases."

After a pause, Gureva glanced at Link, who was still a little overwhelmed, and continued to explain to Olvia: "Like the golden lion back then, even I didn't heal him, but those injuries are very important to Olvia. It’s easy to use the Surgery Fruit and the Rewind Fruit, and Link’s Fruit of Time can also be used to turn back time. These are also panaceas in a sense.”

Robin came over and listened with Olvia.

She didn't find the diary, so she suddenly mentioned it again for some reason.

Gu Lei reached out and handed Robin two pills, told her the cause and effect, and then looked at Olvia dissatisfied.

"I know I was wrong, Gureva, don't look at me like that again."

Olvia smiled bitterly, and then Guleva let her go.

Then, they began to integrate information with Robin and tell each other their findings.

Robin held his chin, and after thinking for a while, he suddenly laughed and said to Olvia: "Mom, that Yorkie might really be back."

The eternal pointer discovered before should be pointing to Kalai Bali, and it is the eternal pointer that allows York to go home.

"That's true, but it seems that this village has not been saved."

Olvia said calmly, and in her mind was how the owner of the note would feel if she knew about this matter. Would she still trust York unconditionally?

"Maybe he didn't bring enough Bailey. No doctor is willing to come."

As he spoke, Robin took out the gold-made Bailey. Under the light of the setting sun, a little red light appeared on it.

This was the only thing of value that Robin found in the entire village. York may have taken this golden Bailey to find the doctor, but in the end he returned without success.

After all, a piece of gold the size of a coin would rarely make a doctor travel across the ocean to treat the plague.

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