The night after the rain was particularly cool, and Crocodile kept thinking until his cigar burned out before he decided not to think about these miscellaneous things.

He threw the remaining cigar into the water in the dirt in front of him, making a hissing sound, and the fiery red light completely disappeared in the night.

Leaning against the sand wall, Crocodile gradually closed his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, it's dawn.

This is their third day in Kalai Bali, which also means that the record needle is about to point to the next island and they can move on.

Kalai Bali has been almost visited by them in the past few days, and the novelty has gradually declined. There is nothing to see on the island.

Uta and others were drinking tea and chatting at the table. From time to time, they looked towards the center of the table, where a record pointer was placed, waiting for it to guide the next direction.

Crocodile is not here. He is going to the village on the island to give some final instructions, and by the way go to the shore to plant their pirate flag.

"Tsk, that's so fast. We have to leave again now."

Guleva sighed, Olvia looked at it, and then directly answered: "You always have to leave, and think on the bright side, when you come back, this place will become more interesting. "

"That's not what I'm talking about."

Shaking her head, Gulewa stopped talking and drank black tea slowly, waiting for the time to come.

After the plum wine was gone, Enel went out to play again and was no longer here. Even if he was asked to go back to the Star to get two bottles, there was nothing he could do.

Although we could contact him through the phone, we were leaving soon, so there was no need to bother with a trip to Alni Road for such a trivial matter, since we would be able to drink again as soon as we boarded the ship.

A few people continued to chat casually. Not long after, Crocodile returned here after finishing his trivial matters. Looking at the record pointer on the table that had not yet pointed to the next island, he was not in a hurry and went straight to the sofa aside and waited calmly. With.

Link was lying on Uta's lap, took her hand, and played with Uta's fingers boredly to pass the time.

The topics they talked about didn't interest Link, so he lay here quietly and looked at the blue sky.

Maybe it was because of the heavy rain yesterday, but the sky was exceptionally bright and clear today.

Link looked at the sky, and from time to time looked at Robin from the corner of his eye, thinking about why the strange sound made him find it annoying.

A few people were still chatting, and Robin noticed Link's gaze and said with a smile: "Link, are you hungry?"

There was a fruit plate in front of her. Robin thought Link was looking at this, so she pushed it towards Uta.

Uta looked at Link lying on his lap, reached out and picked a good-looking apple on the fruit plate, and handed it to Link.

Link also took the apple directly and ate it with a smile.

Crocodile on the sofa had been staring at the record pointer on the table. Seeing that it had begun to change, and the pointer began to point to the next island, he called Enelu back.

It's simple. Enel is listening to everyone on the island, so just call his name.

"Come on, it's time for us to move on."

Gureva stretched, then stood up neatly, and began to clear the things on the table with Olvia.

These will need to be moved back to Elni Road later, so it is convenient to pack them up and move them back to El Nilu.

Enel first brought the record pointer on the table to his wrist, and then turned into lightning and started to get busy.

Uta held Link's hand, and the two of them walked towards the Starship like a stroll. Olvia and others followed behind them, and gradually they all left the abandoned village and disappeared.

A huge sand house standing next to the ruins began to slowly scatter fine yellow sand, and finally collapsed, leaving only scattered sand on the ground.

On the Star, Enel sat on the seat in front of the controller and began to check the remaining power of the Star. Then he poured majestic lightning into the energy room of the Star through the controller, directly filling the power.

Then he placed the record pointer on the tray he had made before, and then began to recline on the seat, waiting for the return of his companions.

It didn't take long, everyone was back in less than an hour.

Link stood on the bow of the boat, shouted "Go" with a smile, and Enel directly pushed the controller forward.

The internal gears of the Star, which had been parked for several days, turned again, and the Star moved in the direction chosen by Link at will.

On the island, some people from the Bali village of Kalai watched the departure of the Star on the shore.

Ron looked at the Star and then at the pirate flag on the shore, full of doubts.

In his memory, isn't Crocodile's pirate flag like this?

Kalai Bali fell into calm again after the Star Pirates left. Then, a few days later, a huge pink figure suddenly emerged from the sea water on the shore. It looked at the island with bright eyes. Arriving at the pirate flag Crocodile planted earlier.

This huge figure was none other than Shirahoshi. She finally convinced her father that day and made Neptune agree that Shirahoshi could go to Kalai Bali, but there was a condition.

"Shirahoshi, it seems that the Star Pirates have left."

Shark Star emerged from the sea water next to Bai Xing, looked at it twice, and said calmly.

That he could come with him was the condition Neptune told Shirahoshi.

Go out, okay, but you must listen to Shark Star and don't approach any suspicious people without authorization.

Behind the two of them, a group of fishmen also appeared. Dan was in front of everyone, holding his chin and looking at the island in front of him.

The fishman behind him is the helper he has recruited these days, otherwise he would definitely be too busy to finish the giant base that the Star Pirates want.

There are also several powerful female fishmen among them. They volunteered to join the Star Pirates after they heard that they were going to build a base.

This is all because Enelu is very popular among the women on Fish-Man Island, so he attracts them here.

In fact, there are more young mermaids who want to come over, but they don't have much energy at first glance, and they don't bother to say what they have in mind, so naturally they won't let them follow.

"Well, it seems that we need to go to the island and draw a map first."

Dan thought in a low voice and said that he could not draw the design until he had a map.

Just as they were about to land, they saw Princess White Star in front of her diving into the water again and swimming away quickly. Shark Star and pet shark Mekaro beside her were startled, and they quickly followed after they realized what they were doing.

So...what's going on?

Dan was a little confused, but fortunately, it didn't take long for the two of them to return here again, but Princess White Star looked very disappointed.

"I thought I could meet Master Link and Master Uta when I came so early..."

Bai Xing said in a somewhat lonely voice. Seeing this, Shark Xing beside him couldn't express his blame, so he could only shake his head helplessly.

They swam around Kale Bali just now and did not see the conspicuous Star on the shore, so the Star Pirates had naturally left the island.

This made Bai Xing feel even more disappointed.

"Hey, forget it, remember not to run around in the future. This is not Fishman Island. The new world is still very dangerous."

Facing this sister, Shark Star couldn't say anything serious, so he could only skip the matter in a few words, took out the bubble coral, and together with Dan, took his compatriots ashore to explore the island.

Bai Xing was still in the sea for the time being. Seeing that Bai Xing was in a bad mood, Mekalo called out "Xiaxia" twice to comfort him, trying to make Bai Xing feel better.

Not far away, there were some Neptune species lurking under the sea. They were a little embarrassed when they looked at the depressed white star.

On the one hand, these sea kings are in a good mood because they don't have to face Link, but because they can't see Link, their kings are in a very bad mood.

They also wanted to say something to comfort the king, but when they thought of Link's smiling figure, they couldn't say anything.

The sea area where the Star was located at this time had clear skies again.

There were no rough waves or storms, and everyone was very relaxed on the deck at this time.

Although the weather along the entire Grand Line is unpredictable, due to the excellent performance of the Star, they have not once experienced trouble due to wind and waves so far.

A large parasol was set up next to the small round table on the deck, bringing a bit of coolness to the people below under the hot sun.

Due to the weather, I drank herbal tea today, but the taste was still as sweet as ever. Enero and Crocodile couldn't get used to it, so Olvia brewed another pot for them separately.

Link and Uta were lying on the deck chairs nearby, hugging each other and enjoying the sea breeze. They were also under the parasol, so they didn't feel the heat.

"Ah, the familiar sea breeze makes us feel as if we are living on the sea."

Gureva drank the herbal tea in the cup directly, and then quickly took out a bottle of plum wine from behind while Olvia was not paying attention, and drank heavily.

Olvia was also attracted by Gureva's words. She turned her head to look at the sea and said with a smile: "We are pirates. Isn't it normal to live on the sea?"

After saying that, he looked back at Gu Lewa who was drinking, and said helplessly: "I prepared the herbal tea just because you said it should be heated. If you drink again, won't it still be hot?"

This is not a winter island like the Drum Kingdom. There is no need to drink wine to keep yourself warm.

But Gulewa seems to be used to it, and she will feel uncomfortable if she doesn't drink for a while.

Remembering that there was a pirate named Wine Barrel on the sea before, Olvia felt that that title was just right for Gureva, much more suitable than this witch.

"If it's hot, drink herbal tea."

Putting the wine bottle on the table, Gureva said nonchalantly.

Robin also turned his attention away from the book, smiled softly, and looked at the remaining herbal tea in the teapot. Seeing that there was not much left, he planned to get up and make another pot.

Then he looked at Link and Uta who were blowing the wind, and asked softly: "What do you two want to eat?"

She was going to the kitchen anyway, so drop by.

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