When a person is not even afraid of death, then is he really not afraid of anything?

This is not necessarily true. The vast majority of people who are not afraid of death are actually afraid of pain. As long as the torture is in place, they can still get the information they want.

After all, only a few people can persist under torture.

The Asier in front of him looked like he wouldn't be able to hold on for long, but there was no guarantee that he wouldn't make a mistake.

Crocodile held his cigar in his mouth and looked at Asier indifferently.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether he wants to make pure gold or not, because he has no intention of continuing to make pure gold, but since Olvia said it just now, it means that she is very interested in these things.

Of course, it’s also possible that they don’t want the pure gold production method to leak out.

But no matter what, since his companions are interested, Crocodile still plans to get these things.

He looked sideways at Daz, who was silent on the side, and asked him, "Miss, what are your two-finger interrogation skills?"

Miss Two Fingers, a former senior agent of Baroque Studio, whose real name is Pola, is a thorn fruit user with excellent interrogation abilities. She was Daz's original partner in Baroque Studio.

Generally speaking, Pola would complete his task very well and successfully get the information out, so Crocodile asked Daz how much he knew about interrogation and whether he could solve the current trouble.

Daz was silent for a while, watching Asier's body look up and down, and finally said calmly: "I can try."

Although he is not a person with thorn fruit ability, certain methods of torture can be used in common.

After saying that, Daz turned his arms into sharp blades and walked slowly towards Asier, looking around as he walked, thinking about where to start.

"Wait...wait! Just kill me! I...I will never say anything!!"

Asier's voice trembled, and he couldn't help but slowly step back as he watched Daz getting closer.

Gureva watched everything that happened in front of her and said cheerfully: "It feels like we are the bad guys in the story."

"Don't feel it. As pirates, we are the bad guys."

Olvia smiled, crossed her arms, and stood behind to watch the excitement.

"Hey, isn't this all caused by a shady guy like you~"

Gureva complained, but Olvia's expression remained unchanged, as if she had not heard her words and was completely unaware.

Seeing this, Gureva stopped talking nonsense and quickly got into the role: "Hey, Daz, do you want me to tell you a few ways to kill it without killing it?"

As a doctor, no one in the Star Pirates knows this better than she does.

But it probably won't be of use. This Asier was frightened just by seeing Daz approaching, and he will probably tell what he knows soon.

Some people think they can accept death calmly, but few people can endure it when it comes to torture.

Things did not go beyond Gulewa's expectation. Before Daz could get close, Asier changed his mind and shouted loudly: "I say! I say! I will take you to find those materials right now!"

Well, even the time was almost as expected by Gureva.

"It's over so soon? You are really a coward."

Enelu said with a slight smile. There was a lizard at his feet that looked like a Tyrannosaurus rex. It was visually estimated to be less than three meters tall.

Next to his legs was a little girl wearing a dark purple dress, who looked to be less than ten years old. At this time, her mouth was blocked by a piece of rag, making her unable to make a sound. She looked at the surrendered Asier with complicated eyes.

Before, Enilu felt the approaching aura from the opposite island. While his companions' attention was focused on Asier, he left instantly and brought another person and the lizard who were approaching constantly. .

Anyway, he can hear the conversation here, and he can know what is happening here after leaving for a while.

Then just when he was about to bring the little girl back, it happened that Crocodile asked Daz to execute her.

Enelu found a piece of rag and blocked the little girl's mouth to prevent her from disturbing Daz's performance. He then stunned the lizard, which could run upright, and brought them all back.

Except for Link, no one else paid much attention to these actions.

At this time, when they heard Enilu's voice, everyone realized that there was a little girl standing next to his legs and a lizard lying behind him.


Asier, who was shaking all over just now, calmed down instantly, forgetting fear and fear. At this time, only disbelief was left in his mind.

The blond girl next to Enelu is his daughter who has been missing for two hundred years!

Robin glanced at Asier gently and said nothing. Gureva looked at Enelu and said with some surprise: "Is this another person? When did you bring her here?"

Because she had been watching the show, Gureva didn't even know that Enelu had left.

"Just now, she was about to climb onto the Star, and I brought her over."

Shrugging, Enelu said easily.

The Star is their ship and their home, so outsiders cannot be allowed to roam around.

Link ignored their words. Asier never answered his question and Link lost interest. At this time, he was holding a small wooden pipe and trying to stand it up on the lizard's body.

After trying for a long time without success, Link finally succeeded in erecting the stick with a little force on his hand.

A small hole was punctured in the lizard's flesh, and the pain instantly woke it up from its coma. It screamed in pain and ran around on the ground crazily.

The sudden wailing instantly made everyone look over. Olga, who was next to Anilu, immediately widened her eyes when she saw it, and kept talking hesitantly, but because her mouth was blocked, she couldn't listen at all. It's not clear what she's talking about.

Uta waved his hands helplessly at them and explained: "Don't worry, it's just that Link woke it up suddenly."

Well, if that approach can be called awakening.

Crocodile and others stopped looking at it and walked towards the Star with Asier.

On the way, he also explained to them the location of the pure gold information.

Enelu saw that he was no longer having fun, so he took out the rag from Olga's mouth, but did not let her go.

Not only Robin heard Asier's muttering just now, but he also heard it.

The person who could make Asier shocked and stunned must have a very close relationship with him. Coupled with their looks, Eniro speculated that this Olga was most likely Asier's daughter.

Therefore, although Asier has promised to take them to find information, there is no guarantee that he will not play any tricks. Only having Asier's daughter in his hands should make him less crooked and avoid causing trouble for them.

This place is not far from the Star. They met Asier as soon as they got off the ship, so they returned to the ship without saying a few words.

Olga asked to bring her lizard named Elizabeth, which was nothing to them, and they could keep the lizard as Link's backup food, so they didn't refuse.

Asier may have been afraid of them, so he never recognized Olga, but his eyes always looked at Olga from time to time, fully revealing his thoughts.

But Anilu ignored this and directly controlled the Star to move in the direction pointed by Asier.

He came in to play. If he thinks too much, he will be like Crocodile, and the fun will be reduced a lot.

"The pure gold information is in Lord Lantern's third stomach bag. I hope you can let us go after you get it."

Although Asier tried his best to distance himself from Olga, he brought Olga in at this time, hoping that Crocodile would let them go.

The reason why I prayed to him instead of Link was because Crocodile's aura was too strong. In comparison, Link looked like a cheerful young man, harmless to humans and animals.

"Tch, bastard daddy."

Olga whispered something, and seeing that no one cared about her, she touched Elizabeth beside her, feeling very heartbroken when she looked at the wound that was still bleeding.

According to Asier, this giant lantern fish has three stomach pouches in total, and the information that interests Olvia is in the last stomach pouch.

Enelu drove the Star and quickly arrived at the destination.

This place is already far away from the 'lantern', so the light is dim, like the dark night that has just ended at dusk.

The color of gastric juice also changed greatly.

There were three stomach pouches along the way. The gastric juice in the first stomach pouch was clear and translucent, the second stomach pouch was a little pink, and in the third stomach pouch, the gastric juice was darker and had turned red.

The three stomach bags are all about the same size, but the stomach bag they are currently in only has one small island, which is also the island that was first swallowed by the giant lantern fish, Alchemy.

That is the hometown of Asier and Olga.

There is a castle on this island. It is not too big. It seems to be about two hundred meters wide. It can only be regarded as a small castle.

Asier's eyes were full of nostalgia, and he followed everyone off the Star, silently leading the way.

Link held Uta's hand and looked at the ground diagonally in front of him. There were also sounds in the ground there that he found annoying.

Why do I suddenly feel like this thing is everywhere?

"It's right in front, but in order to protect the data, I designed some mechanisms. It's been too long, and I have forgotten some things."

Asier said carefully, fearing that his words would cause dissatisfaction among the Star Pirates.

But in fact, he remembered everything here very clearly, but he was still struggling a little, hoping that his agency could stop these people and thus not be able to obtain the information.

On the way here, Asier finally understood why these people didn't panic at all after being eaten by Lord Lantern.

That's because their ship can actually fly! You can follow the Lantern-sama's esophagus back to your mouth and leave here.

This is why Asier wants to continue struggling.

But his daughter is still here, so he can't show it too obviously.

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