Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 390 Please loot this island

Chapter 390 Please... loot this island

Soon, two portions of steak and two portions of fried noodles were served. The portions looked substantial, and a normal man could definitely eat them full.

Although the appearance is average and looks very simple, the smell is not bad.

Uta picked up the chopsticks and took a bite. The fried noodles tasted pretty good. He cut off another piece of steak and put it in his mouth to taste it slowly.

The quality of this beef is not fresh, but it does not mean that it has gone bad. It means that it has been frozen for a long time, so the texture and taste are worse.

After taking two bites, Uta put down his chopsticks, pushed the fried noodles in front of Link, cut all his steaks into small pieces, and handed them to Link.

She doesn't eat much and is full after just a few.

Of course, the main reason is that these taste too ordinary.

Link was eating fried noodles and quickly finished a large plate. When he saw Uta pushing his fried noodles over again, he continued eating.

As for his steak, it had already entered his stomach when it was served.

He didn't even use a knife or fork, and he ate the steak, which was larger than the size of his hand, in two or three bites.

But Link didn't think as much as Uta thought, he just thought it tasted pretty good.

Seeing Link eating happily, Uta smiled, and then looked at the people around him.

Unlike them, the people here seem to live in two worlds.

His whole body was full of fatigue and depression, making Link, who was smiling all over his face, look out of place here.

White, the owner of the steakhouse, held a cigarette in his mouth and leaned against the door. He looked at Link who was dining in his seat and took a heavy drag on his cigarette.

As the owner of this store, even though there were too many customers in the store at this time, White did not step forward to help. Instead, he watched several waiters running back and forth in the store.

In this small shop with a total area of ​​less than 30 square meters, White employs a total of eight people including the chef.

It’s a lot, but you don’t need that much at all.

Two chefs, a front desk and five waiters make the place not feel cold even if there are no guests.

But even so, White still hired so many people, and within his ability, he gave a few more people jobs, and even the wages were higher than ordinary jobs. In this Thunder Island, where almost everyone is working hard to earn Baileys It seems a little different.

Moreover, the low pricing in the store can also allow more people without welfare to eat a reasonably good meal.

Although the store was losing money every day it was open, White still insisted on opening it and raising prices.

He planned to keep it open until the day he went bankrupt, and then the store was completely overwhelmed by the suffocating environment of Thunder Island.

Today, as usual, he was watching the tired people in the store feeling sad and lamenting his own powerlessness, when he saw Link and Uta who were dining.

Because of their lack of concentration, they didn't know when they came. By the time White saw them, Link and Uta were already sitting in the store.

With their blond hair, handsomeness, smiling face, and the beautiful girl with red and white hair who always appeared next to him, White recognized them at a glance.

The same level as Whitebeard who protects Thunder Island, one of the five emperors of the sea today, and the captain of the Star Pirates, Link.

Code name - Star.

Although he didn't know why they came here, White's heart, which had been dead for many years, started to beat again, and an extremely crazy idea flashed through his mind.

However, the price of this idea is a bit high, and White wonders whether the people on Thunder Island can afford it.

But no matter how bad it is, can it still be worse than now?

A sudden hot burning sensation came from his fingertips, which brought White back to his senses. His hand shook and he dropped the small cigarette left on his fingertips to the ground.

Lifting his foot to stamp out the last of the fire, White walked towards Link who was eating with firm eyes.

"Please... sack this island!!!"

White's words were very solemn and his voice was loud. Everyone in the store heard this and looked at White with doubts. Then, they saw Link in front of him.

Thunder Island is in a high-pressure environment, and not many people read newspapers regularly, but after all, he is the Emperor of the Sea, and many people still recognize Link.

Seeing the powerful pirates, these people instinctively wanted to run away, but they thought of White and what he said, pursed their lips, and sat back.

Except for some people who were still looking this way, the rest of them bowed their heads slightly and said nothing.

The atmosphere was very strange, but when a man told a pirate to plunder the island, the residents of the island did not even resist, and some even showed expressions of relief, which made Uta feel very abnormal.

Secretly keeping the reactions of these people in mind, and then looking at White, Uta said calmly: "Why should we do what you say?"

Looting the island, it seems like this has never been done before.

And for some reason, this place reminded Uta of the Drum Kingdom he had visited before, but the atmosphere here was even more depressing.

Link, who was opposite him, had already finished two plates of fried noodles, and was currently eating the steak that Uta had cut. Seeing Uta's reply, he stopped paying attention to White, picked up the plate, and poured all the steak on the plate. Put it in your mouth and chew it.

"...There are many Baileys on this island, and King Arlin has many treasures. The total amount is at least one billion Baileys."

And White could only ask the Star Pirates for this matter. The other pirates did not dare to act recklessly on Thunder Island when they saw Whitebeard's pirate flag. Only Link, who was also the Emperor of the Sea, could not be afraid of Whitebeard.

Moreover, island massacre, looting, and killing were all crimes that the Star Pirates had committed. For them, they must be very skilled in looting Thunder Island.

After White said this, Uta completely understood his intention.

However, this sense of déjà vu is like the drum kingdom of the new world.

The king is not loved, and the people all want him to die. It seems that the king of Thunder Island is not a good person.

Just when Uta was about to refuse, a guest not far away who had remained silent raised his hand with some hesitation and said tremblingly: "I...have a total of 128,650 beli. If you plan to loot, I can hand them over."

He had saved these Baileys for a long time. Although he was extremely reluctant to part with them, he still repeated them firmly.

Others also had complicated expressions on their faces, and they also revealed their savings.

As long as Uta and Link nodded in agreement, they would take out all these Baileys without hesitation.

It looked like a crowdfunding commission.

Uta looked at them expressionlessly, but after a while, he laughed: "We are pirates, but looking at you, you seem to think that we are the navy."

Their intention of taking out these baileys was very obvious. Just like the tactful White, they wanted them to get rid of the kings of Thunder Island and clean up the rotten places on Thunder Island.

In this way, it doesn't matter even if they become helpless, they just want the "sky" of Thunder Island to become bright again.

But this has nothing to do with them.

Bailey, treasure, there is a lot on the Star, they are not lacking at all.

Uta doesn't want to be a hero, she just wants to live a free life with Link.

And are the problems on the island difficult for Link?

It's not difficult at all!

With the power at the top of the sea, Link can even cut the island apart.

But it was meaningless. Thunder Island was just a scenery they passed by. Whether it was beautiful or ugly, Uta didn't want to get involved with Link.

"Even if all Bailey's treasures on the island are added up, they won't be as much as ours. We have no interest in these. You can leave it to others."

With a chuckle, he took out two thousand beli and put it on the table. He took Link, who was watching the show with a smile, and left the steak shop under the complicated eyes of everyone.

Upon seeing this, a revolutionary soldier who was eating here left the shop with a complicated expression and reported this to Bellobetti.

"Is this country already so rotten?"

Bellobetti's voice was a little low. She held the cigarette in her mouth but did not light it. Instead, she looked at the ground under her feet, feeling a little absent-minded.

The problems on Thunder Island are huge, and they are relatively serious in the world.

But Bello Betty has seen many places like this. After all, this world is rotten to the core.

According to the concept of the revolutionary army, is it really possible to make the world no longer full of oppression?

Can the picture Long painted to her really be seen in her lifetime?

Bellobetti was absent-minded for a long time. The revolutionary army personnel in front of her also knew that Bellobetti was in a bad mood, so they did not disturb her and just stayed aside quietly.


Taking a long breath, Bellobetti's eyes became firm again. She was not an indecisive person, but even so, seeing too many such things would still cause her heart to fluctuate.

"Tell your companions to start the mission as planned early tomorrow morning!"

Bellobetti said firmly.

The Revolutionary Army personnel on the opposite side also looked happy when they heard this, but they quickly said hesitantly: "But Army Commander, what about the Star Pirates?"

Moreover, we just said that the operation is suspended, and soon it will be resumed. Many brothers may be confused.

The revolutionary army was still worried, but Bellobetti looked at the flag in the corner and explained calmly: "It doesn't matter, they don't care about this island, and they are unlikely to stop our actions."

Although the information just given was not much, Bellobetti could still tell that the Star Pirates had no intention of paying attention to these matters.

But this is of course, these scum of the sea will not pay attention to this at all.

They will not help the oppressed people to overthrow the king, and naturally they will not interfere in the overthrow of the king by the crowd they lead.

"Tell every partner to prepare for the war before tomorrow, and their respective tasks must be completed!"

When he reached the corner, Bellobetti held the flagpole in front of him with an extremely firm gaze.

"I will lead the people here and let them overturn the boulder pressing on their backs with their own hands!!"

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