"This was the first thing he said after coming to Chambord Islands."

Crocodile replied calmly, stopped temporarily, and looked at the giant holding the phone bug.

This was somewhat different from what he expected. Unexpectedly, the red-haired pirates were not in Elbaf.

Hawkeye, whom they met not long ago, revealed the red-haired whereabouts to them, but they didn't expect that they would leave in just about a month.

It's a pity that I missed it.

Enelu on the side nodded thoughtfully. He first counted the giants that Crocodile had defeated. Seeing that there was still one less than himself, he did not take action again.

"Please give me some face and stop this unnecessary war."

Shanks' deep voice came again, and everyone present stopped and looked at the giant holding the phone bug.

Only Link didn't. He looked at Uta and asked her what she meant, but Uta also looked at the phone bug that heard Shanks' voice, frowning and looking complicated.

After scratching his head, Link also retracted his swords and stood beside Uta again.

We'll talk about whether to fight or not later. Anyway, this big man is not very strong. If he fights, he won't have time to draw his sword.

The Giant King looked at the stopped fight, but there was no hint of joy on his face. Instead, he asked the giant in a low tone: "I don't remember asking you to contact the red-haired minister."

The words of the Giant King made the minister's expression become helpless. He knew why the Giant King said these words, but he just lowered his head slightly and said nothing.

Seeing that there was no answer, the Giant King's anger increased even more.

"Do you think that as the King of Giants, I can't protect Elbaf, so you contacted the red-haired one?"

Elbaf is not an island owned by the Red-haired Pirates, they are just allies, so when the minister contacted the Red-haired pirates through a phone bug, the Giant King felt very embarrassed.

The minister was still silent, the giants present looked calm, and Enelu looked like he was watching a show. In the end, it was Shanks who came to the rescue for the minister.

"Giant King, what the minister means is that there is no need to fight the Star Pirates, resulting in unnecessary casualties. These can be avoided."

Shanks sat on the deck of the Redfors and spoke in a low voice. Through the phone bug, these words were perfectly transmitted to the ears of the Giant King and others.

With an ally on one side and a daughter on the other, it was a bit difficult for Shanks to be caught in the middle. After a little hesitation, Shanks sighed and said again: "Uta is my daughter, so please give me some face, the King of Giants. Stop this fight."

On the sea, there is no news about Uta being Shanks' daughter.

First, Morgans didn't know this. He only sent his men to take pictures of the battlefield after the Battle of Shampoo Islands. Naturally, he didn't hear Shanks' words.

Second, because of the World Government's deliberate concealment, all the navies that participated in the battle were ordered not to reveal the news to the outside world.

Therefore, when the Giant King heard this, his brain couldn't help but froze for a second, and he looked at Uta on the ground in the distance. Her dazzling red hair was indeed exactly the same as Shanks.


"Shanks, you know, I hate people lying to me the most."

And the battle is not over yet, what does it look like to stop now?

Although Link is very strong, giants naturally like to fight strong enemies, and he is not too old to move yet.

"Of course, I'm not kidding about this."

Shanks said with a slight smile. Hearing that the long-disappeared sound of fighting here no longer sounded, his frown gradually relaxed.

"I'm not your daughter, Shanks."

Uta's plain words came faintly, which made Shanks, who had just relaxed, feel a little helpless and said: "For some reasons, Uta is angry with me, but she is my daughter."

There is no doubt about this.

"Minister, can you hand the phone bug to the Giant King? I have something to say to him."

As for Uta, let’s talk to her after talking to the Giant King.

The minister agreed, quickly ran towards the Giant King, and handed the phone to the Giant King.

The Giant King looked at the red phone bug in front of him, frowned and pondered for a few seconds, and then took it.

Sauro on the side breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. He felt that based on the current situation, the battle should be over.

"Robin, you seem to have a very powerful partner."

Sauro sighed, understanding that Robin would not be bullied even if he followed such a companion at sea.

"Haha, of course, Link is the Emperor of the Sea."

Robin laughed twice and said something like showing off.

Normally, Robin doesn't value fame very much, but after seeing Sauro, whom she thought was dead long ago, she still couldn't help but want to show off.

The giants in the distance began to pick up their companions on the ground and send away the wounded who were knocked down by Enelu and Crocodile. Otherwise, they would be distracted if they fight again later.

Uta ruffled Link's hair, and then began to tidy up his clothes that were messed up by the wind. The Giant King in the distance looked very ugly as he listened to Shanks' voice on the phone.

But in contrast, Enelu's smile here was even brighter.

"Stop it, King Giant. This battle should never have happened in the first place."

Shanks' tone was low, but the Giant King looked at the fallen branches around Adam and replied coldly: "They destroyed Adam, you should know what this means."

Shanks, who had spent some time on the Island of Giants, certainly understood the importance of Adam, so he couldn't help but remain silent.

After a while, he slowly said: "Is Adam seriously damaged?"

Is it serious? It's not serious.

Link's slash did not directly hit Adam, but the remaining force blew down the dead branches at the top of the tree, and not many fresh branches were broken.

"It's not a matter of seriousness, it's that they broke Adam."

The Giant King also said calmly, but as soon as these words came out, Shanks immediately understood that Adam's damage was not serious.

"Forget it, Giant King. I don't want to attend your funeral when I go back. I may even have to mourn for the ruined country."

Shanks had already said this very clearly, and the Giant King's expression immediately became particularly ugly.

Glancing at Link who was smirking in front of Uta, the Giant King's expression became a little ugly again, and he said in a low voice: "You mean a pirate group of less than ten people can destroy the entire Elbaf?! "

As the most powerful country in the world, Elbaf's strength is not demonstrated by bragging, but by fighting with tyrannical strength.

Having just fought against Link, the Giant King felt that although Link was strong, he was not strong enough for him to look up to. In other words, although the winning rate was low, he still had the possibility of winning.

But according to what Shanks said, let alone winning, he might even take on the entire Elbaf because of it, which made the Giant King very unbelievable.

"You should know something about my strength. I fought with Link before, and I was almost killed by Link that time."

Shanks' words made the Giant King breathe a little heavier, but Shanks hid one thing, that is, Link was almost killed by him.

But it's not a big problem, he didn't lie, he just didn't tell the whole story.

"Link is very strong, Enel and Crocodile are not weak either, and Uta, her ability can directly determine victory or defeat, so just think of it as a favor to me and stop fighting."

These words made the Giant King silent for a long time, and finally said with a hint of bitterness: "Okay, I understand."

Shanks gave him a step up, and the Giant King didn't lose face, but it made him lose a lot of his energy.

As the king of Elbaf, the king of the most powerful country in the world, if his strength is not the strongest in the world, then how can this be considered the strongest country?

As if he had aged dozens of years, the Giant King's back was bent a lot.

Then, according to Shanks' wishes, he threw the phone bug to Uta, said hello, and left alone after saying that the fighting had stopped.

Upon seeing this, the minister hurriedly followed. Although he didn't know what Shanks and the Giant King said, the Giant King was in a very wrong state at this time, which made him very worried.

The rest of the giants look at me and I look at you, and they all plan to leave with the Giant King.

However, Crocodile built a wall of sand to stop them.

"We and Red Hair are not accomplices. When did we say we would give him face?"

An arm turned into a diamond sword and slashed down at a giant, knocking the giant unconscious to death, equaling the number of people knocked down by Enelu.

"Hahaha, Crocodile, you have learned it too."

Enel was laughing on the sidelines, but he was not in a hurry to launch an attack, because Crocodile had just tied at this time.

"What's the point of learning? I just haven't had enough fun."

Crocodile said calmly, which made Enel feel even more amused.

Appeared, Crocodile and Gureva's unique tough words.

Smiling, Enelu suddenly remembered that it seemed that the fight had been going on for so long, but Gureva and Daz hadn't appeared yet.

Daz, who has always been good at fighting, shouldn't have been late, so was it because he was in trouble that he didn't come?

After taking a quick look at the situation, he immediately discovered that in the city where a large number of giants were unconscious, Gureva and Daz were still shopping leisurely.

"Oh, these two guys."

Shaking his head and sighing, Enelu smiled as he looked at the roaring giants opposite him, raised his arm, and blue-white electricity began to surge on it.

Crocodile caused a lot of noise at the beginning, so even from a distance of several hundred meters, Uta's location still sounded very clear.

Of course, Shanks on the other side of the phone had heard about it. He shook his head helplessly, smiled bitterly at Uta and said, "Uta, the Giant King should have left. Let's forget about this battle."

But Uta just looked at the red phone bug and said calmly: "You should ask Link about this, and your face doesn't matter here."

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