I don’t know if it’s because all his thoughts are on Link, but in Uta’s eyes, the sea is actually not very interesting.

But it’s not boring either.

"In general, but I don't recommend you to go to the sea."

Shaking his head, Uta said softly.

Tiru's personality is not suitable for sailing on the sea.

Although the basic strength of the giant is good, Tylu doesn't like fighting, so she is definitely a little weaker than the normal giant. In addition, she is very trusting of others, and it is very likely that she will help count the money when she is sold.

"That's it, okay then."

Tilu didn't think that Uta was lying to her, so she gave up the thought she had just had and no longer wanted to go to sea.

The farewell here is still going on, and the farewell on the other side has just begun.

Robin found Sauro who was staying in the library, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he told him about his departure.

"It's time to go. It's good. There is nothing in the Giant Country that makes you want to stay here for a long time."

Sauro said with a smile, looking at Robin who was hesitant in front of him, and let out his unique laugh again.

"Go, Robin, and find your companions!"

This sentence was similar to what he told Robin at the beginning, which made Robin's thoughts slightly dazed. After a while, Robin nodded vigorously and looked at Sauro and laughed.

The sea is vast, and one day a companion will appear to protect you.

By the time Robin arrived at the shore, everyone on the Star had been waiting for a while again.

Link was guarding a big bag, and Tilu finally forced some of the dried meat she had collected into Link.

It's not much, it's just a package about the same size as Link. It's not even enough for Link to eat, so it's really a snack.

Crocodile and others also had one in their hands, and they ate and waited.

The only exception was Gureva. She didn't eat it because it was a bit hard and difficult to chew, so she rejected it.

Olvia stood in front of the fence, holding a small piece of dried meat in her hand, eating it carelessly, looking towards the shore from time to time, but suddenly she saw Robin's figure from a distance.

"I've finished saying goodbye."

Olivia said with a smile, and then stretched out her arm to wave to Robin.

Robin in the distance also smiled when he saw this, and couldn't help but move a little faster.

In fact, according to Olvia's opinion, Robin should have a lot to say to Sauro, because after this separation, it will be difficult to see him again. After all, they will probably not come to Elbaf again.

Speaking of Sauro, Olvia was also a little grateful to him, because if Sauro hadn't secretly released her, she would have died on that warship like the more than thirty companions who were captured together. superior.

But that was it, her gratitude to Sauro was not as deep as Robin's, so she just said a few words before leaving.

"Sorry to keep everyone waiting."

Robin returned to the deck of the Star, said a little apologetically, and then returned to his seat at the small round table.

"It's okay, it didn't take long anyway."

After biting off a piece of beef jerky with great effort, Enelu said casually.

Afterwards, when Link stood on the bow of the ship and loudly said "Let's go," Enelu then moved forward in the direction of the record pointer.

The dazzling Star gradually moved away from Elbaf and headed towards the next island.

When the Giant King got the news, he didn't say anything. He just drank a large barrel of wine in a muffled voice.

The treasure tree Adam stands tall on the land of Elbafu, and the top branches flutter gently with the wind, making a little noise.

Link on the Star was still holding a piece of beef jerky in his mouth, but he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of Elbaf, with some confusion gradually appearing on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Link's movement was a bit big, which attracted the attention of many people on the deck. Uta looked over and found nothing, so he asked directly.

The same is true for Crocodile and others. At this time, the Star has not left the sea area near Elbaf. Looking back, the giant tree running through the sky and the earth is very conspicuous, but after watching it for so many days, I don't think there is anything strange. .

"It seemed like someone just said goodbye to me?"

This sudden goodbye made Link a little confused, and he couldn't figure out who could say this.

"Goodbye? Will it be Tilu?"

Uta guessed and said, because in the entire Elbaf, no one except Tilu would say goodbye to Link.

But Link shook his head. Although the goodbye he heard was a female voice, it was not Tilu's voice.

"It seems...a tree."

Link tilted his head strangely and looked at the big tree.

Before hearing goodbye, there was a short murmur. Again, Link couldn't hear clearly what was said, but this murmur was only uttered by the big trees on the island.

It was as if the first half of the sentence was deliberately not heard by Link, and then the second half was said specifically to him. It was very strange.

"Adam is saying goodbye to you?"

Not to mention Uta, even Crocodile and others felt a little strange about this and looked over curiously.

But without Link's talent, they couldn't hear anything at all.

Enel's first thought was how trees could talk, but when he thought of Link's weird ability, he still didn't say it.

According to Link's description, both autumn water and spring rain can talk, so it is not unacceptable for such a huge tree to be able to talk.

"Okay, bye!"

Link, who couldn't figure it out, smiled and waved to Adam, but this time Adam didn't respond, and Link didn't bother to think about it, so he ignored it.

Crocodile was left standing looking at Elbaf's treasure tree Adam, wondering why it suddenly greeted Link.

However, after the treasure tree Adam was no longer visible in his field of vision, Crocodile only came up with a few outrageous guesses. In addition, Adam had no impact on them, so Crocodile stopped thinking about it.

Treasure Tree Adam said some words on the land of Elbafu. Then, he no longer imitated the sound of ordinary trees, but naturally made its original sound.

The sound is light, energetic, and very nice to listen to.

However, no one can hear these sounds except Link.

But the sea voyage of Link and others became a bit dramatic.

It turned out that the Star had been sailing for several days, and everyone on the ship was living a life similar to usual as usual.

But after leaving Elbaf, when it was Crocodile's turn to watch the night for the second time, he discovered a very strange thing.

That is, there is something wrong with this huge record pointer bought from Elbaf. It seems to be an eternal pointer? !

After another study, Crocodile's mouth twitched slightly, and he was finally able to confirm that the one in front of him was indeed the eternal pointer.

Not only is there only one pointer on it, but more importantly, there is a line of words at the bottom of the pointer's frame, where the name of Beehive Island is written.

So Crocodile looked at the eternal pointer pointing to Beehive Island and thought about it all night, but he couldn't figure it out.

That's why, even though Enel has been sailing on the sea for a year, he can still buy the wrong record pointer and eternity pointer?

"Huh? I don't know!"

When questioned by Crocodile at breakfast the next day, Enelu replied with this sentence.

He really didn't know that he bought the wrong thing.

"You can make such a simple mistake. Do you want me to prescribe you some medicine for your brain?! Hahaha..."

Gulewa laughed so hard that she even slapped the table, laughing wildly.

Daz had a sullen face and tried to control himself not to laugh.

Enilu's face stiffened, he waved his hand, and immediately said: "Forget it, leave your medicine to Link, I have a good mind."

"Link can't be cured, but you still have a chance."

Gureva was still laughing and teasing, and Robin also chuckled twice. Only Olvia looked at everyone helplessly and said softly: "But didn't everyone find out after Crocodile said it?"

"You're right! No one noticed it, either!"

Hearing Olvia's help, Enelu immediately cheered up and winked at Olvia to express his gratitude for her assistance.

And speaking of Link, Enel also remembered why he made the mistake in the first place, so he said without hesitation: "The wrong pointer was all because of Link! If it weren't for him, I would never have been able to tell the difference!"

At this time, Link and Uta hadn't gotten up yet, so naturally they couldn't refute, so Anilu explained to everyone how he bought the pointer.

When he was about to ask the price, the store owner was stunned by Link's overlord-colored domineering energy, otherwise he would have told him that it was an eternity pointer rather than a record pointer.

Then, when he was sending the pointer back to the Starship, Link and the giant suddenly started fighting, so he went to help so that he didn't have a chance to check the pointer.

"So to sum up, everything is Link's problem!"

Enilu spoke plausibly and refused to admit that he would make such a stupid mistake, so he took the blame completely.

After hearing Enel's explanation, Olvia said helplessly: "So, you just took a pointer without asking at the beginning. Isn't this still your problem?"

"Who are you helping?"

Enelu said speechlessly.

Although he made some mistakes, was there nothing wrong with Link?

Crocodile shook his head as he listened. Seeing that Enel was still going to argue, he had to stop him: "Okay, stop talking, I don't blame you. Anyway, the Beehive Island is right ahead. It doesn't count as turning back. I will buy it when the time comes." A record pointer would be nice.”

Enelu also knew that everyone was joking, so he didn't pay much attention to it, and this matter was indeed his problem.

"Hey, I'll pay attention next time."

After saying this, Gureva on the opposite side immediately took out a potion filled with transparent liquid from her pocket and threw it to Enelu on the opposite side.

"Hey hey hey, drink it, don't worry about your brain."

Gureva said with a strange smile, Enelu took the potion and twitched the corner of her mouth slightly.

"...That's almost it."

Even so, Enelu sighed, took off the cork of the bottle, and drank it.

Although he didn’t know what was inside, Gulewa would not harm him.

Tsk, don’t tell me, this potion is quite sweet.

"What did you give him to drink?"

Robin on the side was a little confused. Gureva looked at Enelu who drank the potion without hesitation and smiled softly before she began to answer Robin's question.

"The ingredients are a bit complicated, but you can think of it as sugar water."

This was what she used to relax her nerves when she was studying sleepless mushroom headaches, and it worked very well.

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