Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 417 Letter from Neptune

"No, even powerful swordsmen can't do it. A second black sword has appeared in this era. Those swordsmen who know the power of the black sword will probably go crazy with envy."

Crocodile said calmly. He relatively knew what the black knife meant and patiently explained it to Enel.

Link was still sleeping, so their discussion was not too loud, and they all deliberately lowered their voices. Chunyu was held in Uta's hand and was watched by everyone.

After looking at it for about ten minutes, Uta took it back and hung it on Link's waist again.

The fact that Chunyu turned into a black knife had actually been expected by them, but they were a little surprised because they didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

After observing for a while, they dispersed.

That day, Link slept until very late. When he woke up, the sun had already set for a long time. It took a lot of energy to turn the spring rain into a black knife, so it was like this.

But it was already time to sleep, but Link had just woken up, so naturally he wasn't sleepy.

After Link finished the small cake prepared by Uta, Uta directly brought Link into the world of songs and put him into forced sleep.

This way, Link's routine won't be disrupted.

In the song world, Uta and Link stood among the stars, illuminated by countless stars. Countless stars filled the dark world, which looked particularly dreamy.

Uta likes to look at the stars very much, so in her singing world, if there is no special reason, the sky is always filled with countless stars.

Then, the next day, because of using the ability for a long time, it was Uta's turn to not get up...

Elbaf, shore.

A man in a white robe wearing a mask was looking up at a giant and asking for information.

"The Star Pirates? You are asking about the pirates who appeared in Elbaf a few days ago. Those guys have already left."

The giant looked at the stack of baileys in his hand and said casually.


The masked man couldn't believe it. You must know that he came all the way from Mariejoia to Elbaf just to find the Star Pirates.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived at Elbaf, he learned that the Star Pirates had left, which made his face under the mask become a little distorted, and finally turned into a long sigh.

CP0 is the world government's most powerful intelligence agency that is superior to CP1-CP9, and he is a member of CP0.

The reason why he came to Elbaf was because he received a mission from the Five Old Stars.

That is to find the Star Pirates, ask the singer Uta among them, about her relationship with the red-haired Shanks, and confirm whether she is also a member of the Felangard family.

So when the masked man received the mission, although he was very reluctant, he set off immediately.

Because he knew that this matter really needed to be confirmed as soon as possible, and among all the CP0 members, no one was more suitable than him.

But after finally finding out where the Star Pirates were, he rushed over as fast as he could but was still a step too slow.

After scratching the red hair that leaked out from behind the mask, the masked man had no choice but to throw out another pile of baileys and asked again: "How long have they been gone?"

Hopefully it won’t be too long, which will give you some opportunities to catch up.

Seeing that there was another pile of Baileys in his hand, the giant fell silent for a short time, and then slowly said: "About ten days, I can't remember clearly, but it is about that many days."

After hearing the giant's answer, the masked man smiled bitterly again and said helplessly: "Ten days, this is really difficult. I don't know where I am and I don't even know which direction to pursue."

His voice was not high, it was just a soliloquy that he was having fun in.

However, the giant and the masked man opposite were very close to each other. Although the height difference was very large, in order to facilitate communication, the giant was sitting on the ground at this time, so he heard his words.

Weighing Bailey in his hand and looking at the sad masked man in front of him, the giant thought for a moment and then said, "I know where they will go."

The next place that the Star Pirates are going to is not a secret in Elbafu, because the shop owner told him about the eternal pointer that Enel took away, so many giants know that the Star Pirates are heading towards Beehive Island advances.

The masked man was still sighing. He was overjoyed when he heard this. He took out five or six piles of Baileys and put them in the giant's hands. He said excitedly: "Where did they go?! Just tell me and I will give them to you." Five hundred...no, ten million Baileys!!"

These are just small sums of money to the masked man, even if they are doubled ten times, it will not be much.

But the giant just smiled and returned all the Baileys to the masked man. In his confused eyes, he laughed again.

"I know some things about the sea. Your outfit looks like CP0, right? Being able to join it means you are very powerful, so the information you got is very simple."

The giant stood up, shook his neck, and looked at the masked man with eyes filled with fighting intent.

"Fight with me. As long as you are strong enough, I will tell you everything I know for free!"

Laughing, the giant couldn't wait any longer.

Since we are in Elbaf, we should communicate in the Elbaf way!

At this time, the masked man looked at Bailey who was thrown back into his hand, and then looked up at the high-spirited giant with a confused look on his face.


Intelligence is not bought, but beaten? What kind of bullshit method is this? !

On the Star, Uta didn't know that CP0 was looking for her because of Shanks. At this time, she was making a cake for Link.

The movements looked extremely skillful, which was the result of experience she had gained from repeating them countless times.

Link sat aside, eating baked cookies, and waited not so quietly.

These sounds have no effect on Uta, because Link is already much quieter like this.

It didn't take long for Link to eat all the cookies, but fortunately Uta's cake was also ready, so Link continued to eat without stopping.

Uta sat opposite, holding his face in his hands and watching Link eat with a smile.

This is basically the life that Link repeats every day.

He eats, sleeps, and plays. If he hadn't always given his life back, Link's body shape would probably be closer to Charlotte Lingling's now.

And while Link was eating the cake, Olvia walked in with a huge envelope.

After glancing at Link, Olvia walked towards Uta with the huge letter and handed it to her.

"This was sent by a Neptune. It should have been given to you by Shirahoshi."

Olvia said with a smile, watching Uta begin to open the letter.

No one except Shirahoshi, who is the Neptune, can send messages using the Neptune type.

And there was a very interesting scene outside just now. When the messenger Neptune surfaced, his expression looked particularly frightened and pitiful.

Although it has a body size of more than 400 meters, which makes the Star look petite next to it, it still shows this expression.

Especially after surfacing, the look of relief when seeing Link's absence on the deck was even more amusing.

"Did something happen to Bai Xing?"

Opening the envelope, Uta said casually, but then gave up the idea, because Neptune had a phone bug that could contact them, so if something happened to Bai Xing, they would have received the news.

Opening the huge envelope, there was a larger piece of paper inside. He spread it out on the floor, and what he saw was dense writing.

The handwriting looked a bit immature, and with the preface, it seemed that it was written by Shirahoshi himself.

"To Lord Link and Lord Uta, whom we haven't seen for a long time..."

There were no outsiders here, so Uta began to read the letter aloud, so that Link, who was eating the cake, could also know what Shirahoshi wrote.

"With my father's consent, I have arrived at Kalai Bali to protect everyone's safety. Now I am a reliable mermaid princess and no longer a crybaby..."

As he spoke, a smile gradually appeared on the corner of Uta's mouth. Link tilted his head, chewing the cake in the air, and looked at Uta standing next to the huge letter, listening quietly.

"The foundation of Kalai Bali has been completed for some time, and a prototype of the base has also appeared. With everyone's hard work, it should be completed in a few months..."

The first half of this letter is about the current course of action in Kalai Bali, and the second half is about some interesting things that Shirahoshi recently encountered in Kalai Bali. They are all written in it.

For example, she also ate the sour apple that Enel picked earlier, which made Shirahoshi hate apples for a long time.

She and her Neptune companions drove away some pirates, but because Kale Bali had their pirate flag, not a few groups of pirates came to harass them.

The Neptune class also discovered a gold mine on the seabed near Kalai Bali, which directly solved the problem of gold needed for base construction.

However, Bai Xing said that Brother Shark Star and Uncle Dan both thought they discovered it by chance, but in fact, only Bai Xing knew that this was because the Neptunes were unwilling to go to Lord Link, so they used Kale Bali as the center and spread outward little by little. Found by search.

Bai Xing originally wanted to come to them and pick up some gold while meeting her and Link, but none of the Neptunes wanted to come.

Although Shirahoshi could order them, Shirahoshi couldn't do this, so the matter ended in nothing.

Even the Neptune type who sent the message this time was the Neptune type that Shirahoshi had been talking to for a long time before he was willing to come.

"...Finally, I hope to see Master Link and Master Uta when the base is completed. - Shirahoshi Kinkai (Brave Shirahoshi is not a crybaby (*^▽^*))"

It took some time for Uta to finish reading the letter.

Looking at the content in the brackets, Uta laughed directly.

"You still look like a child, Shirahoshi."

But Shirahoshi is just a child now, so there's nothing wrong with that.

Olvia also smiled gently at the side and said softly: "Shirahoshi seems to be much more cheerful after leaving the hard-shell tower."

I just don’t know if this is only true for Link and Utta.

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