Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 428 Still Can’t Change

The next day, Crocodile waited until noon, when Uta and Link woke up, and told them this.

Uta nodded and did not refuse. Naturally, Link would not refuse, because this was much more interesting than fishing.

In the Song World, Uta built a platform the size of a medium-sized island, allowing Crocodile and Link to fight on it.

She was sitting on a chair floating in mid-air, drinking coffee leisurely.

"But, what are you all doing here?"

Uta sighed and said with some confusion.

At this time, there were also many people sitting around her, all sitting on chairs in mid-air, looking down with interest.

Everyone is here except Daz who is outside watching the boat.

But this may have advantages and disadvantages for Daz. Although he couldn't see the battle, at least he could listen to Uta's singing, which was not a loss.

"Of course, look at Crocodile's current strength."

Gureva said with certainty, she just wanted to see how big the gap was between Crocodile and Link.

The fight hadn't started yet, so Anilu didn't look over. Instead, he looked at the fruit plate in mid-air in front of him and took the apples.

In Uta's song world, all the food is more perfect than in reality, so although he came to watch the battle, Enelu mainly wanted to come in and eat apples.

Below, Link pulled out Qiu Shui and Chun Yu, looked at Crocodile, and asked with a smile: "Do you need me to use all my strength?"


Crocodile nodded, took a deep breath of his cigar, then loosened his tie, and said again: "Otherwise, there will be no point in fighting you."

He just wanted to find out how far he was from Whitebeard.

"Hey, okay."

Link laughed, and his figure disappeared instantly. The next second, Qiu Shui's dark blade slit Crocodile's throat and chopped off his head.

In the song world, their attacks cannot kill each other.

Except Uta, because here, Uta is the master of everything.

"It's very fast."

Link said with a smile, and the chopped head instantly shattered into sand.

From the beginning, Crocodile was prepared to prevent Link's sudden attack after deleting time, so he had already avoided it by elementalizing it in advance.

The arm turned into a huge sand blade and slashed directly at Link beside him. The dark armed color domineering flow continued on it. Crocodile used the advanced skills of the armed color to destroy internally.

Link just laughed when he saw this, and the fiery red domineering aura immediately wrapped around the two swords. Without any intention of avoiding, he struck directly in front of Crocodile.

The powerful overlord-colored entanglement produced a strong coercive force, making Crocodile unable to use elemental dodge. When the sand blade pierced Link's abdomen, Crocodile was also slashed by the sky fire and flew a thousand meters in an instant.

"Hey, it's true, Link is always so messy."

Uta smiled helplessly. Although you will not die when fighting in the song world, the pain still exists. Gureva also said that Link is not in pain, but he is very tolerant of pain. This is why Uta doesn't like Link. Reason for fighting.

Enel was laughing while eating an apple. If the song world hadn't been unable to connect to the outside world, he would have wanted to record Crocodile's embarrassing scene.

Gulewa looked at Link who was indifferent to her wounds and sighed deeply. It was hard for her to imagine what she had gone through to make Link look like this.

Crocodile, who was cut down below, smashed a big hole in the ground when he landed, which shows the power of Skyfire.

His Armed Color Haki is like paper in front of Link's attack. It's not that his Armed Color is not strong, but that Link's Overlord Color Coil is too strong.

Two parallel wounds appeared on his chest, like a crooked equal sign. The bones on Crocodile's chest were directly cut off by this blow, revealing the heart that was still beating slowly underneath.

This blow was painful, more painful than the fire from the sky he had endured last time in Alabasta.

Link's Wisdom Killing blocked his vision of the future, preventing him from seeing what would happen next. Otherwise, he would probably give up the attack and avoid Link's Sky Fire.

"It's really strong."

With a low chuckle, Crocodile used Life Return to put the separated wounds back together to prevent excessive blood loss.

The broken bones were not taken care of, but a few bones would not affect the rest of the battle, so there was no need to waste energy on them.

There seemed to be a faint sound of piercing the air above his head, and the sound of the air being torn apart made Crocodile's hair stand on end.

Quickly turning over to dodge, the yellow sand created by the erosion cycle immediately protruded upwards and turned into a sharp sand thorn, stabbing towards Link.

"It's very slow."

Whether it's Crocodile's turning over or the decent sand spurs emerging, everything is very slow in Link's eyes.

It's not that they've slowed down, it's that Link has sped up along with time, and the rest have been lost to time.

Link just turned the blade with a smile, and Qiu Shui slashed towards Crocodile's leg.

The calf below the knee flew out directly, but no blood flowed out. The calf instantly turned into countless sand nails and continued to shoot towards Link.

Holding Chun Yu, he quickly split all the sand nails, and Link felt a little strange.

"You shouldn't be able to see the future. How do you know I will cut off your legs?"

Link was very confused. At this time, flying sand appeared behind him, and Crocodile's figure instantly condensed behind Link.

"Use your brain."

After saying this, his arm turned into a desert sword and slashed towards Link's body again.

When he felt Link's attack before, Crocodile had already calculated everything, including his attack.

"Use your brain?"

Link was a little puzzled when he heard this. He was stunned for a second. Crocodile, who could not keep up with the flow of time, only had a short moment in their eyes, allowing his attack to successfully hit Link's body. They were still thinking. Link flew away.

"Yes, use your brain."

Crocodile said calmly as he watched Link flying backwards.

However, his deliberate attack on Link did not cause too much damage to him. It only caused a huge wound on his upper body.

This kind of injury is nothing to them.

After flying backwards, Link used the Moon Step to stabilize his body, and then sat directly on the ground. He didn't even look at the wounds on his body. He just scratched his head with a smile and said casually: "It's so troublesome."

Yellow sand continued to flow out of the wound along with the blood, but there were still some flesh wounds stuck inside, which looked particularly conspicuous.

Uta was speechless in mid-air, holding his forehead. He really didn't expect that Link would be beaten because of this.

Enelu raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Krokdal actually took advantage of Link. It's quite impressive."

"That's awesome. Isn't this just bullying Link's bad mind?"

Gulewa immediately began to retort when she heard Enilu's exclamation, her tone was extremely disdainful.

Olvia on the side smiled and shook her head, and said to Gureva: "The important thing in fighting is the result, not the process."

Although she also felt that Crocodile was a bit of a bully, Crocodile's quick mind was also his advantage.

Link on the ground was still thinking. After about four or five seconds, he stood up and said with a smile to Crocodile in the distance: "I don't want to anymore, I'd better fight my way."

As soon as he leaned forward, Link's figure disappeared again.

Crocodile's hanging arm was constantly dripping yellow sand. Although the sound was small, it was still very obvious to Crocodile's senses.

Just when Link leaned forward, a lot of yellow sand dripped from his arm instantly. Crocodile realized that Link had used his ability, and he was familiar with Link's past fighting habits. The desert sword reappeared and was facing him instantly. Strike behind.

Sure enough, the sand knife covered by the continuous flow of armed haki hit Link's autumn water and spring rain, blocking the attack.

"That's awesome, Crocodile."

The attack was blocked, and Link behind the two swords said with a smile. He didn't expect that Crocodile, who couldn't use the sight and color, could still do this.

"Heh, you're stronger than I thought, Link."

Crocodile said calmly, while his heart sank.

As both Sea Emperors, Link and Whitebeard should be about the same strength, but facing Link, Crocodile tried his best to fight like this. So far, he has not seen the possibility of winning.

So facing Whitebeard, even with the potion given by Gureva, can he really win?

Crocodile's heart sank to the bottom, but the battle would continue. Fighting with Link could not distract him at all. Just calculating how to deal with Link took up almost all of Crocodile's brain.

The battle lasted from noon to night, and Crocodile was finally defeated, but he was not discouraged because from the beginning, Crocodile knew that it would be difficult for him to win.

Crocodile caused a lot of injuries to Link and even cut off half of Link's arm before he was finally defeated by Link.

But no matter what, he could not defeat the Sea Emperor at this time.

However, Whitebeard is now old and may not be stronger than Link. Thinking this way also makes Crocodile feel a lot less pressure.

"Really, why can't I get rid of this habit?"

Uta and Link sat face to face. Looking at Link's missing half of his arm and the injuries on his body, Uta was extremely helpless. He stretched out his hand and touched Link's body. All his wounds disappeared instantly and he recovered as before.

The same was true for Crocodile in the distance. Seeing the changes in his body, he couldn't help but nodded to Uta to express his gratitude.

But after Uta helped Crocodile recover, he looked at Link again, stretched out his palm to touch Link's chest, and said softly: "It doesn't hurt this time, right?"

Before, there was a huge wound here, and the flesh was stained with yellow sand, but this was her world, and she could easily help Link recover.

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