
On the deck of the Star, Crocodile stretched out his hand to Gureva.

Gureva stared at Crocodile for a long time, looking at the determination in his eyes, and finally sighed helplessly.

"I think it's completely unnecessary."

After shaking her head, Gureva took out a syringe from her pocket and threw it to Crocodile opposite.

"Just inject it into the muscle. In about two to three seconds, your physical strength and injuries will recover. However, it will consume a lot of life, and you will feel several times the pain you suffered before after the battle."

Giving this medicine to Crocodile was like giving the sleepless mushroom to Uta. Gureva was very reluctant, but she had tried to persuade him, but Crocodile insisted on doing so, and there was nothing she could do.

After taking the syringe and looking at the green liquid inside, Crocodile nodded to Gureva and said thank you.

"You can't use the best."

Gulewa shrugged, but she knew that her words were in vain.

Crocodile carefully put away the syringe, then looked at Link sitting on the bow of the boat and said to him: "Link, please."

Just like the original agreement.

"Hey, don't worry, I will stop them."

Link nodded with a smile, this was not a problem for him.

The Star could already see the whale-like Moby Dick in the distance. Enel pushed the joystick forward, making the Star speed much faster again, gradually approaching.

The Moby-Dick is very big, and the Star is a large ship about 100 meters long. When the two ships get closer, it can be clearly seen that the Moby-Dick is much larger than the Star.

Whitebeard stood by the fence, with his sons behind him. When the Star was approaching, he grinned at Link who was sitting on the bow and said, "You little brat from the Shiji family, what do you want from me?" ?”

Generally speaking, when you reach this sea area, in addition to challenging him, you also want to reach the Shuixian Star Island behind him, so Whitebeard's words are just a prelude.

Link looked up and looked at Whitebeard's iconic beard, and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey, hey, look, Uta, this guy with a curvy beard is so interesting."

Having never seen Whitebeard's bounty before, Link found it very funny to see the real person directly.

"Is it glue? If he eats applesauce, will he turn into a yellow beard? No, if there is glue on the beard, it shouldn't be stained, right?"

Link smiled and kept saying these words to Uta, which made Uta laugh helplessly.

The white beard opposite didn't care, and listened happily to Link's words.

Marco behind him seemed to have thought of some interesting scene, and burst into laughter, causing the brothers around him to look at him.

Thatch launched a death stare at Marco again. Marco could not help but wave his hands and suppress his smile, but his face still looked a little awkward.

Once some settings are added, they are difficult to change.

For example, Marco looked at his father's back now, thinking that it might turn into a colorful beard, and it took a lot of effort not to laugh out loud and let Sachi glare at him again.

"Link, now is not the time to worry about his beard."

Uttara pulled Link's hand, and then pointed at Crocodile aside, making Link suddenly realize.

"Oh, yes, yes, I almost forgot, hehe..."

Now is really not the time to look at beards.

Link laughed twice and was about to speak again when Crocodile on the other side sighed and walked out.

"Let me tell you next."

Otherwise, Link would be delayed for a while when he noticed Marco behind Whitebeard saying that he was a pineapple man.

Link was also happy and relaxed, nodded with a smile, and pulled Uta to stop talking.

The white beard opposite couldn't help but glance at Crocodile and said with a smile: "Crocodile brat, long time no see."

Sand Crocodile Crocodile, the pirate he personally defeated back then, was not weak in strength, and he also joined the Star Pirates, which made Whitebeard particularly impressed.

"Oh, it's been such a long time."

Crocodile said calmly while holding a cigar in his mouth and looking at the white beard.

Before seeing Whitebeard, Crocodile thought he would be so excited at this time, but he didn't expect that now he was as calm as ever.

"To make a long story short, I will defeat you today and then head to Shuixian Star Island with my companions."

This time, he was going to win.

Crocodile's calm words made Whitebeard interested. He stopped his sons from laughing behind him and asked with interest: "So are you here for revenge today?"

Revenge for being defeated by him and having his dream shattered.

"That's right."

Crocodile nodded without hesitation. This was why he took Link's boat in the first place.

"Dad, teach him a lesson."

"Dad, let him see what the strongest man in the world is!"



The Moby Dick became lively again because of Crocodile's words.

The older people on the ship, such as Marco and Thatch, all know that Crocodile lost miserably at the beginning, and because of their confidence in their father, they don't think Crocodile can succeed in revenge.

However, Whitebeard did not speak. He just looked at Crocodile who was staring at him and smiled slowly: "Okay, I will give you this opportunity."

Although he wanted to test Link's strength, the Sand Crocodile had the courage to challenge him after having been defeated by him once, which Whitebeard admired very much.

Enel was still sitting on the chair behind the controller, laughing softly: "Are we finally going to start?"

His fingers kept stroking the buttons on the joystick, and the word "Lei Ying" was clearly written on the golden button.

Enel was thinking about whether to release Lei Ying so that he could directly arm Lei Ying if necessary, but after thinking for a while, Enel gave up.

The opponents are not Whitebeard, just his crew. There is no need to use Leiying weapons to stop them.

Instead, Link looked at the blue sea and suggested with a smile: "Do you want me to create a venue for you?"

It is very inconvenient to fight at sea.

"Need not."

It was Whitebeard who spoke. He withdrew his gaze from Crocodile and said to Link: "There is an uninhabited island not far away, which is suitable for fighting."

That is an island that is not pointed by the record pointer. It takes less than half a day to get there, which is just enough for Crocodile to prepare to face it.

Marco turned to look aside and said, "Go to that desert island."

Marco nodded and left immediately, but before leaving, he glanced at his beard, which made Whitebeard shake his head helplessly.

Soon, the Moby Dick moved and left first.

Upon seeing this, Enelu quickly controlled the Star and followed him.

It didn't take long, because the desert island was not far from them.

This is a small desert island. There are huge rocks everywhere on the island and the view is quite wide.

Whitebeard gave Crocodile a look, then took the lead off the Moby-Dick and walked towards the center of the island.

The sons behind him stayed on the shore, shouting loudly to Whitebeard, and some even opened the champagne.

Crocodile looked calm and was about to get off the boat and walk towards the island, but was stopped by Enel.

"Will it turn into a big melee?"

Enel asked with a smile. Crocodile glanced at the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates who stayed on the shore, and said calmly: "There is more than 80% chance."

Whether he loses or Whitebeard loses, it may end up like this.

"Ha, then I'll look forward to it."

Enel smiled. He hadn't fought with all his strength for a long time. The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates should not be weak, right?

They followed Crocodile off the ship, but Crocodile walked towards Whitebeard, while they stayed on the shore, blocking the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates.

There were a lot of people, at least a few hundred people came ashore. There were still many people left on the Moby Dick, and there were countless times more members than them.

However, in the face of absolute strength, there is no advantage in numbers.

"Hey, Brother Link, you're blocking our view."

Marco waved and shouted to Link. Although there were not many people in the Star Pirates, standing in front of them still blocked a lot of vision.

Uta glanced over, then pulled Link over and whispered a few words in his ear.

The sound was not loud, but Olvia, who was not far away from them, could hear it.

Link nodded, immediately pulled out the Qiu Shui, and held it up.

The bright red domineering aura wrapped around the autumn water, like a flame that kept jumping, and the black lightning screamed on the desert island, making Whitebeard and Crocodile in the distance couldn't help but look over.

The smile on Marco's face gradually disappeared, and feeling the powerful domineering look on Qiu Shui's face, his expression instantly became serious.

Daz and Enelu stood in front of Olvia and the others. Although Link did not exert any pressure, he still caused some flying sand and rocks.

Looking at the island at his feet, Link thought for a moment, then waved the autumn water down.

An extremely huge scarlet slash appeared instantly, and the roar of the black lightning became even more intense.

This knife was not aimed at Marco and the others, Link's target was the island.

The sky fire struck the ground as soon as it appeared. The scarlet slash only appeared in front of everyone's eyes for less than a second before it was completely submerged into the ground.

The extremely sharp slash caused the desert island to be cut into two halves, one large and one small, without any violent shaking.

The big one has Crocodile and Whitebeard on it, and the rest are all on small islands that have been cut off.

The huge straight crack was as deep as a rift valley, and it took five or six seconds to see the seawater pouring back in until the crack was filled.

A straight current appeared in front of everyone.

Link looked at the cut island with great satisfaction, nodded with a smile, and then turned sideways to look at Marco and others who were also on the island.

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