Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 433 Size does not mean strength

"Little Crocodile, are you running out of energy?"

Whitebeard wiped the blood on his chest and smiled at the panting Crocodile.

They have been fighting for a day, and Link on the island has finished eating several times, but Crocodile has persisted until now.

The injury on his chest was just from Crocodile's chop, and there were many wounds on other places on his body, and blood stained many places on his body red.

But Crocodile on the opposite side was even worse. Most of his clothes were broken and his whole body was covered with scars. He looked like a bloody man who had just been fished out of a pool of blood.

In this state, he has long been unable to use elementalization. The blood on his forehead slightly blocked his sight. Crocodile closed one eye, looked at the white beard opposite him who was in good condition, and sighed slightly.

Whitebeard was injured, but it was not as serious as him. An injury of that level could be cured even without treatment and rest for a period of time.

He was different. He was hit by Whitebeard's fruit ability several times, and received several attacks with overlord color entanglement. If it weren't for his armed color domineering and weak physique, he would have been lying down at this time.

"I...I can still fight you all day long."

Panting heavily, Crocodile said slowly.

He was almost reaching his limit. He only cut off half of Whitebeard's left arm, not even meeting his minimum requirements.

Fortunately, he still had the medicine prepared by Gureva. He used Haki protection throughout the previous battle, so the needle was not damaged yet.

If Whitebeard's physical strength is weakened again, he can start the second round of duel!

After biting it and using the last strength in his body, the yellow sand under Crocodile's feet once again condensed a sand knife. After holding it, he rushed towards Whitebeard.

On the small island, many of the Whitebeard Pirates who were watching the battle fell silent.

Firstly, because they have been fighting for a long time, and secondly, they are inevitably a little impressed by Crocodile's ability to fight his father to such an extent.

They know very well how powerful Dad is. Crocodile was able to fight Dad for so long and left many wounds on Dad's body. This can fully prove his strength. This strength should have surpassed all of them. people.

The battle continued, and the yellow sand continued to roll up on the island. This large island was also dilapidated by the battle between Whitebeard and Crocodile.

Crocodile was knocked out with one punch, and Crocodile flew hundreds of meters backwards and fell heavily to the ground. His arms were bent unnaturally, and his bones were obviously broken, and they were only connected by skin and flesh.

But Whitebeard was also pierced in the arm by Crocodile's counterattack. Looking at Crocodile who was no longer able to fight, Whitebeard shook his head and expelled the sand from the wound with ease.

"What a crazy crocodile."

It's really crazy to let your own attack hit him even if you are trying to catch his attack.

"Little Crocodile, it seems that the hatred between you and me cannot be settled for the time being."

Holding the naginata in his hand, Whitebeard looked at Link, thinking he would come over. Unexpectedly, Link was lying in Uta's arms, still looking at them with a smile.

Doesn't the Shiji kid care about his companions at all? Crocodile could still laugh after being beaten like this?

Whitebeard was a little puzzled, while Enelu on the side pointed at Crocodile who fell to the ground and said to Whitebeard: "The battle between you is not over yet."

Because Crocodile had already taken out the needle and stuck it into his exposed muscles.

After fighting for a day, Crocodile was exhausted, and the hand holding the needle became trembling, but he still inserted it smoothly.

The sky in his eyes was extremely blue, and when he looked around, there wasn't even a single cloud. It looked very pure, but his field of vision was already dimly black, and he was really about to reach his limit.

The hand holding the needle began to exert force, and the liquid in it was injected into the body bit by bit.

The previous day's battle had made Crocodile fully aware that he could not defeat Whitebeard.

But that was before. Now Whitebeard is no longer in full condition, and he has also suffered a lot of injuries. But because of this potion, Crocodile's injuries and physical strength will recover, so he is not without the possibility of victory.

Tsk, but there is one thing that exceeded Crocodile's expectation, that is, this medicine is a little different from what Gureva said.

It was clearly said at the beginning that after the drug had taken effect, but now he had just injected it, and he felt a sharp pain. The muscles and bones in his body seemed to be dismantled and recast. Even though Crocodile gritted his teeth, he still made two sounds. A groan of pain.

Whitebeard turned around and looked at Crocodile, just in time to see him inject all the medicine into his body. He said nothing, silently waiting for his change.

His body began to twist unnaturally, as if the muscles under the skin were surging, and the broken bones were rejoined. In about three or four seconds, Crocodile, who had lost all strength, got up from the ground.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and he was still gasping for breath. Although his body had recovered, the pain before was too terrifying. Fortunately, it didn't last long and he was able to hold on.

The yellow sand spread upwards along Crocker's legs, completely covering him and then scattered again, taking away the blood and cold sweat on his body.

Feeling his healthy body and stretching his muscles a little, Crocodile laughed.

"Okay, let's start the second round."

Gureva's medicine was as effective as he imagined, very powerful.

Before Whitebeard on the other side could respond, the Whitebeard Pirates on the island shouted dissatisfied, accusing Crocodile of using the potion unfairly.

But Whitebeard just waved his hands to them to stop their shouting. He looked at Crocodile's condition and said, "After recovering from the injury, do you think you can beat me?"

Although he suffered a lot of injuries and his strength was inevitably weaker, this did not mean that Crocodile became stronger.

Crocodile didn't speak. He took two deep breaths to steady his breathing, and then immediately rushed towards Whitebeard and started the second round of duel.

Marco frowned and looked ahead. The blue flame in his hand was burning slowly. He wanted to help his father recover, but a dazzling thunder struck directly in front of him, scorching the ground black.

Enel's voice came from afar, and he said faintly: "Don't forget the line drawn by Link. Even if you can cross it, you can't cross it."

No one here, including them, will go over to participate in the battle ahead until either Crocodile or Whitebeard falls.

Marco had a cold face and said coldly to Enelu: "The sand crocodile used potions to recover, but Dad got nothing. Isn't this unfair?"

At this moment, Marco's good impression of them because of the previous golden lion suddenly disappeared.

Thatch, Jozi, Bista and other captains of the Whitebeard Pirates all stood behind Marco, looking at them coldly as well.

However, Enelu didn't care. He even nodded with a smile and said, "Pirates are still fair? You guys are really funny."

Link heard the voice here and sat up from Uta's words and looked at them, with the same smile on his face.

Whitebeard on the battlefield also heard the thunder, noticed the movement here, forced Crocodile back with a knife, and shouted to the sons on the island: "It doesn't matter, sons, just wait for my victory with peace of mind." alright."

In other words, it only takes one more day to fight. Whenever I fought with Roger when I was young, the fighting time was longer than two days, which was nothing.

Crocodile was forced back by the knife, but he did not attack anxiously again. Instead, he stood on the yellow sand and closed his eyes.

Just now, he suddenly had a strange feeling, and he seemed to be able to control the yellow sand more freely.

But it was only a short moment, and the feeling disappeared before he could feel it. Crocodile didn't even know why he suddenly felt this way.

But since it suddenly appeared during the battle, you should be able to experience it again if you continue to fight, right?

Thinking this, Crocodile clenched his fists and rushed towards Whitebeard again.

Huangsha's arms continued to expand, and the dark armed domineering energy instantly covered it and continued to flow.

Raising a giant yellow sand fist several meters in size, Crocodile struck directly at Whitebeard.

"Little crocodile, in this world, the bigger you are, the stronger you are."

Whitebeard grinned, and the violent overlord-colored domineering energy and the white translucent world converged on his right fist, directly hitting Crocodile who was rushing over, and collided with his giant fist.

The internal destruction of the armed domineering force can strike through the air, and the domineering entanglement of the domineering color is even more so, so the fists of the two people collided with each other in the air, and the terrifying aura continued to spread outward at the same time.

Crocodile does not have an overlord color and cannot compete with Whitebeard's aura, so he cannot achieve the effect of tearing the sky apart.

After a few seconds of fighting, Crocodile was defeated and sent flying away, faster than he could rush over.

Whitebeard looked at his numb right hand with a smile on his face, enjoying the battle.

Crocodile's strength is not as strong as that of the Sea Emperor, but he is stronger than Marco, so he is not an opponent that can be easily dealt with.

Crocodile closed his eyes while flying upside down, with a smile on his lips. He did not try to stabilize his body and stop, but was blown away by the power of white beard until he fell to the ground.

Just now, he had that strange feeling again, which proved that what he felt before was indeed not an illusion.

His ability seemed to be changing faintly, but it was still a little behind. He was still unable to cross this threshold and could only feel the scenery behind the door from a distance.

Is it the awakening of a devil fruit? Or are you going to learn some new tricks?

But no matter what it is, all he can do now is continue to fight, and then everything will take care of itself.

He opened his eyes, stood up, pointed at Whitebeard, and laughed, "Go on, Whitebeard!!"

After saying that, he bent his thighs and Crocodile rushed out. The Desert Diamond Sword had already appeared, tearing the air in front of him instantly.

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