This is the first time they have heard of this abnormal phenomenon, let alone seeing it.

After the record pointer reaches the island pointed to, one of the pointers will point to the foot, and the other two will still point to the previous island.

The needle will not point to the new island until the magnetic recording is complete.

So as soon as we landed on Shuixianxing Island, the record pointer started to spin rapidly. This situation was very abnormal and weird.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, after living for so long, I didn't expect that the sea can still bring me surprises."

Gulewa said with a smile, picked up the record pointer directly from the tray, checked it, and put it back after confirming that it was not damaged.

Olvia laughed twice and said casually: "Of course, the sea is very magical."

In this world, anything can happen.

Crocodile frowned and thought for a long time. At this time, he also had some clues. He glanced at the people who were still staring at the recording pointer and said: "The magnetic force of Shuixian Star Island may be recorded in an instant, but due to certain location reasons , it cannot point to the next island, which is what Gol D Roger called Ravdru."

This is the most reasonable explanation Crocodile can think of.

Robin also nodded thoughtfully and said: "In that case, Rafdru should only be able to determine the location through road signs."

Originally, Robin was still wondering whether the surrounding vortex affected the magnetic force and prevented the record pointer from pointing to Rafdru. However, the thought of Roger, who had been here before, looking for road signs made Robin give up in an instant. guess.

Crocodile nodded. They could not use the record pointer for the rest of the journey, so where was the fourth most critical road sign for them now?

Not long after thinking about it, Crocodile was interrupted by Gureva's careless voice.

"Why are you thinking so much? Doesn't Elnilu believe that Link will attract the road signs? Then just let nature take its course. Shuixianxing Island is right in front. If you think about it so much, why not go to the island and see what's there? This is Shuixianxing. Island."

Gulewa shook her head, looked at them again, and walked towards the island with her big backpack on her back.

Olvia smiled helplessly, and after looking at each other with Robin, she asked Gureva to wait for them for a while, said goodbye to Crocodile, and then ran towards Gureva.

There should be no one here except them on Shuixianxing Island, so there was no need to stay to watch the ship. Daz also walked down with Crocodile and explored the island separately.

Link and Uta, who were the first to leave, were currently picking wild fruits under a big tree.

Uta knew this fruit and it was not poisonous, so she felt free to let Link eat it.

But ever since he came to this island, Uta always felt something strange that couldn't be described.

"Link, is there anything strange about this island?"

After thinking for a long time, Uta couldn't figure out what the problem was, so he raised his head and asked Link in the tree.

Link was picking fruits. At this time, his pockets were already full of wild fruits. When he heard Uta's words, he thought about it and said with a smile: "No, the sound of the trees and the sounds of the fruits are still there." Any other sounds are normal."

He didn't think there was anything strange. In Link's eyes, this place was no different from other islands.

However, Link's words did wake up Uta, and she immediately discovered the problem.

"By the way, it's a sound. There are no other animal sounds here!"

There were no birds or insects. It had been more than an hour since he landed on the island, but Uta didn't hear the sound of any other creatures.

In Link's ears, trees and weeds were always making sounds, so he didn't notice it, but Uta couldn't hear them, so this silent forest made her feel weird.

This island is not lifeless, right?

Uta's doubts were soon solved by Link. He told Uta that except for their group, Link did not hear any other sounds of life on this island.

Not to mention animals, not even bugs.

However, this may be because the insect's sound is too weak and is covered by the sounds around it.

But at least there were no bugs near them, not even an ant.

"There are still islands like this."

Uta sighed twice, but looking at the dense vegetation around him and the wild flowers on the roadside, Uta felt very strange.

When he was studying music in the Strong World, Indigo would bring some books for Uta to read during breaks to change her mood.

I remember there was a word in a book about plants that seemed to be called pollination. Many plants that can bloom need insects to help pollinate them before they can reproduce.

That's roughly what it meant. Uta couldn't remember the specific details. After all, it was just a book to pass the time.

But there are no insects here, so why are there so many plants here? Will wildflowers still be so lush?

Uta didn't know whether Boss Shiji was interested in Shuixian Star Island, but looking at the magical scene in front of him, Uta felt that Indigo would definitely be interested.

"Link, that's almost enough. Let's go somewhere else."

Uta waved to Link gently, looked at the flowers around him, and suddenly became a little interested in this island.

"Oh, it's coming."

When Link heard Uta's call, he stopped picking wild fruits and jumped directly from the tree. A lot of fruits in his pockets were spilled, but Link didn't care.

Taking Uta's hand, the two of them continued walking deeper into the forest.

On the other side, Anilu, who was the second to leave, also noticed something was wrong with the island. He hovered over Shuixianxing Island, his domineering attitude covering all the islands below, and his expression was very strange.

"No living thing?"

When he was looking for the apple tree before, Eniru noticed something strange about Shuixianxing Island, and then he used his knowledge color haki to start checking. Unexpectedly, he discovered this.

"It's a bit strange."

Holding his chin and sitting cross-legged in the air, Enel was a little puzzled.

Islands in the sea are different from islands in the sky. Insects can easily inhabit the land. However, I didn’t expect that Shuixianxing Island, which has a vast land, does not even have insects. It is really unexpected.

Looking up to the north, there was where Olvia and the others were. Listening to their words, it seemed that they had discovered something. Enelu no longer hesitated, and his body disappeared in an instant, appearing next to Olvia and the others. .

"In the end, it was all hidden in history... There is no signature, and I don't know who wrote it, but judging from the traces, this is at least the handwriting left in front of Wubai."

Olvia touched the words on the boulder and said slowly.

What is engraved on it is not a historical text, but a general text.

However, this discovery also shows that Roger was not the first person to arrive here in eight hundred years. There was another one five hundred years ago.

"History...that's right. Road signs are also a kind of historical text."

Gureva sat aside and said with a smile, but Robin beside her shook her head.

"This person may not be talking about Rafdru, it may be something else. It is too early to draw a conclusion based on this sentence alone."

There are also some wine bottles and other things on the side, all products of the past few decades. These should be the traces left by the Roger Pirates.

Enelu also looked at the boulder. When he came before, he deliberately made some noise to tell his companions of his arrival, so no one was frightened by his sudden appearance.

"Is this person talking about the blank hundred years that Olivia and Robin have been looking for?"

Their hometown was also destroyed because of this, but Enelu was not actually interested in that period of history, he cared more about the present.


Olvia laughed, looked at the boulder in front of her, and walked around it to see if there were any other clues. Unexpectedly, she actually found it.

On the back of the boulder, there is a line of small words at the bottom. Unlike the front, this line of words contains a signature.

This is not the end. —Gol D. Roger

Looking at this line of small print, to be honest, Olvia was not surprised.

I saw the words Roger left on Sky Island, so it is very likely that Roger would also leave guidance on Shuixian Star Island.

I just don’t know for the time being which of these two passages comes first and who comes last.

Inviting everyone to come over and take a look, Olvia walked around twice more and found that there was nothing except wine bottles and other things on the ground, which made her give up the search temporarily.

Sitting on a smaller stone, Olvia began to think.

Roger's words are actually of little use, because after arriving at Shuixianxing Island, as long as you have a normal mind and think about the weird record pointer for a while, you will always be able to think that there is another island after Shuixianxing Island.

However, a simple reflection can reveal that Roger was also affected by the words from the front of the boulder.

The writings left here are universal writings, while the writings left on the empty island are ancient writings. Roger should re-walk the Grand Line to find those historical texts that were missed by it.

Is it all hidden in history...

Is this history the blank space she has been looking for for a hundred years? What did Roger see in Lovedrew?

Is Ravdru the original name of the island? Or did Roger take it?

If it was Roger who chose the name, why did he use the name 'Joke'?

The more she learns now, the more Olvia becomes curious about what happened in that blank history.

Robin saw his mother's thoughts from the side, walked over with a smile, and took Olvia's hand.

"You'll find out soon, Mom."

Looking at Robin's smiling eyes, Olvia also smiled and nodded.

"Ok, I know."

Olvia had always believed that Link would reach Ravdru.

So no matter what doubts you have now, everything will be solved once you reach Rafdru.

Enelu glanced here and didn't say much. He just lifted the boulder and looked at the bottom of the boulder without any writing before putting it back again.

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