Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 445 Take a rest when you are tired

It was sunset and there was nothing urgent, so the Star Pirates stopped here to rest for the time being.

A large fire was set up near the lighthouse, with many barbecues placed on it. Gu Lei watched from the side to prevent the barbecue from getting burnt, and then watched with everyone as 9527 conducted an interview with Link.

Kurokas was holding a wine bottle and looking at Link calmly, his eyes were deep and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"One Piece? Didn't you say you want to find the last island? We didn't find it, so it shouldn't be the case yet."

Link said with a smile, 9527 took a video phone bug, recorded everything, and then started asking again.

To others, it was just an ordinary bird call, but Link could clearly understand its meaning.

"Shuixianxing Island is very interesting and comfortable to stay there, and the fruits there are also delicious."

As he said that, Link thought of the wild fruits he had already eaten, which actually made him a little greedy again.

After about ten minutes of asking and answering questions, one person and one bird, 9527 said everything Morgans wanted to ask, and Link also answered them all with a smile.

There are no sensitive issues. These are all things Morgans thought of after careful consideration, and they will not disgust the Star Pirates.

"Link, the barbecue is almost ready!"

Gureva said hello, and Link immediately ran over with Uta after hearing the words, waiting to prepare for dinner.

9527 carefully put away the video phone and the insect queen also came over, stood next to Link, looked at Gureva expectantly, and then also got a piece of barbecue.

Crocodile waited for a long time and saw that Link had finally finished talking to 9527. Then he approached it and said, "Tell Morgans when we go back that we want to see him. Is that okay?"

This little thing was nothing to 9527, so he immediately flapped his chest with his wings and barked twice to show that he was wrapped up in him.

This simple and clear meaning could be understood without Link translating Crocodile, so he nodded, turned and left.

Enel was eating a large piece of barbecue on the plate. When he saw Crocodile coming back, he couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why are you looking for Morgans?"

The recent news doesn't seem to be smearing Crocodile, right? So I probably didn't want to beat him.

"Entrust him to do something, and you will know when the time comes."

Crocodile's tone was calm, without explanation, and he started eating dinner.

Next to him, Link was eating barbecue with a smile. These were provided by Kurokas. Gureva checked to make sure they were fine before using them to make dinner for them.

Kurokas, who provided all this, had no intention of eating at this time. Instead, he sat on the shore, looking at the low-pitched Rab in the sea, sighing and persuading.

Rab only responded from time to time, but he was still very depressed.

Robin, who was sitting by the campfire, looked over with some confusion and asked Link: "What did you promise to help him find?"

How could one sentence make this huge whale sad from day to day?

Link was still eating. When he heard this, he could only say vaguely: "Find a pirate group. I forgot what it was called."

The enunciation was a little blurry, but Robin still understood the general meaning.

"It's the Rumba Pirates."

Kurokas didn’t know when he came back, holding a wine bottle and whispering.

He had looked for them before, but there were no clues either. It was estimated that those people had already died in some unknown corner.

"Yes, that's it. After I said I couldn't find it, its voice became very unpleasant."

Link kept nodding, and after speaking, he rubbed his body against Uta's side, trying to use her voice to drown out Rab's voice.

Uta smiled and touched Link's head. Seeing Link's appearance, he softly hummed a song in his ear.

The next day, the Star Pirates, who had rested here for the night, planned to leave. 9527 left after dinner last night. It wanted to send the message to Morgans as quickly as possible.

At this time, Rab, who was depressed, cheered up again and continued to hit the red earth continent.

Flying in mid-air, everyone took one last look at the injured whale, and then left here.

"Are you going to pick up your son?"

Olvia smiled and teased Gureva. Gureva picked up the tea cup and stared at the black tea in it for a long time. Finally, she shook her head and said with a smile: "No, Chopper is still happy in the Drum Kingdom." life."

He taught everything that needed to be taught, and almost all the medical books were left to him. In the changed Drum Kingdom, Chopper could live happily.

Moreover, Chopper is no longer a child, so he doesn't need to stick to her side all the time.

Enelu in front of the controller held a small life card in his hand. After confirming that the direction had not deviated, he happily took out an apple and ate it.

He got this from Kurokas. He hadn't eaten apples for more than a month, and now he felt particularly sweet just by smelling them.

Yesterday they discussed for a long time whether their next stop was to go to Zauhe or to return to Kalai Bali first.

It's almost Daz's birthday, which means that this year is about to end, the base in Karibali should be completed, and Shirahoshi and the others are about to leave.

There is a third road sign on Zau. If you go directly to Zau from here, you probably won’t be able to go back to Kalai Bali this year, and you won’t be able to meet Shirahoshi again.

Uta thought for a while and decided to go to Zuowu first to find the third road sign. As for Shirahoshi, if we can catch up with the time, we can still meet him.

"But it's okay, Shirahoshi seems to miss you very much."

Olvia said with a smile on the side, she also heard Bai Xing's letter last time, and she could understand Bai Xing's mood to a certain extent.

But Uta just glanced at Link, and then said with a helpless smile: "There is no way, things will change later, and the road signs must be obtained first. As for Bai Xing, if you can't make up for the time, just go to Fish-Man Island to see her. "

Anyway, she and Link had nothing to do at that time, so they just regarded it as traveling.

While the Star was on its way to Zou, 9527, which had been flying for a long time, also returned to the newspaper headquarters and handed the record phone bug in his pocket to Morgans, which contained the big news he wanted.

"Hahaha, well done."

Morgans almost jumped up with joy, because since it was 9527 who reported back the news first, it meant that the Star Pirates had successfully circled the world and reached the Upside Down Mountain again.

9527 called twice more, causing the excited Morgans to pause and ask with some confusion: "See me? Why?"

Why are you looking for him?

Morgans didn't really want to go to the Star Pirates. It wasn't because he was timid, but because he was afraid that he would die if he went.

9527 also doesn’t know what Crocodile wants to do, so there is no way to explain it to him.

After walking in circles for a long time, Morgans couldn't figure out the reason.

"Let's talk about this later. The news is more important now."

With that said, Morgans stopped thinking about the meeting and instead looked at the contents of the video phone bug.

After that, I spent a whole night writing and printing the manuscript, and the name of the Star Pirates once again resounded to the world.

However, they have made headlines quite frequently, and many people have become accustomed to them.

But today's newspapers are still interesting to many people.

The general content is that Suixianxing Island is not the Raff Drew mentioned by Roger. Link who circled the world did not become the Pirate King, but he is the person closest to the Pirate King currently.

This news is the biggest blow to many pirates with dreams. There is no ONE PIECE on Shuixianxing Island, so where is the great secret treasure mentioned by Pirate King Roger?

For a moment, the pirates heading towards ONE PIECE were speechless and at a loss, and even doubted the existence of this great secret treasure.

Marie Joa, Pangu City.

Im holding the newspaper among the flowers, looked at Link's smiling face on it, briefly read the content, and then put the newspaper aside, keeping his eyes calm.

And the Star Pirates, who are hotly discussed in the world, don't know this at this time. They are heading towards Zou on the Star.

The distance may be a bit far, and it took a long time to reach the destination.

But as for sailing, they have long been used to it.

Link held a piece of small cake and ate it with a smile.

It had been some time since they left Twin Capes. Gureva looked at the sea in the distance and said casually: "If this continues, the base of Kalai Bali Island will be completed."

This Zuowu is a bit far away and has not been found yet.

Olvia answered from the side, and several people chatted casually.

But Link moved his ears and looked into the distance.

The sea area here is foggy, and the visibility is no more than 300 meters. Although the fog is not thick, it is very blocking the view.

And just in front of them, a very tired voice came faintly.

So tired...

So painful...

I really want to stop...

I heard that the voice was that of a man. The voice was not very human, but it was somewhat similar. Link didn't recognize what it was.

Link thought while eating the sweet cake.

Enel was lying on the chair and looking at the apple in his hand. This was the last one, and after so many days, a lot of water had evaporated, and the skin had become dull.

He would never eat this kind of apple before, but now he had no choice but to sigh, open his mouth and take a bite.

The taste is not much different, the main thing is the texture, it no longer tastes crispy.

While he was feeling emotional, Enelu suddenly heard Link on the other side of the small round table saying to the mist: "If you are tired, take a rest."

These sudden words gave Enel a pause, as did Crocodile on the side. Then the domineering aura of the two people spread out instantly, and they sensed the person Link was talking to, making their expressions solemn.

In front of the Star, a thousand meters away, there was an extremely huge creature walking on the sea.

Taking out the life card and looking at the huge creature pointing straight ahead, Enilu couldn't help but laugh: "Hey, everyone, I think we have found Zou!"

The creature in front must be the huge elephant Crocodile mentioned before.

Although I was mentally prepared, I was still a little surprised when I suddenly saw an elephant of this size. If I was right, it should be tens of thousands of meters tall, right?

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