On the other side, in the Furry Principality, Enel sat opposite Duke Inarashi, eating the fruit on the table in front of him with a smile.

When he was looking for someone before, he inadvertently heard some words, which made him feel very good. Even the kobold in front of him seemed a little pleasing to his eyes.

Looking up, his sight was blocked by the ceiling, but this didn't matter to him because the moon couldn't always be seen during the day.

"Xianlei Nilu, what's the reason for you coming to the Furry Principality?"

Duke Inuarashi said calmly. He was not afraid when he saw Eniru sitting swaggering across from him, even though he was a great pirate with a bounty of more than two billion.

He has experienced strong winds and waves in his life, and a cadre of the Five Emperors would not frighten him.

"It's not a big deal."

Enel was eating an apple and said something casually. He looked at the calm Duke Inarashi and smiled: "The historical text, the red historical text, as the leader of this country, you should know where it is, right?"

Many people may not know the purpose of road signs. In their eyes, road signs are just red historical text, that's why Anilu said this.

“There’s nothing like that in the Furry Kingdom.”

Duke Inuarashi answered very firmly. Of course he knew where this thing was, but he wouldn't say it.

However, there were some doubts in my heart, because even few people in Zuowu knew about the existence of the road sign. How did Eniro know about it?

"No? Ha."

With a chuckle, Eniru threw the half-eaten apple at Duke Inarashi.

Dots of blue light emerged in the air and wrapped around the apple. A scream was heard in the air. The apple with thunder and lightning flew past Duke Inarashi's ears, directly smashing a large hole several meters into the wall. .

The apple was smashed to pieces and could never be found again.

Because of this huge noise, the guards outside rushed in. Duke Inuarashi waved his hand to persuade the unwilling tribesmen to retreat.

Because Duke Inuarashi knew that they would not be of any help, but would only hinder him.

"Shanks said that the red stone is in Zou, and he also told us not to hurt the people here. The implication is that you know the location of the red stone. Shanks just didn't want us to question you."

Eniru said calmly, the smile on his face had disappeared, but Duke Inuarashi on the opposite side frowned when he heard this, finally knowing why the Star Pirates came for them.

"Gurewa also told me not to do anything embarrassing, but in my opinion, these are not important at all."

As he spoke, Eniru stretched out a finger, and thunder began to appear on it. The huge thunder and lightning made Duke Inarashi's hair stand on end, and his expression became more solemn.

The powerful thunder and lightning condensed and shrank into a ball at Enilu's fingertips. The white light spread outwards, looking particularly dazzling.

"So I'll just say it once, whether you choose to hand over the red stone or let all the fur tribes here bury you with you, I advise you to choose the first one, because it's not easy to find things in the ruins."

Eniru looked at Duke Inarashi. As long as the other party said no, this concentrated thunder and lightning would hit him directly.

Duke Inarashi was silent for a long time, looked at Eniru's indifferent eyes, and said slowly: "Did Shanks tell you that Zou has a red historical text?"

"I've made it very clear, so choose quickly."

Eniru's words made Duke Inarashi fall into deep thought again. After a while, he slowly nodded: "Okay, I understand. I will hand over the red historical text to you."

Duke Inuarashi is very familiar with Shanks because he once boarded Gol D. Roger's ship.

Although for some reason, Shanks told the Star Pirates about the road signs here, since this was Shanks' choice, Duke Inarashi decided to trust him for once.

"Follow me, the signpost is in the forbidden area."

Standing up, Duke Inarashi began to lead the way.

Enelu nodded with great satisfaction when he saw this, dispersed the thunder in his hand, and said with a smile: "This is just right."

Listening to what Duke Inuarashi said just now, there is a high probability that he and Shanks know each other.

But Enel was not Crocodile, and he didn't care about these chores at all. He thought that as long as he found the road sign, it would be fine.

As for the relationship between Duke Inarashi and Shanks, do you know what the difference is?

No, it makes no difference to Enel. Even if they are close friends, Enel will still use this method.

Raising his hand high, a bolt of thunder hit the floating clouds high in the sky, sending out a loud thunder. This was his signal, which meant that he had found the target.

Gureva on the Distant Star sighed and shook her head, saying speechlessly: "I hope Enelu did not violate the agreement."

Breach of contract is easy to talk about but not easy to hear.

However, the reputation of the Star Pirates is not very good now, and it should be nothing if it is even worse...

Gureva fell into deep thought.

Olvia and Robin, who were the first to leave, also looked at the sky in surprise. They didn't expect that Enilu would find the road sign not long after they came out, and their speed was ridiculously fast.

"That's fine. Crocodile said that Zou has a long history and there should be some ancient ruins."

There is no need to look for road signs, so they can concentrate on archaeology.

Crocodile in the other direction looked at the sudden thunder, and his body instantly turned into wind and sand and disappeared.

Daz thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the Star.

Gureva is too weak and may be in danger. Now that the road sign has been found, he should return to the Star first.

Uta and Link, who were heading to the giant whale tree, also heard the thunder and understood what Enelu wanted to express.

"Should we go see the big whale tree first or meet up with Eneloo?"

Uta asked with a smile. Link used his sense of perception, pointed ahead and replied with a smile: "They are in the same direction."

Enelu is also heading towards the giant whale tree, following the same route as them.

"Oh? That's fine. Let's keep walking."

After laughing twice, Utara took Link's hand, and the two of them continued to move towards the giant whale tree.

In the Forbidden Forest, Duke Inuarashi was leading the way. As a gust of wind and sand passed by, Crocodile appeared next to Eniro.

"There's no breach of contract, right?"

Looking at Duke Inarashi in front of him, Crocodile couldn't help but ask Enel.

In this sea, Shanks is not the only one who cares about face. Any pirate with some reputation pays great attention to his own face, and Crocodile is no exception.

"Don't worry, the people here are very reasonable. Didn't they just lead me here to find the road signs?"

Eniru laughed twice, pointed at Duke Inarashi who was unharmed in front of him, and said casually.

Duke Inarashi did not refute, but looked back at Crocodile who suddenly appeared, feeling a little heavier in his heart.

Before, he thought that only Enelu came to Zuowu on his own, but he didn't expect that even the Sand Crocodile would come here. If there was a conflict before, many people in the Furry Principality would definitely die.

"Well, it looks like we can return today."

Crocodile nodded. Before he came, he never expected that things would go so smoothly. He found the road sign as soon as he arrived at Zou.

As the three of them walked around in the forest, soon, under the leadership of Duke Inarashi, they saw the road sign hidden in Zou.

This red historical text is particularly conspicuous here.

The road signs were in front of him, and Enel walked directly towards them with a smile.

Crocodile was not in a hurry, but first looked at the first few words of the road sign to confirm that it was not the lost road sign of Fish-Man Island, and then walked over.

Duke Inuarashi stood aside and looked at them quietly. At this time, Eniru had reached the front of the road sign and stood at the edge of the corner. He placed his hands on both sides of the sign. The huge sign was lifted directly by Eniru. stand up.

"Are you going to take him away?"

Crocodile said with some confusion. Half of the rubbings in his arms were taken out. Unexpectedly, Enelu actually stepped forward and lifted the road sign directly.

"Of course, what if I get rubbed by someone else after this?"

Enelu asked as he should, and left while holding up the sign.

Crocodile on the side looked at it, put the rubbing back, glanced at Duke Inarashi, and left with Eniro.

Duke Inuarashi didn't stop him, he just stood there and watched them take the sign away.

They are the people called by Shanks. It would be a good thing for the Furry Kingdom to hand over the road sign to them. At least if pirates come looking for the road sign in the future, Duke Inarashi can tell them directly that the road sign here is The Star Pirates took him away.

After a while, Eniru, who had already walked far away, suddenly looked at Crocodile on the side and said, "No, you can just carry the road sign back with sand. Why am I carrying it all the time?"

Looking at the road sign held up by his hands above his head, Anilu threw it directly to the ground. A stream of yellow sand began to emerge from the ground, and he caught the road sign firmly.

"Why didn't you remind me before?"

Although it was not tiring, Enelu always felt that he looked stupid before.

Crocodile just looked at him flatly, carried the road sign with yellow sand and continued to move towards the Star, and said casually: "I thought you liked to carry it."

On the Star, only Daz was back at this time, Olvia and the others, as well as Link and the others, were still missing.

The road sign was too large to fit into the cabin, so it was placed directly on the corner of the deck.

"Why is Link near where he was before the road sign?"

After waiting for a long time but no one came back, Enel couldn't help but use his sense of sight to check, only to find that Link and Uta were still there, while Olvia and Robin walked back.

Gulewa held the wine bottle and said with a smile: "Normally, the whale-like big forest Ke will definitely want to see if it can spray water."

This kind of weird thing attracts Link's attention the most.

"But why do trees spray water?"

Enelu said with some humor, and then went directly to sit down on the sofa and ate the fruit he had received from Duke Inarashi.

It should take a while, just lie down for a while.

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