"Oh, it's very simple."

Link repeated the words with a smile, and the news bird nodded desperately knowing that he could leave.

However, it is tied very firmly and the range of movement is very small.

But Crocodile could still see clearly even if the amplitude was small, so he untied the rope that tied the news bird and let it go.

Link on the side had finished eating, but he saw another piece of steak out of the corner of his eye, and reached out to take it again. However, at this time, Link's body was too round, and the chair was too small. He did not have good balance and rolled down. The steak was getting farther and farther away.

Crocodile saw this scene as soon as he turned around. He fell silent for a moment and said to Uta speechlessly: "There is nothing much happening recently. You can take Link to the amusement park to play, and leave the rest to us. That’s good.”

He originally wanted to say these words to Link, but seeing Link rolling further away, he had no choice but to say them to Uta who stood up.

"Okay, I get it."

After agreeing casually, Uta trotted after Link and shouted to him with a smile: "Don't get lost, digest it quickly."

The chubby Link couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south, but after hearing Uta's words, he immediately used life return to restore his body and stopped rolling.

"Hehehe, I forgot."

Link lay on the ground, looking at Uta running towards him, smiling and spreading his arms.

Uta, who was running, gradually slowed down. He squatted on the ground and pulled Link to sit up. He gently nodded Link's head and said funnyly: "Boss Shiji is not asking you to teach you how to return life." You become a ball rolling on the ground.”

He stood up and pulled Link up, holding his hand, pointing to the Ferris wheel on the hill in the distance through the door and window of the restaurant, and said with a chuckle: "Let's go, I'll take you to the amusement park."

The scene of my last trip to the Shampoo Islands is still fresh in my mind. This place specially built for Link should be fun.

At the headquarters of the World Economic News Agency, Morgans was looking at the latest intelligence on his desk, thinking about which news would make the headlines of the newspaper. A news bird hurriedly landed on his desk and transferred the information on the desk. upset.

But before it could blame him, the news bird started chirping hurriedly, causing Morgans to be stunned for a moment and listen to the news bird quietly.

"...It's been more than a month, and the Star Pirates still want to see me?"

Morgans was very confused, and the news bird in front of him nodded quickly and repeated Crocodile's words before slumping down on the table.

In order to send the news back as soon as possible, the news bird almost didn't rest, so he was naturally very tired.

After hearing this, Morgans ignored Newsbird who was resting on his desk and fell into deep thought.

Regarding the Star Pirates, although the news he wrote was somewhat exaggerated, it was absolutely true, and he did not smear it.

So it shouldn't be that he was seeking revenge. Then, there should be another reason.

Since he was not going to deal with him, he had to go to Kalai Bali this time, and he had to go.

Crocodile's threat was very effective. Morgans didn't want to have the Star Pirates thinking about him all the time and couldn't sleep well.

"Kalay Bali, right? It turns out that the base built by the fishmen was really for the Star Pirates."

After asking the exhausted newsbird, Morgans sighed, stood up and left.

Naturally, the news about Kalai Bali could not be hidden from him, but it was just speculation before, but now it has become a solid fact.

Now this stronghold is not close to Kalai Bali, it is a desert island near Wanguo, so Morgans decided to set off as early as possible to avoid exceeding the time.

With the camera, recording phone, bug and other tools in hand, Morgans went to the Newsbird Lounge, pulled out the sleeping 9527 in a luxurious room, and pulled it with him towards Kalai Bali.

Although Morgans felt that the Star Pirates might not harm him, he decided to take 9527 with him, just in case.

It's easy to talk to acquaintances, and if things really don't go well, 9527 can help him out, so it's not in vain that he gives 9527 so much preferential treatment.

"If, I mean if, there is going to be a conflict, you have to plead with Link for me."

After a period of sailing, the ship carrying Morgans had arrived near Kalai Bali, so Morgans shouted to 9527 impatiently.

While on the boat, Morgans thought for a long time. This time, there was a high probability that the Star Pirates had entrusted him with something, and being able to find him meant that it was related to the newspaper.

Therefore, Morgans felt that his life was not in danger, but he still kept telling 9527 that he did not want to be sent to the door to be killed, which would be too frustrating.

9527 had no choice but to shout twice, patted Morgans on the shoulder, and said just leave it to him.

This has been repeated countless times, but Morgans still feels a little unsure, but Kale Bali is right in front of him, and he needs to calm down and prepare to meet the Star Pirates.

But before he could reach the shore, the light that was emitting from the top of the island in the distance attracted his attention.

The soft golden light is not dazzling, as if the stars in the sky were picked off and placed here. Through the soft light, the golden metal in the shape of the stars can be vaguely seen.

There aren't any lights or anything around, so the light source is the metal itself.

After rummaging through the information in his mind, there was very little that could match it, but those few pieces of information made Morgans couldn't help but get excited, his eyes fixed on the golden light at the top of the Star Base.

"Isn't this what I thought it was?"

The dream metal that attracted worldwide attention as soon as it appeared, then quickly disappeared.

According to legend, pure gold can make people live forever!

When he thought of this, the beating rhythm of Morgans' heart accelerated a lot, because if the metal on it was really pure gold, this would be big news that could shock the world!

But Morgans now has doubts about its authenticity.

After all, normally speaking, if there is something that is coveted by the whole world, it must be better to hide it instead of just putting it out in the open.

While thinking, the ship stopped at the port. As soon as Morgans stepped off, he was stopped by a guard. After a few words of conversation, he took him to Star Base to find Crocodile.

This guard was specially ordered by Crocodile. Morgans's bird-like characteristics are very obvious, so he will not be mistaken.

“Kalay Bali has changed a lot now.”

Morgans chatted casually with the guards to see if he could get some information. 9527 stood on Morgans' shoulders, looking around, looking for Link who might appear anywhere.

The guard smiled and nodded when he heard this, and said, "Well, thanks to the Star Pirates, I never thought that Kale Bali would become so prosperous."

The guard who spoke was a member of the tribe before Kalai Bali. With the completion of the Star Base, they were all performing their respective tasks under the arrangement of Crocodile. Their lives were better or worse than before, but many people I like my current life.

After all, material improvement is visible to the naked eye. After experiencing a better life, you will no longer want to live in poverty.

Star Base, second floor. Soon the guards led Morgans to stop in front of a gorgeous gate. Crocodile has been working inside recently, sorting out information about base personnel and ways to make Kalabali Island more prosperous. .

This island is the base camp of the Star Pirates, and Crocodile naturally intends to make it better.

"Lord Crocodile is inside. Please come in, and I will leave first."

The guard said something, bowed slightly and left. Morgans looked at the door in front of him, swallowed, and after calming down, he knocked on the door and pushed the door open after receiving permission.

The area of ​​this office is not small. Although the decoration is not as gorgeous as the door, it still looks simple and elegant, not inferior to it.

Crocodile, who had finished processing the documents in front of him, looked up at the person who came, laughed directly, and said: "Heh, I thought you would wait for me to find you, Morgans."

In one week, it will be one month as promised. Morgans' arrival is not too early, it can only be said that it is not too late.

"No, no, no, now the famous Star Pirates have invited me, how could I refuse?"

Morgans smiled, walked to the chair beside him and sat down, and 9527 also fell on the back of the chair.

Crocodile took a glance and recognized 9527 when he saw it, and instantly understood what Morgans was thinking.

"Don't worry, I didn't call you here to kill you, I just want you to do something."

He was dismissive of Morgans' preparations, and Crocodile would not have called him here if he really wanted to kill him.

As the newspaper president of the most widely circulated World Economic News, Morgans is much more useful alive than dead.

"Hahaha, you are worrying too much. I just thought that since I am coming to see you, I would like to bring 9527 over so that he can catch up with Link."

Morgans said haha ​​and did not admit this.

But Crocodile didn't care whether he admitted it or not. He had a lot of things to do now and didn't have much time to talk nonsense with Morgans, so he went straight to the point.

"I came to you this time because I have something to entrust you with. You should also know this, so you came here."

Crocodile smiled disdainfully. With Morgans's life-saving temperament, if he hadn't ensured that he wouldn't die, it would have been impossible for him to come to Kalai Bali.

"I'm just a newspaper seller. If a big shot like you asks me to help you, I won't refuse."

Morgans was smiling, but the implication was that his abilities were limited and he couldn't handle things that were too difficult.

This is also what Morgans is worried about. He is afraid that Crocodile will let him publish something dangerous in the newspaper, which will be difficult whether he refuses or agrees.

"It's a simple thing."

Crocodile chuckled and continued: "History Text, I need you to report it in the newspaper. Our Star Pirates are looking for History Text."

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