"But the appearance of pure gold may cause chaos in the sea, and the method of immortality should not be lost outside."

Wo Qiu Li Sheng lowered his head and said.

Of course, there was much more to him than that.

What class are those low-class people in? How do you deserve to enjoy eternal life like Lord Im? !

This pure gold should belong to Lord Im!

The other people said nothing, and their attitudes were similar to those of Wo Qiu Lisheng.

Even if Uta is from the Fegaland family, the pure gold must be in the hands of the World Government.

Sitting high on the Void Throne, Im looked calmly at the five old stars kneeling below, tapped the throne with his fingers, made a rhythmic sound, and slowly said again: "Pure gold has no meaning."

Whether he lives forever or dies in the next second, these are all meaningless, and Im doesn't care at all.

But the Five Old Stars are different. It is true that pure gold can make people live forever. They know this very well, so naturally they are not willing to give up.

If it hadn't been for the stars that Master Yi Mu was concerned about, they would have sent someone over to negotiate.

"But the Star Pirates regard pure gold as a prize. This kind of thing should not be spread to the outside world at all!"

In the hearts of the Five Old Stars, Uta is a Celestial Dragon, and he naturally stands in the same class as them, so if the pure gold is not spread to the outside world, other matters are not beyond negotiation.

"I say, pure gold means nothing."

The Five Old Stars wanted to say something more, but under Im's plain words, they calmed down instantly and did not dare to say anything more.

This is already the third time Master Yimu has said it. They still know the truth that things should only be done in three cases.

Although they don’t know why Lord Im said that pure gold is meaningless, since this is Lord Im’s idea, they can only do it.

The hall fell into silence for an instant. Im gave Wulaoxing a flat look, then stood up and left, preparing to return to the flowers again.

Saint Satan, who was kneeling on the ground, heard the footsteps and quickly asked his last question.

"The Star Pirates' decision will cause chaos in the sea. Should the Star Pirates be wiped out?"

As soon as these words came out, the other four people were immediately shocked.

It is true that they can still kill a sea emperor if they pay a certain price. It is just a matter of whether it is worth it.

But they were more or less aware of how special Lord Im was to Link, so they never expected Saint Satan to say such a thing.

Im, who had just taken two steps, couldn't help but turn around and look at Saint Satan who was kneeling on the ground when he heard the words. Looking at the figure kneeling on one knee with a very respectful attitude, he didn't speak for a while.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more depressing as it became quieter. Just when everyone thought Lord Im was angry, Im's calm voice came again.

"If you can do it, just go and try."

The voice was very flat, and no tone could be heard from Im. After saying this, footsteps sounded again, and Im slowly left here.

After the footsteps gradually faded away and were completely inaudible, Wu Laoxing stood up.

"The sentence just now should be a warning from Lord Im to you, don't have these thoughts again."

Saint Nashoulang frowned and looked at Saint Satan, and said slowly.

Saint Satan just lowered his head slightly, and some sweat could be seen on his forehead, but said nothing.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he just felt disdain and ridicule from Lord Im's eyes.

That sentence didn't sound like a warning to him, but because Lord Im thought he couldn't do it, so it didn't matter what he did.

But this must be his illusion, because he has never seen Lord Yimu have any emotions since he learned of Lord Yimu's existence.

Saint Satan's silence became acquiescence in the eyes of the other four. They were all colleagues for many years, so they no longer warned him.

Saint Peter looked at the empty throne of the void and whispered: "The stars are indeed very special in the eyes of Lord Im, but I never thought of the connection between him and Lord Im."

They didn't know much about Master Im, but Link's information was much easier to find.

He comes from a country that was destroyed by the Demon King of Song, and is a survivor of Eregia. He was later taken away by the Golden Lion along with Uta, and then he appeared in Twin Capes and started his pirate journey.

No matter how you look at these materials, you can't find any clues that may be related to Lord Im.

"This is Lord Im's business, not something you and I should consider."

Saint Mas glanced at Saint Peter and continued to say to Saint Satan: "I know you are here for the pure gold and to verify the weight of the stars in Lord Im's heart, but Lord Im is supreme. Don't do this next time. Do it again.”

Since the establishment of the World Government, Lord Im has always been the ruler behind the scenes, and only Lord Im can enjoy immortality.

Saint Mas looked at Saint Satan's gray hair and knew the reason why he was obsessed with pure gold, but even so, he could not have any thoughts about Lord Im.

Including testing Lord Im’s thoughts.

"I know."

Saint Satan nodded, and then fell silent again.

Although Lord Im asked him to try it before, this may really be what Lord Nasshourou said, and it was Lord Im's warning to him.

"Let's go. Regarding pure gold, it seems that we need to consider it in the long term."

Wo Qiuli Sheng said lightly and took the lead to leave the hall where the Void Throne was placed.

But he was also curious about why Link was so special.

As the Ferris wheel continued to rotate, the cabin where Uta and Link were riding reached the top. Uta reached out of the window and made a gesture to Olga at the bottom. Olga pressed the button unhappily when she saw this. When he turned on the switch next to him, the Ferris wheel stopped.

Some time ago, Olga and Asier were taken out of the belly of the lantern fish by Anilu, and then settled on Kalai Bali Island.

Gureva cured Olga's South Sea Emperor Fever, so Asier joined the Star Pirates' logistics team and became a non-staff member.

Olga is no longer sick and no longer relies on pure gold rings. Although she is not young, she is not big, so Crocodile arranged her here and became the manager of the amusement park, which can also be said to be the director. .

Although this amusement park is very huge, the only people who come to play are Link and Uta, so Olga's daily life is just to ask people to come and maintain the amusement park, and she can also play in her free time, so she is not tired from work. .

To put it bluntly, this job is just for Crocodile to find a familiar servant for Link and Utta to play with them.

"I look at it every day, I don't know what's so good about this miserable scenery."

Olga looked at the top cockpit with a face and said dissatisfiedly.

These days, she accompanied Link and Uta to play around the entire amusement boat. For her, the bumper cars were the most fun, but Link and Uta's favorite thing was the skyscraper. wheel.

Uta, who was high up in the sky, didn't hear Olga's words, but even if he heard them, he wouldn't care.

The fishman craftsmen chose to build this amusement park on a mountain. With the height of the Ferris wheel, sitting at the top, you can have a panoramic view of the entire Kalai Bali.

The distant sea seems to be connected with the blue sky, which looks particularly beautiful.

During these days at the amusement park with Link, Uta and Link played all the entertainment facilities, and finally they liked this place.

Because at the top of the Ferris wheel, looking at the sea and blue sky, you can feel extremely peaceful.

For Link, as long as Uta is there, he can go anywhere.

As pure gold is gradually recognized by the world, Kalai Bali is becoming more and more lively.

Many people came here and planned to settle here, and businessmen also saw business opportunities and planned to open shops here.

These are all left to Crocodile to handle, and Olvia and Robin will also go over to help.

At the beginning, I was busy until late every day. Eniru and Gureva also wanted to help, but they were chased away by Crocodile, because if these two guys came over, they would only cause trouble.

Link hugged Uta and lay on the top of the cockpit. His ears moved slightly, and the noisy sounds on the shore were heard.

On the shore, Enel was sitting on a seat, eating an apple leisurely, and watching the person training in front of him without a glance.

These are the people who intend to apply for the defense job in Kalai Bali. The first and most basic point is the physical fitness test.

As for whether there are spies or the like here, Enelu doesn't care, because these are things that Crocodile should pay attention to. He only needs to select a group of physically qualified people.

"Kalay Bali has become very lively. Link, do you think it's noisy?"

Lying in Link's arms, Uta looked over there helplessly.

She could only hear a faint sound, but Uta knew clearly that Link could definitely hear it clearly.

"well enough."

Link replied with a smile, without opening his eyes, but hugged Uta tighter in his arms.

He was already used to the noise in his ears, as long as Uta's voice kept ringing in his ears.

"Do you need me to sing to you?"

Uta laughed twice and whispered softly. When Link nodded in front of him, he hummed softly in his ear.

It was still the song "Where the Wind Goes" that she often sang to Link.

The physical fitness test on the distant shore was still in full swing, but at the amusement park, Link gradually fell into sleep while listening to Uta's gentle singing.

Olga waited for a long time under the Ferris wheel. When she heard faint singing coming from above, she knew that Link and Uta would not be able to get off for a while.

After all, after playing with them for so many days, Olga is also experienced.

After looking at the Ferris wheel twice, Olga left and went to the lounge, where she asked Elizabeth to accompany her to play bumper cars.

On the sea, because of the news of pure gold, many people are eager to turn over every inch of land to see if there is any red historical text hidden underneath.

The pirates became more aggressive and searched more carefully wherever they went.

Because even if you don’t want immortality, pure gold is still a priceless treasure.

So as long as the red historical text needed by the Star Pirates is found, the entire ship can enjoy it for the rest of their lives.

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