Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 466 The Replacement of the Shichibukai

The mace wrapped around the overlord's domineering aura hit Yamato firmly, causing Yamato who was not ready to be knocked away again.

"Bastard Minotaur!!"

Holding his lower abdomen, Yamato's face was distorted by the excruciating pain.

However, the pain didn't last long. Under Kaido's guidance, she was knocked unconscious in just half a day.

Kaido carried the mace and laughed with satisfaction as he looked at Yamato who was in a state of embarrassment and fell into a coma.

I originally thought that Yamato wouldn't be able to last long after being entangled with Overlord Color, but it seems that after the recent battle, Yamato has become a lot stronger.

"Very well, keep up the good work, Yamato."

After saying something with a smile, Kaido returned to his normal form. The dragon tail and scales in the human-animal form immediately disappeared, and he left the rocky place with Hachisaiji.

In the distance, Quinn, who had been secretly observing for a long time, said helplessly to Jhin beside him: "Why did they have to bring me here for the battle between father and daughter?"

His rice cake and adzuki bean soup had just been delivered, and now was the perfect time to taste it. He couldn't understand why Jin suddenly pulled him out.

Isn't it the battle between Brother Kaido and Yamato?

Quinn has seen a lot over the years and doesn't think there's anything interesting about it.

"Send Yamato for a checkup to make sure there are no hidden dangers in her body."

Jhin said calmly why he called Quinn over. Quinn glared at Jhin and said dissatisfiedly: "Then just send her to the medical room directly. You don't have to ask me to come for such a trivial matter! "

It's just a physical examination. There are many doctors on Ghost Island, so why does it have to be him?

With that said, Quinn turned to leave, ignoring Jin who suddenly became nervous. His steaming rice cake and bean soup was waiting for him in the room.

But Jhin grabbed Quinn's braid and pulled him back.

Then, as expected, Quinn scolded him angrily.

"I don't trust those guys. Yamato is Lord Kaido's child, so it's best to leave it to you."

Ignoring the angrily scolding Quinn, Jhin flew to the big hole made by Kaido's thunderous gossip, took out Yamato inside, and handed it over to Quinn.

"...Then I really thank you for trusting me so much!"

Looking at Jhin's leaving figure, Quinn gritted his teeth and said something. He looked down at Yamato who was seriously injured, and quickly turned around and left without hesitation.

The reason why Jhin deliberately pulled Quinn out was because he was a little concerned about Yamato's body.

Every time she challenged Kaido to a duel, she would be severely beaten. She had been fighting too frequently recently, and new injuries were added to the old wounds before they were healed.

Even if Yamato inherited Kaido's powerful physique, it would still be too much for him, so Jhin thought of Quinn.

His laboratory is fully equipped to examine Yamato's injuries and treat them.

Garp fired another Iron Fist of Love at Ace who had fallen to the ground, adding another big bump to Ace's head.

"Why do you tell everyone about everything?"

On the silent island of Punk Hassad, Garp's roar echoed around him.

"Asshole old man! This is my own business! Why can't I tell others?!!"

Ace covered his head and said dissatisfied.

A few days ago, Ace, who was staying well with the Whitebeard Pirates, suddenly received a contact from Garp, asking Ace to come to Punk Hassad to find him.

Ace, who was not sure why, agreed, said goodbye to Whitebeard, and then set off for Punk Hassad. Unexpectedly, he was beaten severely as soon as he saw Garp.

"What's your matter? Do you know what your identity exposure means? You can't be a Shichibukai anymore! Now the World Government's order has been passed down, revoking your identity, and you will be arrested secretly!"

Garp was so angry that he grabbed Ace and picked him up, very angry.

Regarding Ace being Roger's son, the World Government didn't know how it knew, but Garp didn't say anything, so the source of the information could only be Ace himself.

This information is also classified as confidential information in the world government, and the navy knows even less.

If it weren't for Sengoku yelling at him when he went to Sengoku's office to eat senbei a few days ago, Garp wouldn't have known that Ace was exposed.

Now it's okay, Ace's Shichibukai identity was taken away, and the most uncomfortable one was Garp.

Although they are all pirates, if Ace is a Shichibukai, Garp can protect him, but now everything is over.

"I said from the beginning that I don't want to be a Shichibukai, so it's a good thing that my identity has been revoked now!"

Ace began to quarrel with Garp. In the beginning, he was forced to take the identity of the Shichibukai to the Navy headquarters by Garp and was awarded it. He did not want it at all.

In Ace's mind, pirates should be free and should not be bound by their identity.

The quarrel between the two added a noise to the silent Punk Hassad. They continued to quarrel for a long time, and finally both fell silent.

Garp looked at Ace with a complicated expression.

Due to his identity, the World Government did not severely punish Ming, but only imprisoned him for a year, and he was not allowed to leave the navy headquarters during the period of confinement.

But this is of no use to Garp, and if he wants to leave, this ban will not work.

Then there was Sengoku. Although he also scolded him, he destroyed the documents of the World Government, so that only the two of them in the navy knew Ace's true identity, and the order for his secret arrest was not issued. Did everything he could.

Then, before the news of depriving Ace of the Shichibukai was made public, Sengoku gave Garp a week's leave without saying anything.

But Garp understood what Sengoku meant, so he went to the new world to meet Ace and give him his final curse... and warning.

"You announced your identity to the Whitebeard Pirates, and it didn't take long for the World Government to learn about it. Be careful, there must be someone inside the Whitebeard Pirates."

Garp, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke slowly. Ace on the other side was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

The messy black hair obscured his eyes, making it difficult to see his expression clearly.

"Also, be careful when you are alone, and think about whether this is a trap for you when you must leave the Moby-Dick.

Finally, don’t come back to the Grand Line. "

As he spoke, Garp sighed heavily, looked at the silent Ace in front of him, and punched him again in anger.

But this time Ace didn't resist and fell to the ground.

Spreading his hands, looking at the birds flying freely in the sky, Ace's lips moved, and the sound he made was particularly depressed.

"Sorry, Grandpa."

Regarding what Garp was thinking at this time, and how he had been asked to become a marine when he was a child, Ace actually knew these, better than anyone else.

But he finally chose this path and chose to become a pirate.

Garp looked at Ace lying on the ground, sighed and sat on the ground, feeling as if his strength was passing away little by little, and he was extremely tired.

"The news of depriving you of the Shichibukai will be in the newspapers in the next two days. Go back. Remember what I said. Stay on the Moby Dick and stop running around."

Although that guy in Newgate is a pirate, he is still protective of his shortcomings.

With the last words, Garp stood up and walked tiredly towards the dog-headed warship on the shore. At this moment, he looked less like a naval hero and more like an elderly man.

Ace lay there, silent for a long time.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevandor.

Garp returned to Sengoku's office, looked at Sengoku who was dealing with documents, and asked in a low voice: "Is it necessary to implicate the child for the father's sins?"

Sengoku looked up at Garp and replied flatly: "The world will only think that Ace is the son of the Pirate King and has a sinful bloodline."

"Then he is still my grandson!"

Garp said dissatisfiedly, but looking at Sengoku's calm eyes, he immediately returned to silence.

Olvia opened her eyes, sat up from the bed, opened the curtains, looked at the dazzling sun, stretched out, and welcomed the new day.

After washing, changing clothes, and looking in the mirror to make sure that her clothes and makeup were all right, Olvia opened the door and walked out.

Walking down the stairs, when passing by the window, I took out 50 beli and bought the latest newspaper from Newsbird, which I had been waiting for for a long time. I did not read it in a hurry, but continued to walk to their exclusive restaurant.

When people on the second floor saw Olvia, they immediately greeted her respectfully. Olvia just smiled and nodded, and without stopping, she soon arrived at the restaurant.

This was a luxuriously decorated room with a medium-sized round table in the middle. Olvia found her seat with ease and sat down. She took out the newspaper to waste the time waiting for her companions to arrive and learn about the latest news. .

Fire Fist Ace was deprived of the title of Shichibukai for wantonly killing the navy, and his replacement was this year's supernova, Hakuba Cavendish, the captain of the Handsome Pirates.

Olvia smiled, but she didn't expect that Fire Fist, whom he had met once before, would be expelled after being a Shichibukai for just over two years, and his replacement would be a newcomer.

Why are the choices of the Shichibukai becoming more and more casual?

Frequent replacement of the Shichibukai will reduce the prestige of the Shichibukai, but if the information in the newspaper is true, it is not impossible to fire Ace.

As for this Cavendish, Olvia was really impressed.

Not long ago, the Handsome Pirates landed on Kale Bali. Since they were this year's supernovas, Olvia also paid a little attention to them.

He was a handsome young man with blond hair like Link, but Cavendish was older and should be said to be a handsome young man.

The bounty is 280 million beli, not even a fraction of Link's bounty.

But one of them is the emperor of the sea, and the other is a supernova, so the gap is normal.

During their stay in Kalai Bali, the Handsome Pirates did not cause any trouble, so Olvia didn't know what their strength was.

However, Cavendish left a big impression on Olvia because of his extreme narcissism.

She had never seen such a narcissistic person in her life, so just seeing the name reminded Olvia of Cavendish's narcissistic appearance.

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