Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 476 Not the way you think of eating it

"Now that you've got it, can you go back this time?"

Pointing to the piece of meat wrapped in his coat, Enel said helplessly.

"Well, let's go."

Link laughed, and then walked back with Enel's support, and the packages containing the meat were also carried in his hands.

Originally, Enelu planned to take these, but Link insisted on taking them himself, saying that he would give them to Uta directly after returning and let her see the chopped meat.

"It's weird that she likes it."

Enelu complained speechlessly. It seemed that Link didn't understand the situation at all.

"What do you mean? Did I cut too little?"

Link was a little confused. He also wanted to chop a little more, but the guy was walking too fast and he couldn't chase him, so naturally he couldn't chop anymore.

After hearing Link's words, Enelu just sighed and did not answer.

The two of them continued walking towards Kale Bali. After a period of silence, Link suddenly said curiously: "Uta asked me to chop him. Do you want to eat dragon meat? Is this enough for Uta?"

"I told you he's a human! Not a dragon!"

Enilu explained a little tiredly, looking at Kalai Bali getting closer and closer, silently speeding up.

"Oh, it's a human. So does Uta want to eat people?"

"No, she just wants to eat you."

"Eat me? But she never told me?"

"Not the way you think of eating it."

Enel just kept talking to Link, distracting him.

However, this was of little use, as Link felt no pain at all.

Soon, the two returned to the shore, where everyone was already waiting.

When Crocodile saw this, a large ball of yellow sand immediately emerged from under his feet and flew towards Link. Enel understood what he meant and directly placed Link on the soft sand ball, sitting down and being taken back.

"Hey, Uta! It's meat, I cut it off!"

As soon as he arrived at the port, Link saw Uta in the crowd at a glance, then he raised the package in his hand to her as if offering a treasure, and said with a smile.

Uta quickly stepped forward, took the package and put it aside, asking Link to put his arms down. He looked at Link's embarrassed look, with sadness written all over his face.

"That's not what I want."

She just said casually that morning, not expecting that it would be Kaido who came, otherwise she would have told Link to be careful not to get hurt when fighting.

However, even if she said this, Link might not listen. He would always use the simplest way to end the battle.

Looking at Link's smiling face, Uta sighed and gently rubbed Link's hair. The originally dazzling blond hair was now dyed red with blood, which showed the brutality of Link's battle.

"Ahem, Uta, let's talk about it later. Let me show it to him first."

Gureva's somewhat hoarse voice sounded from behind Uta. Upon hearing this, Uta quickly gave way to make room for Gureva.


After saying this, Uta stepped back, but she was still looking directly at Link. Olvia walked to her side and said softly: "It's okay. Link seems to be very energetic. It's nothing serious." questionable."

At this time, Link was still talking to Gureva with a smile, and he looked full of energy. If he hadn't been covered in blood, Link wouldn't have been injured.

"Well, Link will be fine."

Robin on the side also whispered something, Uta nodded, but said nothing more, quietly watching Gureva who was checking Link.

I saw Gureva taking Link's arm and touching his wrist, but then her expression became very strange, and she made a suspicious sound in her mouth.

This made Uta's heart suddenly lift, and he quickly asked: "What's wrong with Link?"

This was the first time she had seen Gureva like this. Could it be that Link was more seriously injured at this time than before?

The rest of the people also looked at Gureva. Gureva was also awakened by Uta's voice. She came to her senses in an instant. After realizing her gaffe, she quickly waved her hands and said to them: "It's okay, it's okay. I just didn't expect Link's tricks." His bones were all cracked, it was a bit unexpected.”

Reassuring his companions for the time being, he continued to check Link's injuries with a calm expression.

Broken bones, this kind of injury is very common and not a big deal. These words made Uta and the others feel relieved a little.

But what surprised Gureva was not this, but Link's skeleton, which was almost unchanged from the last time she checked.

In other words, Link's body seems to be really fixed at 18 years old. Link, who was originally one year older than Uta, is now younger than Uta based on his physical age.

However, these things are not suitable to be spoken out directly. Gureva plans to talk to Uta first and then decide based on the situation.

After thinking about this, Gureva began to carefully check Link's injuries, and then her frown deepened.

"Tsk, the injury is like this again. Enel, you go to the medical room and get me some splints... Forget it, you take Link and go to the medical room and wait for me."

Asking Link not to move for the time being, Enelu quickly disappeared from the spot with Link. Then before Gureva could organize the medical kit, Enelu appeared again and disappeared with Gureva again.

The remaining people looked at each other and quickly moved towards the star base.

Crocodile saw that Uta was very anxious, so he directly used his ability to fly back with the group of people.

When they reached the basement level, everyone saw Enel sitting outside the operating room.

"You are here. Gureva said that Link's injury is not serious, but it is a bit troublesome to treat, so everyone can rest assured that Link is fine."

Enelu is not a doctor, so he will convey whatever Gureva says. Thinking of the doctor who just entered the operating room and was responsible for helping Gureva, he can intuitively feel the so-called complexity.

"Anything else?"

Uta asked quickly. Enilu in front of the door thought for a while, and really thought of Gu Lewa's advice.

"Yes, Gureva said that the operation will last about 8-12 hours, and then Link will recover after a period of rest."

So Link's injury is indeed not serious... right?

Uta nodded and sat on the chair outside the operating room. It seemed that he didn't intend to leave until he saw Link come out.

Olvia and Robin sat next to Uta and began to whisper comfort. Daz stood in the corner, not knowing what to say, but he knew that it was not appropriate for him to go to comfort him at this time, so he kept quiet. stood aside.

Crocodile looked at Enel, gave him a look, then turned and left. Seeing this, Enel also got up and followed.

The two arrived at the top floor of the Star Base, where almost no one would come up.

"When Kaido fought with Link, did he tell him why he came?"

Crocodile asked, and Enel thought for a moment, recalled Kaido's words and deeds at that time, and finally shook his head.

"No, the guy just said there was no need to fight anymore and left. It seemed that he didn't intend to fight Link to the death."

But this is very strange, because Kaido started to attack after seeing Link. He didn't look like he had any hatred or grudges at all. He even went to Kale Bali specifically to have a fight with Link.

According to rumors, Kaido likes to fight with strong men, but this is the first time that he has broken into the base camp of another sea emperor.

So is it to test Link's strength, or is it for something else?

Crocodile fell into deep thought, but he had too little information to draw a conclusion.

Finally, after a long discussion with Enel, the two finally concluded that Kaido wanted to know Link's strength.

It might be because of Link's title as the Strongest Man at this time, or the pure gold behind them, or the information on the road signs.

Invariably, there are many reasons why they are targeted.

On the ground floor, operating room.

Link looked at Gureva who was cutting himself open with a knife, and said with some confusion: "Do you want to eat me too?"

These words made Gulewa stop her movements. The doctor on the side did not dare to breathe at this time. He carefully held various tools and waited for Gulewa's call.

"Stop talking nonsense, no one will want to eat you."

Gureva took the tweezers and picked out the bone fragment that had pierced the muscles of Link's forearm. She waved her hand behind her, and two doctors immediately came forward to help Link with suturing.

Looking at Link's head that had been carefully cleaned by the nurse, he carefully knocked on Link's forehead and said speechlessly: "You don't have a few good bones in your body. I don't know how you can continue to fight. .”

He sighed, picked up the scalpel and tweezers, and continued to face Link: "Don't say anything next. I will finish the operation on you sooner, and you can leave here sooner and see Uta."

Everyone in the Star Pirates knew how to calm Link down, so when Gureva's words came out, Link immediately nodded with a smile and said nothing.

So, the operation continued.

About ten hours later, Link was pushed out of the operating room by Gureva wearing a splint. The first time he saw Uta, he greeted her with a smile.

During this time, Uta had been paying close attention to the door of the operating room. When he saw the door open, he immediately rushed over.

"Gureva, how is Link?"

Uta asked quickly, and Gureva, who pushed Link out, nodded proudly and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Link will be able to go to the ground in a few days. His injury will not be alive even if he is not treated." Danger."

This battle was far less brutal than the last battle between Link and Shanks.

It's just a few broken bones. With her special medicine, it won't take long to recover.

Hearing this, Uta breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at Link, and wanted to hold his hand, but Link's hand was even fixed with a splint, making it impossible to do so.

Seeing this, Gureva shook her head and said to Olvia and Robin on the side: "You send Link back to the bedroom to rest first. I'll have a word with Uta and she will go back in a while."

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