"I will only follow one captain."

Zoro never thought about joining another pirate group.

It didn’t happen before and it won’t happen again.

The bear still stood there, seeming to be waiting for Enelu's response.

Enel's answer to Zoro was actually not surprising. He could have given his life for the captain, so naturally he would not follow others.

Ignoring Zoro anymore, he let go and put Chopper on the ground. Enel handed him the backpack behind him and said with a smile: "This is what Gureva asked me to give you. Open it and take a look. Carry it on your back." After all these days, I still don’t know what’s in it.”

Enelu didn't open the backpack to check, so he was curious about what Gureva had prepared.

Chopper took the backpack, but did not open it. Instead, he continued with some urgency: "Mr. Eniro, please save my partner!"

Chopper's prayers were loud at this moment, for no one spoke except his voice.

Zoro lowered his head and remained silent, and Xiongya looked at Enelu without saying a word, making it unclear what he was thinking.

When Enilu heard this, he just shook his head and said nothing. Instead, he took out a phone bug from his jacket pocket and made a call.

The answer was answered almost in the next second, and Gureva's urgent voice came immediately: "How's it going, Enelu, have you found Chopper?"

A familiar voice sounded here. When he heard Gureva's voice, Chopper could no longer bear the grievance in his heart. He burst into tears before Enelu could say anything, crying for Doctor Dori.

"Chopper? Is it Chopper?! What happened to him? Enel, give the phone bug to Chopper!"

Gureva, who was holding the phone bug, became anxious when she heard Chopper's cry and said loudly.

Enelu chuckled twice, feeling helpless: "I haven't said anything yet."

However, listening to Gureva's eager tone in the phone bug, Enel threw the phone bug to Chopper on the ground.

"Doctor Dolly!"

Chopper hugged the phone bug and cried and shouted, talking about the injustice he had suffered and his desire to save his companions.

Gureva from Kalai Bali listened to Chopper's cry, walked to the window, opened the window, sat on the window sill, and listened to Chopper's grievances in his heart without saying a word.

After talking like this for a long time, Gureva heard that Chopper on the other side of the phone was still crying, and she couldn't help but said softly: "Okay, be good, go find your companions, you will be fine."

Chopper seems to have met a very good companion.

Gureva smiled softly and asked Chopper to hand the phone bug back to Enelu.

Chopper over there nodded, and after sending the phone back to the bug, he quickly ran towards Zoro and threw himself into his arms.

He grabbed Zoro's lapel and smiled: "That's great, Zoro, everyone will be fine."

Doctor Dori has promised him that she will ensure everyone's safety. Doctor Dori has never lied to him in so many years, so Luffy and the others will be fine.

Zoro nodded, looked at Chopper who was laughing and crying in his arms, and said softly: "Well, thank you, Chopper."

There was an insurmountable gap between him and the bear for the time being, and Zoro knew this very well.

But Enelu is different. Sauron doesn't know how strong Enelu is, but his bounty of up to 2.5 billion proves his strength.

"Let's go, I'll take you to find Luffy, he still needs treatment."

Zoro put down Chopper, picked up the unconscious Sanji, glanced at the bear and Enel one last time, and then ran with Chopper in the direction where Luffy was blown away.

Enelu, on the other hand, was holding a phone bug and was communicating with Gureva without even looking at the bear.

"Is Bartholomew Bear strong?"

Gulewa asked. Enilu looked at the silent bear holding a Bible and said casually: "Well, we haven't done anything, so we don't know much yet."

"That's it."

Gureva on the other side of the phone nodded, and after thinking about it, she said again: "Is it dangerous?"

"Who do you look down on?"

Eniru laughed directly after hearing Gulewa's words, and his tone was very relaxed. Gulewa understood what he meant, and she laughed twice, and said again: "I'll trouble you, help me save Chopper's companions. "

"It's not too much trouble. I originally wanted to fight a bear."

If Zoro hadn't suddenly stood up, he would have probably fought with the bear by now.

After hanging up the phone bug and putting it in his pocket, Enelu's arm was wrapped with lightning again.

He twisted his neck and grinned: "You heard me, no one in the Straw Hats will die today, I said so."

As he said that, Enelu's figure disappeared instantly and appeared next to the bear. His legs that turned into lightning were raised high and kicked towards him.

The speed was very fast, and Eniro's attack came too suddenly. The bear only had time to defend himself with his armed haki, raised his arms slightly to resist, and then was kicked out like a cannonball.

With a loud bang, the bear crashed into the ruins of the castle, filled with smoke and no movement.

In the distance, Zoro was taking Chopper away. From the corner of his eye, he saw the bear being kicked away and his footsteps stopped.

Having been instantly killed by a bear, he knew how powerful the opponent was, so Zoro was so shocked when the bear was kicked away.

Looking at Enelu with the thunder wrapped around his body, Sauron left a little faster.

Enel is also very strong. He is one of the Five Emperors of the New World and the deputy of Star Link. Therefore, in order for Luffy to become the Pirate King, he must become stronger so that he can fulfill his wish as Luffy.

Enelu looked at the ruins that stirred up smoke and dust, and just slowly lowered his legs. He knew that he would not defeat the bear this time, so he raised his arm and fired another divine sanction at the bear's position.

The dazzling thunder made the dark environment a little brighter. As soon as he penetrated the ruins and came to the bear's side, he was slapped away by the bear who took off his gloves.

God's sanctions turned into streaks of lightning, like countless white snakes flying in the air, scurrying around in the air.

Xiong raised his hand and waved forward again, pushing away the ruins in front of him, looking at the lightning-ridden Enelu, and said: "This is an order from the World Government, are you really going to disobey it?"

These words made Anilu laugh out loud and said disdainfully: "Then let the World Government go to Kalai Bali to find us and see if they have the courage."

Enel has never been afraid of the world government, even if they are the masters of the sea.

And since the announcement of pure gold, he has seen too many World Government personnel coming to Kalai Bali to ask for a share of pure gold. This made Eniro, who already looked down upon the World Government, even more contemptuous.

If you want it but don't dare to grab it, you will waste such a huge power in vain.

Xiong didn't say a word when he heard Eniro's words, because the order to kill everyone here was false. He just wanted to see the attitude of Luffy's crew and came here to perform other tasks.

So when Eniro said this, Xiong didn't know how to reply for the time being.

And the reason why he cares so much about Luffy has to do with Luffy's father.

On the surface, Bartholomew Bear is a Shichibukai recognized by the Navy, but his deeper identity is a member of the Revolutionary Army.

Luffy is the son of Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, so the bear had no intention of harming them in the first place.

"I will report these truthfully."

After a while, Xiong said slowly.

Enelu didn't care about this at all. He laughed twice, turned into lightning and rushed towards the bear again, and said with a smile: "You're a lackey of the World Government, now come and have some fun with me."

Since being beaten by Link last time, Enelu hasn't fought against anyone for a long time.

Lightning Kick kicked at the bear again, but this time the bear was on guard and kept an eye on Enelu. When he saw this, he waved his big hand and slapped Enelu's leg.

There seemed to be a transparent film on the bear's palm, and Enelu's lightning kick was spread out.

But Anilu was already prepared. He raised his arm and the terrifying thunder struck the bear again.

At the same time, lightning began to appear on his back, and a ferocious thunder beast about a hundred meters in size appeared in the world with a roar.

The powerful thunder and lightning hit the body, making the bear's body become a little stiff, and then he quickly patted himself, flicking out the thunder that was still raging in the body, and looked at the roaring thunder beast in front of him with a serious look.

In just a few brief encounters, Enelu put a lot of pressure on the bear. Looking at the huge thunder beast running towards him, the bear immediately raised his hands high, palms facing each other, and quickly compressed the air here. Soon A transparent bear paw a hundred meters in size appeared and slammed into the ferocious thunder beast.

The highly concentrated air collided with the thunder beast, and a violent explosion occurred instantly, causing the three terrifying sailboats to begin to roll left and right. The fog above was also dispersed by the rushing air currents generated by the explosion, allowing the sun's rays to shine in for a long time.

The bear immediately raised his palm to take a picture of himself and disappeared.

Enelu was able to detect the scent of bears roaming around the island based on his sense of sight. After swatting Moria and his men away, he also left the island.

I have learned a little bit about his fruit ability, Enel. It can slap or bounce himself or others away. In short, it can move at high speed, like a means of rushing.

Crocodile said that Xiong is a user with the ability of the Meatball Fruit and can develop this ability. He and this Devil Fruit seem to be very compatible.


"He just left like that. He was such a boring person."

Enelu shook his head and said helplessly.

Just seeing the bear's moves aroused his interest. Just when he was thinking about a fierce battle, his opponent ran away without saying a word.

Alas, I am so happy.

Sighing twice, he lowered his head and looked at the deep pit where the smoke was still billowing. The figure flashed and disappeared.

In the distance, Chopper held down Luffy, fixing him on the ground that was shaking from side to side, and exclaimed: "What's wrong! What happened again?!"

The whole island is moving left and right! This place won't sink into the sea, right? !

Chopper shouted in surprise. Zoro, who was looking for his companions, looked in the direction of the explosion, clenched his fists, and finally said slowly: "It's okay, it's just the bear and Enelu fighting."

Yes, just fighting makes the ground here shake.

Hawkeye was right what he said at the beginning, the world is really big!

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