Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 519 But you can’t beat my captain

Those yellow sand beasts were punched away by Whitebeard, but the incomplete body was replenished by the yellow sand on the ground the next moment, and endless beasts bit at Whitebeard crazily.

The sand is very malleable. These are all created by Crocodile's ability. After awakening, he can control these as he wishes.

These sand beasts will not dissipate before his physical strength is exhausted.


Many members of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted anxiously, trying desperately to break away from the fighting navy and wanting to come over to help. The yellow sand under their feet instantly condensed into a ferocious sand beast, which opened its big mouth towards these people.

As the blood continued to dye the yellow sand red, many of the navy that had fought with it before shivered.

The blood-stained sand under their feet was like a savage beast in their eyes, and they had to escape from here even if their legs were shaking like a sieve.

However, the scope of influence of Crocodile's awakening is very far, and they cannot escape in this state.

But as long as they didn't come to disturb his battle with Whitebeard, Crocodile had no intention of paying attention to those people.

Where Whitebeard was in the distance, the sound of space shattering sounded again.

The earth began to surge, and the yellow sand kept beating like boiling water.

Under Whitebeard's full attack, Malinfando shook violently again, and Crocodile's yellow sand creations were directly scattered.

But this can only be postponed for a while, because in the yellow sand, these things are endless, and they can be reunited again if they are scattered.

The main body that controls these, Crocodile, must be defeated.

Whitebeard knew this, so after scattering those annoying sand beasts, he immediately jumped up and rushed towards Crocodile.

There is not much time left, and my condition is getting worse and worse. I must defeat him as soon as possible!

Whitebeard gritted his teeth, his eyes were firm, and he planned to fight Crocodile desperately.

It was this serious look that made Crocodile slowly stand up from his seat.

"I wish I could have done this a long time ago. I have been worried about how I can fight seriously elsewhere?"

With a chuckle, Crocodile's figure disappeared, but a strong wind gradually blew in the vast desert.

Akainu's move of Hades completely shattered Yamato's already cracked weapon.

But the sword flashed, and the lava arm Akainu swung was cut off directly.

Ace saw the opportunity and immediately pulled Yamato back, but she still had an ugly scar on her arm, and it also smelled like barbecue.

"It's okay, it's much lighter than when my father hit me."

Yamato looked at Ace with worried eyes, grinned, and told him not to pay attention.

The most troublesome thing for her now is that her weapons are gone, which has reduced her combat power a lot.

However, Ace clenched his fist, lifted Yamato up, and looked fiercely at Akainu in front of him.

Hot lava spurted out from Akainu's severed arm, and finally turned into his arm. The knife didn't hurt him at all, and he looked indifferently at the person who had just attacked him.

"Quickly kill Daz. The bounty is 640 million Baileys. I don't know what your relationship is with them, but if you want to stop me, you have to ask your captain to come over."

Daz stood opposite Akainu, his hands turned into long knives, looked at the unharmed Akainu, and said slowly: "But you can't beat my captain."

Back when he was in the Shampoo Islands, Akainu couldn't beat Link, so he couldn't beat him now.

These words really stirred up Akainu's nerves, making him look at Daz even more coldly.

"But you are not a star either."

The arm expanded into hot magma again and punched Daz.

The erupting Hades knocked Daz away, causing his arms to become a little more scorched.

"Although now is not the time to attack you, if you insist on dying, I can help you."

Quickly kill Daz, Fire Fist Ace, Straw Hat Boy, Yamato, Giant Reindeer, Candle Fruit ability user, he will execute these guys in front of you!

Looking at the yellow sand that had eroded half of Marinefando, Akainu was about to let go and fight.

As a result, the yellow sand under his feet began to melt and turned into hot magma.

At this time, Daz, who was knocked away, climbed up and his eyes became more solemn. He had seen Crocodile test the awakening ability many times, so he recognized him at a glance.

Looking at the people around him, Daz asked seriously: "Has any of you awakened with a devil fruit?"

If no one uses the awakened power to fight for control of Akainu, the next battle will become very difficult.

But after saying that, looking at everyone with blank faces, Daz knew that asking was in vain, so he pursed his lips and rushed towards Akainu.

He would confront Akainu not to help Mr. 3 or Ace and the others, but just to test his current strength.

"I have been practicing hard for so long, not just to be killed by you!"

Datsu's arms were wrapped with armed haki and he slashed directly on Akainu's body.

Behind him, Ace and the others all rushed over and started fighting with Akainu.

In mid-air, on the edge of the fence of the Star, Enel was sitting on it watching the battle below, and naturally noticed the conflict between Daz and Akainu.

"This doesn't look like we're playing."

Eniru chuckled lightly, but seeing that the group of them could fight back and forth with Akainu for the time being, he didn't pay too much attention, but looked at Kizaru not far away.

"Hey, Kizaru, you seem to be very free."

Lei Ying will be torn apart by Kizaru's light as soon as he breaks away from the Star. Moreover, this guy's attack is very measured and will not damage the Star at all.

So Eniro kept charging the Star, and Kizaru kept casting light in the sky beside him. Compared with the navy below, which was constantly fighting, it was extremely leisurely.

"How could it be? Because you are too dangerous, I can only guard you."

While joking, Kizaru stretched out his finger again, and the dazzling light shredded the slowly spitting thundercloud.

But no matter what he said, Enelu knew that these were all excuses.

Since the situation has not yet reached an irreversible point for the navy, it doesn't matter if Kizaru takes a break for a while.

And although staying here is relaxing, it would not be so easy if it were someone else.

Just like Kizaru doesn't like fighting with Enelu, Enelu also doesn't like fighting with Kizaru very much.

Their abilities are so similar on some levels that most of each other's advantages will be lost.

"Whatever you say, we will leave after Whitebeard dies."

Eniru spread his hands and told Kizaru the purpose of their visit.

"Then it's great~ Otherwise it would be too scary to face monsters like you~"

Saying that, Kizaru tore the condensed thunder cloud into pieces again.

No matter what the purpose of the Star Pirates is, Kizaru will definitely not let Lei Ying appear.

"Speaking of which, the live broadcast seems to have disappeared for a while. It seems that leaving the phone bug to Uta is of little use."

After whispering something, Enelu casually took the apple thrown by Gureva and ate it.

"Is this the move that almost destroyed the Chambord Islands?"

Lakilu said doubtfully, and Beckman on the side nodded after hearing this, confirming his suspicion.

Although Beckman has not seen it with his own eyes, he has information about this, so he will not admit his mistake.

But then, before Elnilu's lightning could get louder, the live broadcast signal was interrupted and the screen disappeared.

Shanks, who had been watching all this silently, sat up with some effort, endured the pain and smiled: "Brothers, it's time to set off."

In the picture, Whitebeard is already at the end of his strength and can't hold on for long. It would take an hour to get from here to Malinfando at the fastest speed of the Redfors, so the time should be about the same.

And Shanks has also rested for a long time. Although his injuries have not recovered, his physical strength has recovered a lot, allowing him to continue fighting for a while.


Lakilu and the others frowned and looked at Shanks worriedly. The following words were not spoken, but everyone understood what he meant.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. Just follow the original plan."

Touching his chest, Shanks couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The road signs were gathered so quickly, and Link's navigation was so smooth. Kaido actually revealed the location of the last road sign, which Shanks did not expect.

But now that it has reached this point, he no longer has the need to stop Link. If Link wants to become the Pirate King, let him do it. I just don’t know if the time has come now. Will Uta be as disappointed as Captain Roger? leave.

But it shouldn't be, because Uta's purpose of making Link become the Pirate King is because of him.

Because Shanks wanted to become the Pirate King, Uta made Link the Pirate King in order to get revenge on him.

Uta and Link didn't care at all what was on Rafdru, they just wanted the title of Pirate King.

To a certain extent, this is a good thing, that is, if the time does not arrive, Uta will not be disappointed because she never expected anything up there.

So, Captain Roger, what is on that island...

Shanks's eyes gradually blurred and fell into memories.

When Beckman saw this, he sighed and waved to his companions to raise the sail. However, after looking at Uta and Link who were still hugging each other intimately in the distance, he finally asked his companions to move the boat closer.

At this time, Link was still showing Uta the fun of time.

"Hey, Uta, Link, we are going to the Navy Headquarters. Your companions are also there. Come together."

Beckman shouted loudly to the two people on the ice floe, because just looking at Link and Uttarius together, Beckman was afraid that they wouldn't be able to hear him if he lowered his voice.

After Shanks, who was lying on the deck, heard this, he climbed up with difficulty, lay down on the railing, smiled and waved to Uta.

"...so stupid."

It's not as pretty as Link's smile at all.

However, Uta looked at Shanks' bandaged body and his forced smile. He was silent for a long time, and finally patted Link's chest gently.

"Go up and follow them to find the Star."

There was no emotion in Uta's tone. After speaking, he lay back in Link's arms and said no more words.

Thanks to book friend 20190209204721956 for the tip, thank you.

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