There is something wrong with Link's brain. Indigo and Gureva have both checked this out and made it clear that it cannot be cured, so this has also become a worry for the golden lion after his IQ recovered.

At first, the Golden Lion also talked about this matter with the surgery fruit ability user, but the other party was also not sure, so the Golden Lion left it alone. But now that he saw the power of time reversal, the Golden Lion's mind suddenly became active again.

As for why he didn't go to find the Retrograde Fruit ability user before, it was because it concerned Link, and the Golden Lion didn't trust that ability user.

However, after thinking so much, Golden Lion did not think about the most critical issue, which is that if Link uses time to go back to before everything began, his brain will also go backwards, and this is naturally the case with memory.

To Link at that time, Uta, the Golden Lion, or everyone here were strangers.

This was the first thing Uta thought of when Golden Lion said it.

So, will that Link still be her Link?

Just the thought of Link looking at her with a strange face made Uta feel very uncomfortable, as if he was out of breath and had difficulty breathing.

"If we go backwards, as long as we go back one day, Link's Devil Fruit will not be awakened, so Boss Shiji's idea cannot be realized at all."

Holding Link's hand harder, Uta said with a forced smile.

This didn't even require Link to listen to Uta's voice. Even the golden lion on the side noticed something strange about Uta.

This made the Golden Lion a little stunned. He didn't know why Uta showed such emotions, but he soon thought of it, because Uta's state was the best reminder.

"...As if I didn't say anything, you go and rest."

The golden lion stood up and left here. Link, who stayed there, was a little confused. He didn't know why the voices of Uta and Boss Shiji suddenly sounded strange.

Bedroom, bed.

Uta hugged Link, still thinking about what Boss Shiji said before, and wondering if he was too selfish to prevent Link from returning to normal.

But when Link recovers, he will inevitably forget everything, which forces Uta to be selfish.

"I won't change, Uta."

Link suddenly opened his eyes, said with a smile, and hugged Uta tighter.

His mind is indeed not smart, and he only figured it out now after thinking about a few words.

Boss Shiji proposed to change back to the past, but Uta didn't like this, so it wouldn't be good.

Although he has never tried it, Link feels that he can go back in time.

Uta was silent after hearing this, lying in Link's arms, and finally whispered: "Fool, go to sleep."

Just think of it as her selfishness. Link is fine now and doesn't need to change back.

Link in his right mind would definitely not like someone who destroyed his country, so that's fine now.

Nestled in Link's arms, listening to Link's strong heartbeat, Uta slowly fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the Golden Lion finished breakfast, then asked Olvia to tell Uta not to think too much, and then left Kale Bali.

It is true that he did not think carefully about this matter. He only wanted to restore Link's sanity to normal, and completely forgot about the consequences of memory regression. Now that he has come back to his senses and thinks about it, not to mention that Uta can't accept it, even the golden lion himself can't accept it. .

Link really wants to forget everything, wouldn’t he have spent all these years in vain!

"Did they say anything yesterday?"

Olvia looked at the back of the golden lion hurriedly leaving, and asked the companions around him strangely.

After hearing this, everyone except Robin shook their heads in confusion. Only Robin let out a faint sigh.

Then, he slowly told everyone what happened yesterday.

She didn't mean to hear it, but something fell on the Star. She wanted to go downstairs to get it, but as soon as she opened the door a crack, she heard the golden lion's words.

"Like Uta said, Link can't let his body go back to before he mastered the awakening, right? After all, he can't turn back time without awakening."

Gureva said speechlessly. She felt that Golden Lion and Uta simply thought too much, and this matter sounded very unreliable.

"Not necessarily. The power of time may allow Link to return to his young state and still be able to control it freely. No one can say for sure."

Crocodile said slowly, the Fruit of Time is too special. There are very few time-based Devil Fruits, and no one has ever developed them to awaken them, let alone the top-ranked Fruit of Time of all time-based Devil Fruits.

No one will be surprised by its power.

"I said I couldn't do it, I just couldn't do it. Why are you so stubborn with me?! You can't understand this? Why are you so stupid all of a sudden?!"

Gureva slapped the table angrily and looked at Crocodile with an unkind look. Anyone could see her dissatisfaction.

Crocodile said no more. He didn't want Link to go back to the past, so he kept quiet.

Enelu on the side saw this and quickly changed the topic to smooth things over.

"Don't think so much, everyone, now think about the battle between Link and Kaido six days later."

The topic was changed a bit abruptly, but the atmosphere was somewhat restored.

Gulewa lowered her head to eat the salad, listening to the discussions of her friends around her, and finally slammed the table, startling the others.

"No! I won't be able to eat any of this food unless you explain it clearly!"

After saying that, he turned around and left. Eniru reacted the fastest and turned into a bolt of lightning to stop in front of Gureva. He smiled bitterly and said: "Calm down! Calm down! Link and Uta haven't gotten up yet, even if you want to do it We have to wait until they wake up to figure out the problem."

Robin also quickly came up and took Gureva's arm, and said helplessly: "Yes, yes, and this matter should be decided by Uta, not you and me."

"Uta? Ha."

Gulewa couldn't help but sneer after hearing Robin's words.

"I know Uta's character very well. She will never talk about it. She won't even discuss it with Link in detail. She will just hide like a quail and pretend that she doesn't know anything about it.

But this problem will be like a sharp thorn, piercing Uta's heart, and over time it will affect her mental health.

I am the ship's doctor of the Star Pirates. This matter is right in front of me. How can I pretend that I didn't see it? ! "

Gureva knew very well that Uta would not let Link go back to the past, but ignoring Link made Uta feel guilty. At this time, as a ship's doctor, she had to stand up.

An excellent ship doctor not only has to treat the physical wounds of his companions, but also the inner wounds.

Enelu and Robin who were blocking the road were also moved by Gureva's words. They felt that what she said was indeed reasonable, but they still couldn't let her pass because Link and Uta hadn't gotten up yet.

"I also recommend letting Gu Lewa untie Uta's heart knot. This matter really cannot be delayed forever."

Crocodile said softly that there should indeed be an explanation for this matter regarding Link.

"Huh? Why are you asking this?"

Link said doubtfully while eating barbecue.

Just now, Gureva asked him about going back in time. Because of this, Boss Shiji and Uta were in a bad mood yesterday, so Link was a little sensitive.

"Hey, it's a very simple matter. I'm asking you if you can turn your time back to before the fruit awakened."

Gureva said directly. Uta's hand holding the chopsticks was slightly stronger when she heard this, and then she heard Link's smiling words.

"Oh, sure, but I don't want to change back."

Uta didn't like it, so he didn't go back in time.

Link said with a smile, but Uta lost control of her strength and broke the chopsticks in her hand, but her expression was unusually calm.


"Listen to me first!"

Before Uta could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Gureva. She pointed at Link and said loudly: "Think about it with your brain, Link will never be able to recover!"

It's a very simple thing, but both Golden Lion and Uta think about it too complicated.

But Uta didn't understand. Looking at Gureva in front of him, he opened his mouth, his expression more fragile than ever.

"I can't lose Link."

This is the most unacceptable thing for Uta. Looking at Link who was laughing and confused, Uta said firmly.

Upon seeing this, Gureva took two steps forward and knocked Uta on the head, very dissatisfied: "I said, Link will not change!"

Pointing at Link, Gureva said directly: "You can, um... set your time back two hours."

At that time, Link was still sleeping, but that didn't matter. Gureva asked Link to go back in time just to prove to Uta that Link would not change in any way.

After hearing this, Link did not use his ability, but looked at Uta. When he saw her nodding blankly, he set his time back to two hours ago, and then looked at Gureva in confusion.

"Go back, why are you doing this?"

Link was puzzled, and so was Uta, but Crocodile on the opposite side saw some clues, frowned in thought, and then figured out Gureva's intention, and started to laugh.

Gulewa first gave Uta a wink, asking her to listen carefully, and then said to Link: "Do you remember what we just said?"

In fact, the first words Link said after rewinding time already indicated everything. Gureva asked this just to remind Uta.

"Remember, you just asked me to turn back time. What, you forgot?"

Link tilted his head and said, and Uta, who had been looking at him beside him, slowly opened his eyes, thinking about what this meant.

Seeing this, Gureva nodded with satisfaction, looked at everyone in the restaurant, and said with a smile: "Then, how can Link, who has gone back in time two hours ago, still remember these things?"

From the beginning, Gulewa had thought of this.

There are only two possibilities for Link to go back in time.

One way, he can remember these things, and the other way is that he can't remember these things.

The current situation is that Link's memory will not be affected if he goes back in time.

If it's the other way around, then Link will wonder why he wants to go back time as soon as he goes back a while, and then stop.

This also means that his own abilities are not protected by time, so the limit of regressing time is when the Devil Fruit awakens. Link could not do it before.

So no matter what, Link won't change.

Golden Lion and Uta were simply worried.

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