"I am also a reporter. How can I be a reporter if I am timid?"

Morgans laughed, knowing from Crocodile's tone that this was something serious.

"If you are curious, you can go to Ghost Island and wait for us when the time comes. You will know then."

Crocodile didn't say it directly, but he didn't want to hide it from Morgans, because even if he didn't ask, Crocodile would tell him the matter later.

Because Link's becoming the Pirate King has to be announced to the world through Morgans' newspaper.

"Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful. I will wait for you at the outskirts of Wano Country."

Morgans laughed and exchanged greetings with Crocodile before hanging up the phone.

Although I couldn't get the news directly from Crocodile, there were only a few things that happened when the two sea emperors met.

The biggest possibility is nothing more than alliance or battle, whichever it is will be big news.

There may be others, but it concerns two sea emperors. Even if they have a meal together, it will be published in the newspapers.

As for why Morgans said he would wait for them outside Wano Country, it was because Kaido had an extremely bad temper and Morgans did not dare to go there alone...

The death of Whitebeard caused the structure of the new world to change again. After Marco and others buried their father, they dispersed with their brothers to guard their territory.

Although the speed is very fast, many islands have been occupied by others, and they need to take them back slowly.

And some, such as those stolen by Charlotte Lingling, cannot be recovered, because the death of their father left them without top-level combat power and unable to fight against Charlotte Lingling.

Ace also became busy, following his brothers around the new world. However, no matter how hard the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates tried, their territory was shrinking little by little.

Without Whitebeard, the Whitebeard Pirates are no longer feared.

The situation of five emperors that lasted for several years turned into four emperors again at this moment.

Luffy and Chopper were sent to Rayleigh by Shanks, hoping that Rayleigh could teach Luffy Haki well.

Although Shanks doesn't think Luffy can defeat Link, it's not a bad thing to give him a belief to keep working hard.

"So, Link will go to Lovedrew in a few days."

Rayleigh and Shanks were sitting together drinking. After listening to Shanks' words, they also smiled and sighed.

Rayleigh had just learned about Link's ability to pause time from Shanks, and he never thought that Link would lose.

He also didn't expect that the next Pirate King after Roger would actually be the child of that guy Shiji. I'm afraid Roger would be very emotional when he found out.

Clinking glasses with Shanks, Rayleigh continued to drink, while Shanks gently fiddled with the glass and said with a smile: "But Link is not the person Captain Roger is waiting for. This may not be a good thing. But it’s not a bad thing for me.”

Because of Uta, Link chose to become the Pirate King, and the agreement they made many years ago will eventually come true. At that time, Uta will completely step out of his shadow, and he can live a happier life.

Shanks smiled and sighed.

In the final analysis, he is primarily responsible for why things turned out like this.

"Hahaha, it's okay. People like Roger will always show up. After Link goes to Lovedrew, it doesn't mean that others can't go."

Roger smiled and patted Shanks on the shoulder, but out of the corner of his eye he looked at Luffy who was practicing and seemed not to care about Link becoming the Pirate King.

"But when the Star Pirates came, I didn't realize that Uta was actually your daughter. What kind of woman did you fall in love with?"

As he talked, Rayleigh also started to gossip.

Like Bucky, he was very curious about what kind of person Shanks would like.

"That's a long story."

Shanks had a headache. He didn't expect that Rayleigh would care about this. He smiled bitterly and could only respond perfunctorily like he did when he answered Bucky.

Red Earth Continent, Pangu City, conference room.

Five Old Stars: "You can't be entirely blamed for what happened this time, but there must be an explanation for Fire Fist Ace's escape and the various losses to the navy."

The arrival of Kaido and the Star Pirates brought instability to the war. Although Link and Uta were not present, they still held back the two generals.

They won't go into details about why Garp didn't join. After all, he is a bit special, so overall, Sengoku did a good job this time.

However, because of this war, the Navy Headquarters was completely destroyed. Most of the island turned into a desert, and less than half was made of magma and ice. Only a little bit of the original land was left, so the Navy Headquarters had to be moved to another place.

Moreover, Fire Fist Ace, who should be executed, also ran away. Someone must stand up and take responsibility.

Warring States nodded when he heard this and said directly: "Well, I know, these are all my poor considerations, so I will resign as marshal."

Wulaoxing: "???"

Saint Satan and the others looked at each other and saw the confusion in the eyes of the others.

They have no intention of removing Seng Guo from his position. After all, Seng Guo has done very well over the years.

This time, the Five Old Stars just planned to simply punish Warring States, and let it go, but they never expected that Warring States would take the initiative to abdicate.

Saint Satan thought for a while, and was interrupted just as he said the word 'you'. Warring States said decisively: "I have deeply realized my mistake. I have no shame to continue to serve as the navy marshal. I hereby formally apply to Removal."

Saint Satan: "..."

All the good and bad things were said by one person in the Warring States Period, so what else could he say?

Seeing the firm determination of the Warring States Period, the Five Old Stars could not say anything more and relieved him of his position as marshal. After a brief discussion, it was decided that the next marshal would be selected from the current three generals.

After some discussion, everyone was speechless as they watched Warring States leave gracefully.

"His main purpose seems to be to come here to remove the marshal from his post."

Saint Peter whispered.

In fact, regarding the Warring States Period, the five old stars originally planned to let him take over the position of commander-in-chief of the entire army in a few years, but they did not expect that the Warring States Period suddenly did not want to do it.

"Forget it, let's not talk about him anymore. It has been confirmed that Link was responsible for the inversion of the sun and moon before. So in the future, will the Star Pirates be allowed to develop freely?"

Saint Satan said in a deep voice, making the other five elder stars also become silent.

Lord Im had personally confirmed that Link was responsible for the change of sun and moon before, so this gave them a huge headache.

Link is already too strong, and he doesn't seem to have any good impressions of the Navy or the World Government. If Master Yimu hadn't been very special to him, they wouldn't have tolerated the Star Pirates until now.

"...What can we do? Are you planning to take action against the Star Pirates?"

"It's better to ask Lord Im what he means than to make random guesses and be hesitant."

"Haha, didn't Lord Im say that? If you can do it, try it. If you don't say you can't do it, you can't do it."

"Then...do you want to try it?"


In the end, the topic was dropped.

No matter how strong Link is, Lord Im is the strongest in their hearts, and he is the master of the world.

So Link's appearance only gave them a headache, but not panic.

This is also related to Link's character. Link doesn't seem like someone who would threaten their rule.

The days passed like this.

Most of the Whitebeard Pirates' territory was taken away, and the remaining Whitebeard Pirates reduced their territory and held on to the last territory with Whitebeard's hometown as the center.

The only Sea Emperor who robbed these islands was the BIGMOM Pirates. The other three Sea Emperors did not intervene. Most of the islands were taken away by other powerful pirates or various forces.

As a result, the waters of the New World have become extremely chaotic, making many people miss the peaceful days.

Today is the sixth day after the end of the war. Morgans arrived at the outskirts of Wano early and started waiting.

Tomorrow is the day that the Star Pirates agreed with Kaido, but Link and others are not in a hurry to set off, because the speed of the Star allows them to arrive in Wano the same day after leaving Kale Bali.

At night, Enel was sitting on the sofa on the deck of the Star, eating an apple one bite at a time, with a faint smile on his lips.

Just thinking about getting the fourth road sign tomorrow makes Anilu so excited that he can't sleep.

Because after Link and Uta's dreams are completed, it should be his turn, right?

When the time comes, it will be a beautiful thing to go to the infinite land with your companions!

This is Enel's classic dream material. He has wanted to go to the infinite land in reality for a long time.

"If you don't go to bed, why are you giggling here alone?"

Crocodile, who was also in no mood to sleep, also came to the Star at this time, and immediately saw Enel sitting on the sofa with a silly grin.

The sudden voice startled Enelu, and when he saw that the person coming was Crocodile, he also felt a little bit: "Of course you are laughing because you think of happy things, but why are you here too?"

Enel moved to the side, no longer sitting in the middle of the sofa, and made way for Crocodile. Crocodile was not polite when he saw this, and sat directly on the sofa, looking at the apples on the table. Picked one up and ate it.

"I finished dealing with the matter in Kalai Bali and I don't want to sleep for a while, so I came here to take a look."

He finished all the matters for the few days after Kalai Bali, and left the remaining small matters to Mr. 3 who had just arrived not long ago. Even the pure gold was hidden by Crocodile just in case. They are afraid that someone will steal their home while they are away.

After finishing all the matters, Crocodile planned to come to the Star.

The apple in his hand was eaten bit by bit. Crocodile looked at the core in silence and finally said slowly.

"I saw the execution of Roger, the Pirate King, with my own eyes. His words before his death had a great impact on me. It made me curious about what Ralph Drew had."

The Pirate King who roams the sea, what exactly is he talking about?

Crocodile smiled and threw the core of the fruit in his hand into the sea. Enel was still eating the apple and listening silently.

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