There is a white palm on the back of the bronze hand.

That was Yamato's hand. Kaido was a little distracted by these sudden actions and words. He didn't expect that Yamato was actually comforting him after saying so much.

After two seconds of silence, Kaido shook Yamato's hand away, and then said stiffly: "I don't need you to comfort me yet."

Having said that, there was still a little smile on Kaido's gloomy face, but this rare smile was fleeting. Kaido didn't want to show his emotions in front of Yamato.

"Is there anything else? If you don't want to get out of here, if you're bored, just think about how to deal with Wano after becoming a general."

Kaido said coldly. Of course, Yamato could see the awkward look on the side and laughed twice. He was smart enough not to say anything that would embarrass Kaido, but she really had something else going on.

"Father, after I become a general, can I change Onigashima? I've seen this skull look since I was a kid, and I'm really tired of it."

Yamato patted the rock beneath him and asked Kaido tentatively.

Onigashima looks like a ghost skull standing on the rocky ground. When Yamato was a child, he thought it was very handsome, but after seeing it too much, now he thinks it is very ordinary.

The current look is a bit too gloomy. Yamato wants to make Onigashima look like something that makes people shine, rather than making people feel depressing and scary at first glance.

However, these words made Kaido fall into the memories of the past. After a long pause, he asked in confusion: "Isn't this good?"

The skull-shaped building is the best building Kaido has ever seen, and it is also the building that holds many memories of Kaido.

That's why Kaido asked people to build the island like this when he built Onigashima.

As a former member of the Rocks Pirates, today's Onigashima is imitating Beehive Island, with the main buildings resembling skulls.

Just like Kaido had a profound influence on Yamato, Rocks also had a profound influence on Kaido.

For example, they have the same aesthetics, and they believe in the theory of being more domineering.

However, this theory has been completely crushed by Link's ability to use the Fruit of Time.

"Of course it's not good! Look at this skeleton building, it doesn't look good at all..."

Yamato kept talking about the shortcomings of Onigashima's architecture and how he wanted to transform Onigashima.

Kaido did not refute, and just listened to Yamato slowly, and finally thought that maybe it would be good for Onigashima to become what Yamato said.

"Hey, Yamato."

Kaido suddenly touched Yamato's head and whispered: "If the Beast Pirates don't have me, you will be the next captain of this pirate group. If you encounter something that cannot be solved, you can ask the BIGMOM Pirates Please ask Tuan for help, Lingling will help you."

Although they have almost no contact, Kaido and Lingling's relationship is not bad, or very good. This is also because of the days when they sailed together in the Rocks Pirates.

Tomorrow, oh, it's past midnight, that's today.

Today, Kaido will fight Link desperately to see if he can win the duel, which also means that if he fails, he may die today.

Yamato is not strong enough. Without him, the Beasts Pirates will be like the Whitebeard Pirates now.

The territory was robbed by various forces, and the prestige dropped significantly.

Although Jhin and Quinn will help, they don't have enough prestige to preserve everything now. Kaido is planning for Yamato how to survive in the future.

So this doesn't just sound like he's laying out his funeral arrangements, but Kaido is actually laying out his funeral arrangements.

Yamato frowned when he heard this nonsense, so he interrupted directly.

But Kaido didn't care about this at all, and kept telling Yamato about his experience on the sea.

In the end, she just left Yamato angrily because she didn't want to see her father like this again, which made her feel indescribably awkward and sad.

After she left, Kaido stopped, said no more, and continued to drink in silence until a bright light appeared in the east.

Its daybreak.

"Uta is still very prescient."

Olivia sat at the small round table, holding black tea and said with a chuckle.

As the sun rose, everyone got up and had a simple breakfast, and Enel controlled the Star and set off for the Kingdom of Wano.

Link will definitely not get up at this time, but it doesn't matter. Calculating the time, he will arrive near Wano Country after he wakes up and has breakfast.

Therefore, Uta had anticipated this a long time ago and was very foresighted.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you arrive late. Nowadays, Link's defeat of Kaido is probably only a matter of seconds, so you don't have to go so early."

Enelu said casually that Daz was driving the boat now, so he was sitting lazily on the sofa, looking very leisurely.

Crocodile on the side didn't look nervous. He and Enel had the same idea. For them, this trip was just to get the last road sign.

"If you go there earlier, you can get the red stone earlier. Olvia and Robin can also decipher it earlier, and then you can go to Ravdru earlier, so it is still beneficial to start early."

Gureva chuckled, drinking the sweet black tea and thinking about what kind of history Ravdru recorded.

Time flew by and it was noon. Link walked out of the cabin with messy blond hair, and Uta followed behind Link.

They had just finished breakfast, or lunch, because it was already afternoon.

Familiarly, he and Uta sat down at the round table. Link picked up the tea cup in front of him and drank heavily. It contained the black tea that Olvia had just poured for him.

"It will be a duel between you and Kaido later. After you win, you can get the last road sign."

Robin chuckled softly, and Link nodded when he heard this, making an OK gesture, indicating that everything would be wrapped up on him, and then he sat down obediently and let Uta arrange his hair.

The bright sky has gradually darkened, and the shadow of Wano Country can be seen in the distance. On a towering rock pillar outside Wano Country, Morgans has been waiting here for a long time.

When the Shining Star appeared in Morgans' field of vision, he first picked up his camera and took several photos of the Star, then flapped his wings and flew towards it.

The big white bird in a suit was as conspicuous as a star in the gloomy weather, so when he flew over, he was immediately noticed by Crocodile and others.

However, Crocodile had already told his companions that Morgans would appear here, so no one would be surprised.

Link lay lazily in Uta's arms, and his arms turned into those of a child again, making it very comfortable to be held in Uta's arms.

Hearing Morgans's voice, he just looked up and ignored it, continuing to close his eyes and fall asleep in Uta's arms.

"It's been a long time, my lords. Can you tell me what will happen next? Can you satisfy my thirst for knowledge a little bit?"

Morgans first bowed politely and said hello, then took out his notes and asked the question he was most concerned about.

Crocodile just pointed to the seat on the edge of the nail board and said to him: "You can sit there first, and you will understand what you are curious about later."

The corner of the deck was where Crocodile had prepared for Morgans. There was also a small gold table with a pot of tea on it.

It's just an ordinary pot of tea, and it should be a little cold by now.

But Morgans didn't care about this. He listened to Crocodile's words and sat down in that place. Seeing that the other party was silent, Morgans calmed down and stopped asking questions.

Silently looking at the people in front of him, he kept writing in his notes.

When he caught sight of Link in his peripheral vision and saw his young appearance, Morgans was also a little surprised.

According to the information he knew, Link and Utta had no children, but what happened to this child?

Morgans' curiosity for knowledge rose again, and he apparently regarded the smaller Link as Link's child.

But, this question seems to be even more sensitive than why the Star Pirates came today. Morgans, who knew the rules, would not ask this question, but he started to have random thoughts in his mind.

Guleva paid attention to Morgans while chatting with Olvia and the others, and naturally knew that he was thinking wrongly, but she laughed strangely without explaining.

In this way, the Star continued to sail towards the country of Wano, and was soon discovered by the members of the Beast Pirates who were guarding here.

It is no secret that the Star Pirates will come today. Because of Kaido, many people know about it, not to mention the members of the Beasts Pirates. They have been told by Kaido to report the situation as soon as possible.

So there was no hesitation at this time, and he immediately contacted the superiors through the phone bug. This information was relayed by several people, and soon fell into Jhin's ears.

Jhin didn't hesitate, spread his wings and flew directly towards the top of Onigashima. He knew that Kaido had been sitting there since yesterday.

"...Five minutes ago, the Star appeared in the waters near Wano Country. It is expected that Link will arrive at Onigashima in no more than twenty minutes."

Jhin, who found Kaido, quickly revealed the information.

Normally, it would not be so fast to reach Onigashima from outside Wano Country, but the Star can fly and it is easy to enter Wano Country.

The twenty minutes Jhin mentioned was still too much time to talk about. At the speed of the Star, it would not even take ten minutes at the fastest.

Listening to Jhin's story, Kaido nodded slowly, and his body emitted a large amount of gas, which was the alcohol that Kaido had expelled from his body with his life.

"Are you here already?"

As the alcohol in his body disappeared, Kaido's hazy eyes immediately returned to clarity, and then he waved his hand to disperse the air containing alcohol around him.

There was still some time before Link came to him, so Kaido did not rush to get up first, but slowly said to Jhin: "Jhin, do you still remember what I said once?"

That's it, about Joey Boy.

This sudden question stunned Jhin for a moment. After a moment of silence, he slowly said, "I will bear in mind every word Mr. Kaido said."

But just because of this, Kaido suddenly said this without any end, and Jhin didn't even know what Kaido was asking.

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