Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 541 Enelu: Not as good as Shuixianxing Island

"Except for the Roger Pirates, we are the only ones who have been here in the past eight hundred years. It is normal for the buildings to turn into ruins."

Although there isn't much wind here, it's not just the wind that causes buildings to corrode.

Crocodile said calmly, and then walked directly towards the ruins ahead with a clear purpose.

The island of Ravdru is not big, probably smaller than the Drum Kingdom.

Everyone pushed aside the weeds on the road and walked towards the large ruins ahead.

After taking only two steps, Link, who had been at the front, suddenly turned around and said with a smile: "Olvia, Robin, there are many of your favorite rocks ahead."

There were so many of them, it sounded like an ensemble in Link's ears.

Olvia was stunned for a moment, then nodded and smiled: "Well, thank you for the reminder."

Although she had already guessed this, looking at Link's smiling expression, Olvia still chose to praise him.

Olvia is actually not very good at coaxing children, because she left Robin not long after giving birth to Robin. However, as she got along with Link, Olvia gradually learned how to deal with it.

After everyone got over the weeds and arrived at the ruins, judging from the remains of the ruins, it should be a huge open space. The place further away was faintly shining with golden light, and there was a lot of gold there.

But no one paid much attention to these things, they were all looking at the ruins.

In the center of the ruins, there are about four broken seats, two of which are very huge, and it can be known that the people sitting on them are not of normal size.

Under a huge seat, there is also a wide river connected to it.

In the middle of the four seats is a table of about ten square meters, and not far from the seats are a large number of historical texts stacked.

There were a lot of them, neatly stacked in a corner. Olvia and Robin immediately walked over and began to read the words on them.

Crocodile and Enelu looked at each other and dispersed in tacit agreement to collect information in the huge ruins.

Daz looked around and chose to collect information from all around.

None of them understand ancient writing, so they can move freely until Olvia and Robin's message is translated.

Gureva chose to move closer to Robin and silently watched her write and draw in her notes.

Uta held Link's hand and saw everyone around him dispersed in a blink of an eye. He chuckled and said to Link: "Do you want to go and have a look around? It will take some time for them to translate so many historical texts. ."

She didn't want to wait around here, but neither Uta nor Link actually cared much about those distant histories.

Link nodded with a smile, and wandered around with Uta. The first thing he went to were the four seats.

Crocodile had just finished investigating here, nodded to Link and Uta who came over, and walked to another place to continue investigating.

The four seats in front of you are carved out of rock, so they have remained in perfect shape despite the passage of time.

Uta walked towards one of the normal-sized chairs and saw many black stains on the back of the chair.

Based on the shape and area of ​​the spill, it looked like blood.

But this is just Uta's speculation, she is not sure.

Link on the side had already run to the river under the huge chair. Looking at the clear water, he said to Uta with a smile: "Uta, look, Bai Xing has dug a river here too."

There are many such huge and regular rivers in Kalai Bali. They were built by Shirahoshi craftsmen to provide access to every part of the island.

The size and depth of the river in front of him were similar to those in Kalai Bali, so it was no wonder that Link recognized his mistake.

"This is a building from eight hundred years ago. How could it be dug by Shirahoshi?"

Uta smiled helplessly, walked over and pulled Link up to prevent him from playing in the water and falling into the river.

But he soon realized something was wrong, frowned slightly, and looked towards the huge throne on the river.

Using Shirahoshi's body shape as a comparison in his mind, the seat in front of him is slightly larger. However, Shirahoshi is only 14 years old now and will grow in size as an adult, so it would be very suitable to sit on this huge throne.

Did this seat on the river belong to the mermaid princess eight hundred years ago?

If this is the case, who do the other three seats belong to?

Is there that Joeyboy who left a letter of apology on Fish-Man Island?

Even Uta, who didn't care about the history of eight hundred years ago, became slightly interested at this time and pulled Link towards the huge seat.

However, after walking around twice, there was nothing on it that indicated his identity, so Uta didn't know whether his guess was correct.

"What are you looking for?"

Link was a little surprised. Uta had already circled the chair twice, not knowing what she was looking for.

"It's okay, I just want to see if I can find something to prove the identity of the chair owner. If not, forget it."

After touching Link's head, Uta smiled and took Link to wander here.

In the final analysis, she was just interested. Since she couldn't find anything to prove her identity, Uta didn't bother to delve any further.

In the distance, as he was wandering around the ruins, he turned his head slightly and heard Olvia's uncontrollable smile.

Did you find anything interesting in the historical text?

Enilu thought slowly, but the translation was not finished yet, so he did not rush back first and planned to continue looking around.

This place is far away from Olvia and the others, but people are still within the scope of the ruins.

There are some pale bones in the broken corners here, and there are broken weapons near the bones. There should have been a war here.

There were very few bones along the way, so the scale of the battle should not be large. However, with a large area of ​​buildings damaged like this, the people who fought back then must have been strong.

Enelu stretched out his foot and stepped on the weapon on the ground, and the wooden handle of the spear was crushed to pieces.

After looking down and finding no valuable information, Enelu ignored the withered bones.

Rafdru, if this island did not have those historical texts, it would not be as special as Shuixian Star Island in the eyes of Anilu.

Although there are no large animals here, there are still many bugs in the land and weeds. This is similar to an ordinary island and does not look like the final island at all.

Moreover, the distance to the Red Earth Continent is only a little closer than Shuixian Star Island.

If judged according to Anilu, Shuixianxing Island should be the final island.

The unique location, unique sea area, and unique island there can all bear this name, but the most unique thing about Ravdru is that it cannot be reached with the record pointer.

He casually kicked away the stones on the roadside, which knocked down the crumbling wall on the side, making a dull sound.

"Tsk, this place is really bad."

Enelu sighed helplessly.

Because of the uniqueness of Shuixianxing Island, he was originally looking forward to Rafdrew, but after arriving here, he found that except for a lot of gold and many historical texts, there was nothing else.

This greatly disappointed Enel.

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