Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 545 The original agreement

"Finally showed up!!"

In the World Economic News Agency, Morgans held the phone bug in his hand with an expression of surprise on his face.

Then he took out the eternal pointer of Kalai Bali, grabbed 9527 who was still resting, and flew towards Kalai Bali together.

He wants the latest news!

Confirmed that Link is crowned King!

All forces took action. In Pangu City on the Red Earth Continent, the Five Old Stars also got the news. They nodded solemnly and asked CP0 personnel to go to Kalai Bali Island and invite all members of the Star Pirates to come over. Discuss important matters, and if necessary, it can be said to be related to Uta's identity.

Yes, the Five Old Stars used such a simple method, and they believed that the Star Pirates would also come with a high probability.

Because Link's super strength makes them very confident and not afraid of their ambush.

The Five Old Stars intend to take advantage of this self-confidence. When the time comes, Im-sama will deal with Link, and they and the Knights of God will deal with the rest of the Star Pirates, causing the newly emerged Pirate King to fall instantly.

If they don't come, the Five Old Stars will choose another way. In short, they will use all means to get the Star Pirates to come.

"Ravdru... wonders how much they know there."

Saint Satan said in a low voice. He did not know how many historical texts there were in Ravdru. He could only roughly know that there was buried history there.

Saint Nashoulang was still wiping the long knife in his hand. When he heard this sentence, he just said calmly: "It doesn't matter, the dead can't speak."

In his eyes, the Star Pirates are a group of dying people.

If the Star Pirates don't come this time, he plans to capture the old Golden Lion, use him as a hostage, and threaten Link and the others to come over.

It's just a group of pirates, and they have many ways to deal with it.

After all, humans will always have many weaknesses.

Three days passed by in a flash. Morgans had been waiting for the return of the Star in Kalai Bali early. However, the news of Link becoming the Pirate King was published in the newspaper the day after the discovery of the Star. Because he knew something about it. Morgens of the news was certain that they would reach Loughdrew.

On the blue sea in the distance, a golden light seemed to light up. This made Morgans, who had been watching, immediately become excited and shouted: "The Star! The Star is back!!"

At this moment, Morgans missed the Star very much, because it contained the person he wanted to interview the most.

As Morgans finished speaking, a golden figure on the shore also opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth, and let out a heroic and hearty laugh.

"Hahaha, Lingling! Link is back!!"

The golden lion laughed loudly and said proudly to Lingling beside him.

Lingling came to Kalai Bali a few days ago and never left, because she came to see Link, and Lingling would not leave until Link came back.

Listening to the golden lion's wild laughter, Lingling felt that he was still as annoying as ever.

"Heh, it's pretty fast."

From departure to return, a total of ten days were not used, but this is also related to the excellent performance of the Star.

"I will settle the score with him when he comes back!"

Lingling whispered, and the golden lion on the side not only didn't care, but found it very funny.

"Lingling, I told you about Link's ability. You can't beat him at all."

As for Link's abilities, it doesn't matter whether he's exposed or not, it doesn't matter to all of them.

According to Link, time can be suspended for as long as he wants. Although the specific length has not been tested, a month is still simple.

For a month when everyone was unable to move or even conscious, Link chopped Lingling into pieces.

This extremely long pause is also the reason why no one is afraid of Link's ability being revealed, because no one can defeat Link.

"Then I'll reason with him! The pirate alliance has not been dissolved, why doesn't he abide by the agreement!"

Lingling owes nothing to Link, and the original conflict was all caused by the Star Pirates.

She kindly arranged a banquet to receive Link, but his men actually sneaked into her treasure room and rubbed the road signs.

This made Lingling immediately become furious.

Later, she could figure out that this was not led by Link, because he didn't have the brains, and it was probably Crocodile who planned it.

Therefore, her favorable opinion of Link only declined slightly, but she was very disgusted with Crocodile.

The golden lion opposite scratched his head. It had been a long time since he had seen Lingling looking so downcast, but with an old friend on one side and a child he had raised on the other, the golden lion still favored Link.

"Then I hope you succeed."

Shrugging, the Golden Lion had no intention of stopping Lingling from speaking, and continued to look at the approaching Star.

The dazzling golden ship stopped at the port. The area was already crowded with people. When they saw Link and others disembarking, they immediately started shouting noisily.

"One Piece! One Piece! One Piece!..."

Reciting this title over and over again, Link smiled and waved to everyone, and then ran directly in the direction of the golden lion.

Morgans wanted to be interviewed, but was directly pressed down by the Golden Lion.

"Boss Shiki, I have become the Pirate King!"

With the shouts of the surrounding crowd, the golden lion looked at Link's bright smiling face and felt a little dazed for a moment, remembering the past.

Ten years ago, on the day he met Link, he heard Link talking about becoming the Pirate King.

His smile didn't seem to change from beginning to end.

The voice of the Pirate King that kept shouting in his ears gradually brought the golden lion back to his senses, and then he patted Link on the shoulder and laughed: "Okay, okay, you really didn't disappoint me!"

Now, he can show off to Roger when he gets to Huangquan.

The golden lion was very happy at this time and couldn't stop laughing.

Link also laughed twice along with the golden lion, then looked at Lingling aside, and said with a smile: "Aunt Lingling, long time no see."

Every time he saw Aunt Lingling, he would eat delicious cakes, so Link looked next to Lingling. There was only a scarf man behind her, and there was no sign of cake, which made Link slightly disappointed.

"Well, long time no see, little Link."

Lingling smiled and nodded to Link, then saw Crocodile walking towards him, and her face turned cold again.

Crocodile also understood the reason for Lingling's disgust, so he didn't pay attention to it at all. He came over and just said hello to the golden lion.

"Okay, it's too noisy here. I've asked the people at the base to prepare a banquet for you to wash away the dust."

The golden lion waved his hand and led everyone directly to fly to the star base.

As for Morgans’ interview, according to Golden Lion, it’s just a small matter and will be mentioned later.

In the banquet hall on the second floor of the base, a large table was placed in the center, which was already filled with food. There was also a huge cake in the center of the table.

But just by smelling it, it's a bit worse than Aunt Lingling's cake and Uta's cake.

Link took Uta and sat next to the golden lion. On the other side were Lingling and Katakuri, and the others casually found a seat to sit down.

Without saying a few words, Lingling told Link the agreement of their alliance at that time.

"Little Link, you should still remember the original alliance agreement, right?"

Lingling grinned and glanced at Crocodile out of the corner of her eye. She thought Crocodile would change the topic or break up the alliance, but he just silently ate the crocodile meat in front of him without any intention of speaking.

"Ah? Is there an agreement?"

Link was a little confused. He really didn't care about these things. Uta on the side also understood what Lingling wanted to say. He chuckled twice and explained to Link.

"The Star Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates have united to form a Pirate Alliance and agreed to share the road signs discovered in the future."

After saying that, Uta glanced at Lingling and said with a smile: "I'm right, Aunt Lingling."

Uta's eyes met Lingling's, making Lingling stunned again, wondering why they were so cooperative all of a sudden.

Was there something about Raff Drew that made them change?

Lingling couldn't figure it out for a while, but she still grinned and said, "Yes, you remember it very clearly, Uta."

Link, who was eating the cake on the side, looked around. After listening to Uta's words, he thought about it, and vaguely seemed to have such a thing.

"You want that stone, but I only have one red stone here, and the others are all printed on paper."

There is only one road sign, but if Aunt Lingling wants it, just give it to her. Anyway, he has also been to that island and became the Pirate King, so the stone is no longer needed.

And speaking of that island, Link suddenly remembered that Crocodile seemed to have given him something to deliver to Boss Shiji.

"Papers with road signs printed on them are also fine. So, little Link, can you give them to me?"

Lingling's eyes were fixed on Link, waiting for his answer, but Link seemed to be looking for something and kept rummaging through his pockets without replying.


Lingling frowned slightly and asked again, but Link still didn't answer. He was still looking through his pockets and muttering under his breath about where he had gone.

Crocodile on the opposite side glanced over and sighed but said nothing. The others also smiled helplessly, leaving Lingling and Golden Lion a little confused about their attitudes.

Uta, who was sitting next to Link, chuckled twice, took out a record pointer from his pocket, glanced at Lingling, and then put it into Link's hand.

"Stop looking for it. You gave it to me for safekeeping the day before yesterday. It's definitely not on you."

Because this was for Boss Shiki, Link could easily break the pointer by running around all day long, so he gave it to Uta for safekeeping.

"Yeah, hehe, I forgot."

Link looked at the pointer in his hand, laughed playfully, and then handed it to the golden lion beside him.

"Boss Shiji, this Crocodile is for you."

So, this eternal pointer fell into the hands of the golden lion.

But as soon as the eternal pointer appeared, it attracted the attention of Lingling, Golden Lion and Katakuri. This was all because of a text engraved on it.

Raff Drew.

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