Crocodile and Enel were sitting on the chairs behind the sofa where Link was sitting, their bodies slightly tense and ready for battle.

As long as the Five Old Stars or the people hiding around them plan to take action, they will take action immediately.

Link smiled and asked Saint Satan: "Who are you?"

Does this bearded man really want to see him?

However, the voices of the person in front of me and the people around me were not pleasant.

Before Saint Satan could answer, Crocodile behind Link said with a smile: "They are thieves, that is, a group of thieves."

These words made Enelu and others laugh, and Link nodded in understanding, but the Five Old Stars were not angry after being accused of being a thief.

Masheng stroked his beard, looked at Crocodile calmly, and then said slowly: "It seems that you have indeed been there, and you are not talking big."

Crocodile's words can prove that they have indeed learned about that dusty history.

"Then, is it okay for the World Government to sentence you to death because of the one hundred years of blank research?"

After saying that, Masheng's body immediately began to change and became an especially ferocious beast.

The same goes for the other four Five Old Stars, all of them turned into hideous and terrifying monsters.

This made Olvia and Gureva, who were sitting on the chairs, frown slightly. Unexpectedly, the five old stars were all animal-type ability users, and they seemed to be fantasy beast species.

"With all this nonsense, why don't you just say you want to take action?"

Enelu stood up and said with a low smile.

Crocodile on the side also loosened his tie, looked at the ferocious five people in front of him, and sneered: "The most powerful person in the world government is like a demon from hell."

With Crocodile at his feet and himself at the center, everything was turning into yellow sand, but it did not erode the area around Link and others.

"Link, please keep an eye on Gureva and the others first, while I go and have fun with these guys."

Enelu said with a smile, and then turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the Five Old Stars, Crocodile advancing with him.

Although it was said that asking Link to pause time would end the battle, but then they would have nothing to play with.

"Oh, have fun."

Link waved his hand with a smile. Gureva looked at Daz and smiled and asked him to go over and give it a try. After all, this was a rare opportunity.

And 3v5 is always better than 2v5.

This is how the battle begins.

In total, no one said a few words, and they ended up fighting directly.

When the people in the left and right rooms saw the battle starting, they immediately broke through the wall and rushed out. At the signal of Wulao Xing, they surrounded Link and others.

It's just a matter of dealing with Crocodile and Eneru. Even adding a quick-slashing Daz is not a problem for the five of them, so they don't need their help, just let them guard Link.

"Anilu doesn't have Lei Ying's weapons. The three of them can't defeat Wulaoxing."

Robin said softly, but she was not too worried. Link could turn the tide of the battle in an instant. She just said this to want Link to pay attention to the battle over there and not forget to take action at the critical moment.

As for themselves, none of them paid much attention to the knights surrounding them, but they just felt that they were somewhat blocking their view.

"I'll help when the time comes."

Link said with a smile and continued to watch the battle of 8 people in the distance.

The fighting there was very fierce. The originally majestic Pangu City kept shaking and was very damaged.

And Saint Geiringer and his men surrounded Link and others without any intention of attacking.

He knew Link's strength, so he didn't want his men to die in vain, and the Five Old Stars also said that Lord Im would personally deal with Link. The reason why the Knights of God are here is just for the rest of the people.

Now they all wear soundproof earplugs, just to prevent Uta's ability.

It can be said that they are fully prepared to deal with the Star Pirates.

"The fire is burning, will this place be burned?"

Link looked at the flames burning in the distance and said doubtfully.

Enelu over there seemed to be a little angry. He actually left the battlefield and returned to the Star to release Lei Ying.

However, Enelu was extremely fast and it only took a few seconds in total, so it did not affect the battle.

The Star was far away, and Wulaoxing was also entangled, unable to prevent Lei Ying from taking shape.

"Looking at the structure of Pangu City, the possibility of burning here is very small."

Everyone who was still in the conference room had nothing to do at this time, so Uta explained to Link with a smile.

But at this time, a cold voice came from beside Link.

"It will burn over. Thunder and lightning are conducted in Pangu City, and many places are on fire."

This voice was unfamiliar to Link and others. When they looked over, they saw a blue-haired woman wearing a white robe sitting next to Link.

The sofa was very big. The blue-haired woman who suddenly appeared was about half a meter away from Link. She was not very close, but her appearance shocked everyone because no one saw how she got here.

The moment Geilinger saw her, he knelt down on one knee and spoke respectfully to Lord Im.

The rest of the people and even the members of the Knights had not seen Im, but they knew that Im was a big shot when they saw Geilinger's appearance, so they all knelt down on one knee and shouted Lord Im as respectfully as Geilinger.

Im didn't look at them, but looked sideways at Link, his expression extremely calm.

But the three Olvias behind the sofa frowned, looking at Im's back with confusion.

Knowing that period of ancient history, and seeing the respectful attitude of Geiringer and others, they knew that the Im in front of them was probably the one from eight hundred years ago.

Although this surprised them a little, it was not surprising.

Im became the king of the world eight hundred years ago, and it is normal for her to be alive today. After all, even they have a way to live forever.

But what shocked them most now was not that Im was still alive, but that the person in front of them was clearly Neferutali Lily!

She is not an Im at all!

Through historical comparison with the photo restored by Link, Olvia and the others were very sure that the person in front of them should be Neferutali Lily!

But why do these people call her Im?

Olvia and others felt that their brains were a bit exhausted. Im's mere appearance here made them fall into speculation.

Uta frowned slightly. She also recognized the person in the photo. She didn't know the history in detail and didn't know who Im in the photo was. She was just curious as to why Link didn't react when someone approached him. .

The battle in the distance became more and more intense, but the dilapidated conference room fell into an eerie calm due to Im's arrival.

Link tilted his head and looked at Im, the puzzled expression on his face almost overflowing. He looked strange to Im next to him.

"Why don't you have a voice?"

As we all know, everything has a sound in Link's ears, but the blue-haired woman in front of him has no sound at all. This is the first time Link has encountered such a person.

Link had always relied on his voice to confirm his surroundings and didn't use the Haki of Hearing and Hearing much, so Link didn't even know when Im came.

Uta was even more surprised when she heard this. She knew Link's ability very well, so she knew that there was no such thing as a soundless thing, so the Yimu in front of her was full of weirdness.

Im first looked at Uta, who was always holding Link's hand, and then said to Link: "This is the result of my practice."

She has been involved with Link for a long time, and she has been working hard for a long time to prevent herself from making any noise.

Leaning on the sofa and casually finding a comfortable position, the shadow at Im's feet suddenly stood up, instantly pushing Geiringer and others out of the conference room.

Because the target did not include Uta and others, Link did not take action.

"Hey, I have said it over and over again. I told those five idiots every time that I am not protecting you, but they are too suspicious. They always feel that I am protecting you, so they dare not take action against you."

It seems that because facing Link, Im's indifferent expression gradually disappeared and he became a little more popular.

"Protecting you? It sounds more like I'm protecting them."

If he hadn't had nothing to do, Im wouldn't have wanted to deal with Wulaoxing. Those five guys were very capable of causing trouble many times.

Because of meeting Link, Yi Mu rarely said a lot of words, which made the others look puzzled. They kept looking back and forth between Link and Yi Mu, guessing their relationship.

But Link was also a little confused. Although the blue-haired woman in front of him felt familiar, he really couldn't remember who she was.

"You haven't remembered me yet? It's okay, you will remember it soon."

Im looked at Link's confused face and sighed, then the shadow under his feet turned into a huge beast again and rushed directly towards Uta.

Upon seeing this, Link immediately pulled out Qiushui and used time pause. Everything stopped, except for the dark beast that was still rushing towards Uta and Im, who raised his eyes slightly.

Link is not the only one who can move freely during the pause.

However, Link didn't think much. Seeing that the dark beast was still moving, he immediately cut it off with autumn water.

The severed beast seemed to turn into dark ink, flowing continuously on the ground, and then disappeared into Im's shadow.

Im had no intention of harming Uta from the beginning, she just did it to let Link pause time.

"Okay, no one will disturb you now."

Im chuckled lightly, and the shadow beneath her immediately enveloped her whole body, turning her into an extremely huge dark beast.

It has four legs lying on the ground, a tail behind it, a round head, and a pointed little nose.

However, because of the shadow, Im's body was completely black except for his eyes.

This sudden transformation made Link stunned for two seconds. He looked at Im's form, thought for a moment, and said in surprise: "Babyfish?"

Like, very similar!

The dark monster in front of me looks very much like a giant salamander.

But since she is so big, it seems inappropriate to call her baby fish.

Should it be called Big Fish or Zhuangzhuang Fish?

Link thought a little strangely, but didn't take action for a while.

Im was slightly silent, and then said coldly: "Only you can call me that."

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