"I followed your suggestion last time, but the result was not good-looking, so I plan to tell you that I will plant lilies next time."

Im said calmly.

There are all kinds of flowers among her flowers now. Although they look very gorgeous, Im doesn't like them.

The reason why it has not been eradicated is to let Link take a look when he comes over, so that he will not come up with such bad ideas next time.

However, Link didn't believe it and felt that Im was lying to him, and there was some doubt in his eyes.

"Really? I don't believe it. How can flowers of various colors look bad together?"

Just imagining it made Link feel that the scene was very spectacular, so he didn't believe Im saying the results were not good.

After hearing this, Im looked at Link like this for two seconds, then stood up and walked towards the flowers.

"Let me show you your proposal."

Hua Jian is deep in Pangu City. In order to prevent being affected by the two attacks, Im moved the battlefield far away to prevent Hua Jian from being destroyed.

Link looked around. He was also very familiar with Pangu City, because Yi Mu was a homebody. Except for traveling with him in a few reincarnations, she stayed in Pangu City in most of her reincarnations. of.

It's a little far away from the flowers. His body is lying on the ground, and it's troublesome for his soul to float back and forth.

So Link said to Im that time was going to go backwards, and then he smiled and used Soul Return Home to start resurrecting.

Im: "..."

Glancing at Link, ignoring the time that was going backwards, Im changed direction and walked towards the conference room.

Having known each other for countless years, she understood what Link was thinking.

She just felt that the soul traveling back and forth was too troublesome, so she simply went back in time and was resurrected. She went back and lured Link to the flowers, killed him, and released his soul from the body again, so that his soul could float closer.

Walking slowly towards the conference room, the castle that had been destroyed by the two men was being restored bit by bit, but Im was not affected. The reason was a long story.

That was when Link and Im were enemies before. Im was sent back to the past by Link and he planned to banish her.

It was during this time that Im found the person with the fruit of time ability of that era, helped him develop the fruit, and then used his ability to separate Im from the world.

From then on, Im was no longer affected by time.

But because of this, every time Link restarts the world, she will not go backwards, and she can only be forced to go back to the past with Link.

Now that Link is getting crazier and crazier, she is probably getting mad too.

Many past memories were awakened by Link's arrival. Im sighed and came to the door of the conference room.

Time started to flow at some point, and Im could sense Link rushing towards her in the conference room.

Link's ability will resurrect him before the battle begins.

But because Im was not affected, she did not appear in the bedroom. Link immediately used his sense of sight to look for Im, and Im did not hide her aura and directly attracted Link out.

"Okay, let's start the second round!"

Link smiled and said that after his soul returned to his body, his will became chaotic again, so Im said that his soul was already chaotic.

Time, or memory, is the strongest wear and tear, comparing Link's soul to iron. At this time, he is already rusty.

Seeing Link skillfully pause time again, Im said nothing and directly transformed into his beast form to fight with Link again.

However, the direction this time is completely different from last time. After all, this time Im taking Link to the flowers.

Im skillfully started fighting with Link, as he had to do every time to wake him up.

But this time it didn’t take long before the familiar sense of peeping appeared again.

After stopping the battle with Link, Im looked in the direction of the sight with cold eyes, already remembering the information about the owner of the sight in his mind.

Charlie, the blue shark mermaid on Fish-Man Island, can see the future through divination.

Peeping twice in a row had happened before, but the chances were slim.

Im's eyes were extremely cold. The place she was about to take Link to see among the flowers belonged to her private territory. Even those idiots from Wulaoxing had to get her permission to enter, but Charlie didn't even say hello. Looking at it, this makes Im very annoying.

"Hey, Link."

Im called Link across the way and continued: "This sight is very annoying, you have to chop her in the face to stop looking at her."

It doesn't matter whether Charlie will be killed or not, because the world will be restarted and life will be meaningless.

Link scratched his head when he heard this, and asked a little strangely: "But the hooded woman is in the past, how can I kill her?"

"...Wrap the slash with the power of time and send it back to the past."

Im very familiar with Link's abilities. Although he has mastered all the fruit abilities, he is probably not very proficient in using them. He has even forgotten how to use his abilities.

Im reminded him and stopped talking, leaving Link to think on his own.

It is actually not difficult to send a slash back to the past, but it is a bit difficult to send it to a certain time accurately, and the further away it becomes, the harder it becomes.

But feeling the sight in the void, Link suddenly laughed and had an idea.

The hooded woman is Link's anchor point in locating time. Her vision across time is like a road sign in Link's eyes, which can directly help Link to mark his direction.

After thinking about this, Link directly grasped Qiushui and used Kiritani against the hooded woman.

The slash wrapped in the power of time disappeared as soon as it appeared.

The golden slash traveled up the river of time and appeared on the Fishman Island three years ago according to its location.

The sharp breath flew past Charlie's ear, cutting the wall behind her.

Looking at the broken crystal ball, Charlie absently touched the liquid flowing on her face, which was scarlet blood.

A slash from the future almost killed her. Looking at the blood on her hands, Charlie began to look dazed.

"It seems like it missed the target."

Link chuckled. He was a little unfamiliar with using the power of time like this, but he would definitely hit it next time.

Just as he was about to turn around and speak to Im, a shadow arrow pierced Link's heart again, ending Link's life.

At this moment, Im felt that the big blue shark mermaid was still somewhat useful, because her sight gave Im two opportunities to kill Link.

"Hey, hey, hey! There's something wrong with your two sneak attacks. After all, we're friends, so you're too decisive, aren't you?"

Link's soul flew out of the corpse, pointed at Im and said dissatisfiedly.

The relationship between the two has gone through countless reincarnations, from enemies at the beginning to traveling companions when they sailed together, and finally into friends. It can be said that the relationship has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After all, there is nothing that can be done. With Link's ability, the last person Im can speak to is Link and the tree whose time was stripped away by Link.

But unlike Link, Im can hear the sound of trees, so he can only communicate with Link, and their relationship gradually gets better.

"You won't die either, it doesn't matter."

Im said calmly, then turned and walked towards the flowers.

Because Link will not die, neither will Im. In the beginning, the two of them agreed not to interfere with each other because they were unable to do anything to each other.

But that was before Link restarted the world for the first time, and now they don't care about the original treaty.

With a helpless smile, Link looked at Im's leaving figure and slowly drifted towards him.

It's very close to the flowers here, probably only a few hundred meters away.

Continuously walking through the wide corridor, the two of them soon arrived among the flowers.

Looking at the colorful flowers in the flowerbed, Link thought for a while and suggested to Im again: "Look, it's not ugly. You think it's just that the flowers are too messy. I'll draw a design for you." Picture, next time you can just plant according to the design diagram.”

Im's flowerbed was indeed planted according to Link's suggestion before the end of his last reincarnation.

But this mess of flowers planted together really doesn’t look good.

Because these words were so confusing, just looking at Link gave him a headache.

"System, open the panel."

Link said helplessly, and then the system panel appeared in his field of vision.

[Host: Link]

【Age: 18】


"Stop, not this, another panel."

Just after watching the beginning, Link knew that the system panel display was wrong because the age did not match.

"Tsk, a system made with one's own soul will indeed have some problems as the soul wears out."

Link sighed helplessly. As a traveler who controls the long river of time, Link used part of his soul to create a system to make it more convenient for him after restarting the world. .

The only drawback of this system is that it can be affected by the soul and cause errors.

No longer thinking about these messy things, Link began to look at the new panel to find the information he wanted.

[Host: Link]

【age:? ? ? 】

【Body: 0】

【Refined:? ? ? 】

[Talent: Returning the soul to its hometown, communicating with all things]

[Devil Fruit: Toki Fruit MAX]

[Skills: Swordsmanship MAX, Taishu MAX (limited use), Knowledge color Haki MAX, Armed color Haki MAX (cannot be used), Overlord color Haki MAX...]

[Miscellaneous: MAX cooking, MAX gardening, MAX flower arranging, MAX sewing, MAX casting, MAX singing...]

This is the panel in Link's soul state. Level cognition is Link's own cognition, so compared to the panel when he has a body, the panels in the soul state are all at the highest level.

In countless reincarnations, Link did not pursue power every time and learned a lot of messy skills.

After rummaging through a pile of skills, Link quickly found the ability he wanted. Then he let the panel appear on his arm and pointed it out to Im.

"Look, my gardening, design, and drawing are all at full level. Trust me, I'm right."

Im first glanced at the system panel that appeared on Link's soul arm, and then said: "Have you forgotten that this so-called system of yours was created by deducing it with me?"

Full level?

This is just Link's own opinion. His so-called system is very idealistic and has no effect in Im's opinion.

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