Pirates: Starting from the Demon King of Uta

Chapter 59 Olvia’s Storytelling Meeting

However, Uta estimated that no ten-year-old child would be fooled by Gureva's method, but seeing Link eating with relish, Uta still didn't say anything.

Olivia didn't know why, so she blinked and didn't ask any questions.

The group of people had enough food and wine and dispersed.

Oh, Uta didn't, she stayed and washed the dishes.

It was getting late and the stars were getting brighter. Link lay on the bow of the Starship and looked at the silent night sky.

Olvia sat on the deck chair under the starlight and read the book in her hand.

But Link seemed bored. Seeing Olvia staying not far away, he pestered her to listen to some interesting stories to relieve his boredom.

"Well, I've read a lot of books, but there probably aren't a few that you would find interesting."

Olivia closed the book, thought of something, and asked Link to wait here for a while. She went back to the bedroom to get the book.

While he was waiting boredly, Uta also washed the dishes, looked at Link sitting obediently on the chair, and asked him in confusion what he was doing.

"Wait for the story! Olvia said she wanted to tell me a funny story."

Link laughed twice, pulled Uta over and sat together.

"Telling a story? It must be the one you pestered Olvia to hear."

Uta knew Link too well and knew that this must be Link's idea.

"Don't say that, it would be nice for me to tell a story to change my mood."

Olvia came back from fetching the book. When she heard Uta's words, she explained with a smile, shook the book in her hand, and sat back on her recliner.

Rolando, the talker.

These words were clearly written on the paper, and in the background was an illustration of a chestnut-headed character.

Clearing her throat, Olvia turned the pages of the book and told the story on it.

"400 years ago, there was a man named Rolando Wenbrand in Beihai. Rolando always told adventure stories that were almost lies, but the people in the village didn't know whether what he said was true or false..."

Olvia's soft voice gradually sounded, and Guleva sat on the chair next to her at some point, quietly listening to Olvia's words.

"Rolando told stories about his adventures, including Lilliput, the Land of Gold, and a series of other stories. These stories were unheard of and everyone thought they were lies compiled by Rolando to attract attention..."

The preface of the story ends here, and the adventure story told by Rolando follows.

Olvia spoke slowly, and slowly, she reached the last chapter of the story, the epilogue: The dead liar!

The timeline shifts again to Rolando returning to the country to tell stories of his adventures, and these words gradually spread back to the king's ears.

In order to prove that Rolando was not lying, the king took two thousand soldiers to find the first stop of the story, the Golden Land!

Speaking of this, Olvia and Gureva smiled at the same time, but it did not affect the rhythm of the story and continued reading.

"After a lot of hard work, they finally reached the island, but the only ones left were the king, Rolando and a hundred soldiers, but there was nothing there except a forest.

Therefore, Rolando was charged with deceiving the emperor and sentenced to death.

Ah, I see! The mountains of gold have sunk into the sea!

But the king was tired of it, and no one would believe what he said anymore.

Rolando did not give up deceiving people until his death, so everyone called him "Rolando the Great Liar."

After more than two hours, Olvia finished telling this fairy tale, closed the book, took the tea next to her and took a sip to moisten her throat.

"Lilliput! I really want to see what they look like."

Link became interested, but Uta didn't take it seriously. "If you want to see it, why don't you ask Indigo to combine it with you?"

Although it may turn out to be a weird villain in the end, it should still be considered a villain.

"Then let's take a look together. This world is so big. There are giants, fish-men, and small humans. It's normal."

Olvia said with a smile, and Guleva suddenly interrupted, "From what you're saying, don't you think Rolando is lying?"

After all, except for Rolando's story, there is no record of the little humans in this world.

"Well, it's all there. I just think it's unfair to think that he is lying without seeing it with your own eyes. The story above was adapted and processed by future generations. Who can know the real situation now? ?”

Olvia didn't care at all whether Rolando was a big talker. Four hundred years had passed, and the only clue left was this fairy tale. It was impossible to know whether this person existed in history.

"Okay, I've almost finished listening to the story. It's time for me to rest. Staying up late is not good for your skin."

Gulewa touched her old face, got up and went back to rest.

"That's it, I'm going to rest too."

Olvia nodded, put away the books, and went back to the bedroom.

Uta held on to the energy to finish listening, but now he was also full of sleepiness. He leaned on Link and breathed sleepily.

Seeing Uta like this, Link didn't think much and carried her back to the room.

In the silent night, there was no one on the lower deck. Only the record pointer left on the table stood out.

Yes, it was Link's turn to keep vigil today, but obviously, he had forgotten about it...

Early the next morning, Olvia, who was the first to get up, saw the record pointer left on the deck. She felt bad and quickly stepped forward to pick it up.

Tsk, as expected, they are now about twenty degrees off course.

Thanks to the blessing of the omniscient tree, luckily the course only deviated twenty degrees.

Sighing resignedly, he changed the direction of the sail, turned the rudder, adjusted the direction, and slowly corrected the deviated course.

With the lesson learned last time, Olvia specifically asked Dulin where the record pointer was pointing before leaving this time.

It was a huge island covered by desert, dozens of times larger than the Drum Kingdom, and it was Alabasta, which was also a member of the World Government.

Olvia has also been to this country, but the environment there was not very friendly. There were many elderly scholars in the archaeological team at that time, so they just briefly learned about it and left without finding any ancient ruins.

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