"Huh, if he wants to hear it, I can sing it to him at any time. It depends on my mood whether you want to listen to it or not."

Faced with Olvia's eyes, Uta stared back without hesitation, and her eyes vividly expressed that she should mind her own business.

In the world of songs, Uta's dance was still silky and smooth, not affected by Olvia's words in the slightest.

"Eat slowly, I'll take Link back to rest first."

Seeing the teasing looks in Olvia and the others' eyes, Uta snorted and left with Link without looking back.

Without the sideshow, it was quite quiet here again. Olvia and Gureva chatted casually, and Crocodile looked up at the distant sky with a cigar in his mouth, thinking about plans for tomorrow.

Link slept for a long time. When he woke up, they were already above the sea. The feeling around them was very depressing. The source of this feeling was not Uta and the others, but the nearby sea.

Under the calm, there is an undercurrent surging, which may explode at any time.

He and Uta put on their clothes and tidied themselves up. When the two came to the deck, the others were already waiting here.

The rising current may break out at any time, and the sky gradually becomes gloomy.

"Get some rest this time, I won't have time to sleep for a while."

Gulewa made a joke, but Link didn't understand the meaning. He nodded playfully and said, "Well, I slept very comfortably yesterday."

When the consciousness enters the world of Uta's songs, the external body will fall into sleep, the body will be completely relaxed, and you will naturally feel refreshed when you wake up.

Uta ignored Gureva, an old and disrespectful person, and asked Crocodile on the side: "How long will the rising current last?"

The ship is now stationary, which proves that it has arrived at the right location. All that is left is to wait for time.

As Uta finished speaking, the sea began to surge and twist, and the sea surface not far away immediately began to erupt, and straight upward currents immediately erupted and shot straight into the sky.

"It's now."

Crocodile replied to Uta with a smile, and then immediately shouted to Daz beside him: "Daz, it's time to work!"

In fact, Daz had already moved without Crocodile's orders. The rising current was very close to the Star. They were affected by it almost immediately. The ship's hull shook violently and kept approaching the rising current.

Before Link and Utta woke up, Crocodile and Robin had carefully worked out the plan. Each of them had their own division of labor, and they were already busy at this time.

Crocodile had turned into yellow sand, dragging Link and Utta to the stern of the boat, staring closely at the rising current that was about to come into contact.

Seeing the right moment, he wanted to raise the bow of the ship in the moment before contact. There was only one chance. If he failed, he could only let Link destroy the upwelling current and wait for the next opportunity.

Crocodile had simulated it many times in his mind and thought of various unexpected scenarios, but the reality was very smooth and the timing was just right.

The second before being sucked into the rising current, Crocodile stood at the stern of the ship and exerted force downwards. The huge force directly caused the Star to tilt greatly, and the bow of the ship was lifted directly, and it directly hit the rising sea. ocean current.

Like the rapidly flowing sea, the Star seemed to have escaped the gravity of the earth at this moment and flew directly up along with the current of the sky.

"Boss, they succeeded..."

The orangutans and orangutans of the Aru Mountain Alliance stood beside Kulikai and whispered.

They only gave Link and his companions the reinforcement of the Star, and made no other suggestions. These methods were all thought up by Crocodile and Robin.

None of them expected that the Star Pirates would progress so smoothly.

"Ah, I saw it."

Kulikai also sighed in a low voice as he watched the Star soaring into the sky together with the rising current.

"Do you think the Golden Land my ancestors talked about was washed up into the sky?"

Thinking about the gold he had been searching for in the sea for so many years, Kulikai suddenly had a new idea.

If the Sky Island is real, then the Golden Land Shantora is likely to be washed up on the Sky Island, so he can't find the city no matter how hard he searches, and can only find some broken gold in the sea.

The apes and orangutans met face to face, looked at Kulikai who was looking at the sky in a daze, and laughed in unison.

"Boss, why don't we go up and have a look too?"

The orangutan hooked his arm on Kulikai's shoulder, and the orangutan next to him also imitated it.

"Yeah, I just wanted to see what Sky Island looks like. It's a legendary island. It must be a great place!"

The surrounding Yuanshan Allied Forces also started making noises, clamoring to go to Sky Island together, and the depressed emotions of the past three days completely disappeared.

Looking at the lively Aruyama United Army, Kulikai suddenly laughed, straightened the chestnut hairstyle on his head, raised his arms and shouted: "Okay, let's go to Sky Island together!!"

The Ape Mountain United Army shouted in response. At this moment, Kulikai felt that the Golden Land mentioned by his ancestors did not seem to be that important.

However, you need to plan carefully before going to Sky Island. Their ship is much larger than the Star, so you need to study it carefully.

The surrounding Yuanshan Allied Forces also moved and marched into the forest together again.

Isn't it just cutting down trees? They are very familiar with this!

"What are you looking at?"

The Star continued to rise as planned. When Uta saw Link but kept looking back, she also looked over. She could only see the smaller and smaller Aru Mountain United Army and the shrinking Gaya Island. She did not look at it. Something that might catch Link's attention.

"Those people, their voices suddenly became very cheerful after we left."

It was because of this that Link looked back to see what was going on.

"Isn't that normal?"

Crocodile released his elementalization and looked back at Gaya Island with a somewhat disdainful tone.

When the source of danger disappears, everyone will be happy.

Crocodile is in a good mood now. He and Robin had predicted the current situation.

At this time, the sails of the Star had been opened, and they were constantly being blown away by the rising sea current and the airflow it brought. According to this look, it would soon reach the empty island.

After passing through the clouds, most of the rising airflow was blocked by the clouds. It could no longer support the Star to continue rising, so it fell directly from the rising current.

The hull fell upside down. Crocodile flew out in time and kicked the side violently, successfully turning the Star over and landing firmly on the clouds.

After the crisis was resolved, Crocodile returned to the Star and kept looking at the surrounding environment.

This place was different from the place where he came up. There was no huge entry gate around, only the endless sea of ​​clouds.

After tying a rope around his body, Robin stepped down from the side of the boat and reached out to touch the clouds that were holding them back.

It is very soft, but much lighter than sea water, and it is followed by a feeling of powerlessness, which is exactly the same as touching the sea.

Devil Fruit users will also be weak when encountering a sea of ​​clouds, but the effect is much weaker than that of the sea.

Fortunately, Robin pulled his hand back as soon as he noticed something strange, and did not fall due to loss of strength.

Thanks to Mu Yuxi and Xianyu, Book Friends 20211127195246425, Ming Kun's Rebellion, and My Destiny for their rewards, thank you!

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