Hive Island.

In smooth water.

Both of Yimu's long-range attacks were destroyed by Ye Zhuo.

On the port.

The Navy Headquarters thoroughly understood the gap between himself and Ye Zhuo.

More importantly, Im, this existence mentioned by Ye Zhuo is actually real.

"In the future, there will be no more five old stars, and they will be replaced by the GM army.

Your navy has its own duties, and some of the indiscriminate ones roll out early.

That sea train, and the technology of naval warships, the technology of Vegapunk that improves people's livelihoods, all applied.

In the future, no Draco, nobles are useless, only I am a demon king.

After Ye Zhuo finished speaking, he pointed to Beehive Island and said

, "In the future, I will recognize this place as the center of the world, my palace."

The Demon King thought about it and looked in the direction of Wano Country in the distance.

"Disperse, three days later, attack the Red Earth Continent!"

I hope you will do things as soon as possible and eradicate all those garbage aristocrats.

Otherwise, it will be you who will be unplugged.

Ye Zhuo walked towards Hive Island.

Pirate ships have also appeared near the port.

The whole battle is with the participation of the Demon King Pirates.

The four emperors, the legendary pirates, the headquarters of the navy, came and how much was destroyed.

Im's two attacks capable of destroying any island vanished.

Completely dispelled everyone's delusions about Beehive Island and the Demon King Pirates.

"I obey!"

Sengoku understood that the war was truly over.

Before the Red Earth Crusade begins three days later, the Pirate World will usher in a new transformation.

"Turn it off."

Ye Zhuo turned off all the video phone worms.

End of live stream.

The whole world is boiling.

Great Routes.

Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

This is a microcosm of the world.

"What? Those civilians actually dare to break into our palace?

"Your Majesty, run away, the GM Army and the Navy have become subordinates of the Demon King, and we won't even have a place to hand over the heavenly gold in the future."

"Abominable, abominable!"

The king, like the son of a hippopotamus, shouted.

Soon surrounded by angry people.

"Damn it, return the doctor's life!"

Choiba stood in front of him and shouted loudly.

East China Sea.

Restaurant on the sea.

The new king of the Goya kingdom fled here in embarrassment.

He dreamed of becoming a Draco.

But now whoever wants to die can go to the Dragon Man of the day!

I heard that the Red Earth Continent has been surrounded by water.

Yamaji placed a seafood fried rice in front of him.

Two sailors also stepped into the place.

Everyone was silent, they didn't understand that the world was changing too fast?

How did I become unaware before I had time to adapt.

"Have you eaten enough? Come with us, your crimes are unspeakable.

"Got it."

The young king of the Goya kingdom stood up and looked desperately at the warship beyond the sea restaurant.

A small village on the edge of the Goya Kingdom.

Ace went to sea two years early.

He originally wanted to cultivate for another two years, but the deeds of the Demon King Ye Zhuo in those newspapers made people's blood boil.

As the son of One Piece Roger, he has been in self-doubt all his life.

Why do people exist?

How can you prove that you have lived?

Now, Ace understood.

He sat on a lone boat and waved his fists.

The people of the windmill village watched him.

"Ace, I went to sea later than you, but I will definitely surpass you to become One Piece!"

Luffy shouted loudly.

"I don't want to be One Piece!"

Ace turned around and said with a smile: "I'm a man who wants to become a demon king!" "

Demon King?"

Luffy didn't understand how everyone had been discussing the Demon King lately.

Could it be that One Piece is not fragrant?


Hive Island.

The farewell continues.

Ye Zhuo had long returned to the palace and drank alone.

"We Nami grew up, and now we are really strong and reliable!"

The villagers wept bitterly.

Nami watched them helplessly.

Who would have thought that an idea that decided to go to sea could change the world.

It's only been a few months, and the world has been dominated by Ye Zhuo.

The Demon King has become the undisputed king of the world.

Imdu can only hide in the back, Ye Zhuo is good, directly standing on the bright side, no one dares to object.

"Kalifa, we CP0, and CP9 have now become your subordinates.

In the future, let's call each other by the names of colleagues.

We honor you as adults, you call us little ones. "

By the port.

Robluch and Kaku were swapped souls and became the appearance of Cybora and Sengoku.

Who would have thought.

Their souls are in the prime of life, and their bodies are almost time to retire.

"Hahahaha, Karp, you really are, what a competition with the Demon King."

"I heard that you still have two grandchildren who want to be pirates, go and persuade, Whitebeard has sent express delivery."

"Yes, we should retire too, after all, we finally have a young body."

Sengoku and Steel Bone Sora are now young and promising.

Karp and Zefa left with them.

After all, the Demon King Pirate Group does not like to keep guests except in the cage.

They are also less likely to be crew members.

"Tina, Dusty, you couldn't have made the right decision.

I was ignorant at the beginning, and I must follow the Demon King well.

We'll see you when we besiege the Red Earth Continent.

Smogg, the smoker, also said goodbye reluctantly.

Not far away, Neptune and several princes were crying while holding White Star.

If it weren't for Ye Zhuo, Fishman Island wouldn't know how many years it would have to suffer.

Where the cage is.

Kaido had just woken up.

He touched his head and saw that Black Maria, Yamato, and Runti were all hugging around Ye Zhuo, and they were all in a bad mood.

"Kaidosen, I know your teaching ability.

One stick of cherry blossoms, two sticks of tyranny, three sticks of awakening.

Just become a teacher of my Demon King Pirates in this cage!

Ye Zhuo stretched out his hand, and Kaido, who had already been stunned, also stretched out his hand.

"I am willing to become a prisoner of the Demon King and surpass you with this life!"

In the cage next to him.

Charlotte wakes up to find the young nun, Stussy, by her side.

When she was still in the peak of her mood, she yearned for the sea.

Smogg and Buling stood in front of them and did not recognize each other.

"Mom, we are your daughters!"

Smoogie shouted, now Lingling didn't know them at all.

"Fart, where did the old lady get her daughter? You're older than me!

Lingling looked at Ye Zhuo outside the cage.

The eyes were even more puzzled: "Hey, who are you?"

"The master of Beehive Island, the overlord of this world, Ye Zhuo."

"It's really rampant, I heard that a pirate named Rocks has been arrogant recently and plans to test the water."

Lingling looked at the cage, but found that it could not be broken.

"Rocks is dead, now the sea belongs to me."

Ye Zhuo opened the cage, and the young nun spat out a smoke ring, still wearing the nun's costume.

Stussy on the side is also at his peak, just coming out of CP0 and planning to open Happy Street.

They also looked at Ye Zhuo puzzled.

"You guys explain, I have to rest."

Ye Zhuo left the cage, but the Lingling trio was listening to Musji tell Ye Zhuo's deeds.

What nun is suspected of being killed by Lingling when she is old.

Lingling later became BIGMOM and had dozens of children.

Stussy's appearance did not age after he was old, but he was killed by Ye Zhuo.

They were horrified to hear it.

Hive Island, but a rare piece of peace.

At this time.

The man who countless people want to become the demon king.

As everyone is wondering, what exactly is Im like.

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