"You guys clean up the hive island, I'll come when I go."

Ye Zhuo drank all the wine from the Holy Grail of Life.

Picked up two hands and stepped out of the palace.

He jumped up.

The wings of Ximu, while condensing the thunder and lightning demon qi, wrapped the wind demon qi.

Wind and thunder wings!

Chicken Charm and Rabbit Charm accelerated.

The Moon Demon Qi broke all restraints.


Ye Zhuo burst out with extreme speed with all his strength.

"Another countdown task.

Blame you two black sheep!

Anyone who harms me so kindly will make a move! "


On a seemingly ordinary island.

Ye Zhuo stepped on the ground, and he saw the domineering look from a distance and confirmed his whereabouts at a glance.

The king of the sea is hidden underground.

On the surface, goods are transported by trading ships, but in fact they are transported by submarines.

He refused when he received a call from Kalifa.

Demon King Ye Zhuo?

Didn't he know, all the time.


Before that, there was also Tenyasha Doflamingo who was an intermediary.

Now they are backed by the Four Emperors.

What is a demon king?

Do you really think that Morgans' newspaper blows a few sentences indiscriminately, and really becomes the fifth emperor?


The whole island trembled, and he had just spit out a smoke ring hidden in the underground port.

A tall figure appeared in front of him.

"You also deserve to be called king?"

Ye Zhuo lifted the shipping king.

"Are you the Demon King?"

The Shipping King remembered that Ye Zhuo of the bounty order was not like this!

I already knew that the live-action version was so oppressive.

He has long surrendered!


One punch kills.

The laser eye directly destroys all its corpses.

Ye Zhuo turned to and said,

"In the future, the territory and all the business of the shipping king will belong to me.

In addition, there will be a global food delivery.

and New World Sea Express! "

It's not just about revitalizing the original business.

Add more!

"And one more."

Ye Zhuo ignored everyone's stunned gazes.

Lasers erupted from his eyes, blowing the surface of the island apart.

This anger!


New world.

Happy Street.

As the Queen of Happy Street, the emperor of the dark world, one of the people who speak to him.

Stussy also had a special identity.

A member of CP0 and possesses a lot of secret intelligence.

At this time, she was leisurely drinking afternoon tea.

"What a demon king, really think that he is a green onion.

I don't want to think about the hegemon who can entrench himself in the new world.

Which one is not intricate.

Stussy smiled and said to the phone worm:

"Lingling, this guy has been bluffing everywhere.

But he did not strike at any of the Four Emperors.

It can be seen that he is merely seeking fame. "

The phone worm's side turned out to be, Charlotte Lingling.

The veteran four emperors known as BIGMOM!

"What demon king? Trying to get involved in everything about the old lady, does he want to die? BIGMOM


In fact?

Don't dare to provoke her at all!

Now he wants the dark world to surrender to him.

It's ridiculous!

"Just you're the Queen of Happy Street?"

A cold voice sounded.

Ye Zhuo quietly stood behind Stussy.


He picked up the phone bug and shouted in one voice.

"Lao Tzu will break your fat pig-like neck in half after solving the matter at hand!"


BIGMOM is drinking afternoon tea and chatting with girlfriends on Cake Island of All Nations.

As soon as I heard this, I immediately exploded.

"Little ghost!"

She just wanted to refute, but found that Ye Zhuo had turned off the phone worm.


BIGMOM roared madly.

She wants to declare war on the Demon King Ye Zhuo!

Twist its head off!


Happy Street.

Stussy swallowed and slowly turned away.

She usually just talks hi.

When he really saw Ye Zhuo, the beads of sweat on his forehead rushed out one after another.

This is the master that the Draco slaughters and plays.

"Lord Demon King, how did you get here?"

It stands to reason that it would take at least a day to travel to her from any location in the New World.

Ye Zhuo: Is he human?

It is impossible that there really is such a existence as a demon king in the world!

At this rate, she can definitely know before and escape in the shortest possible time.

Who could have known that they would be found so quickly that there would not even be a chance to escape.

"Do you know how long it took me to fly here?"

Ye Zhuo looked displeased.

One grabbed Stussy's blonde hair.

Ye Zhuo would not have the slightest pity for the enemy.

Not to mention, Stussiz's strength is not weak.

At tea parties, even at a distance of kilometers.

Solve Feld, one of the Dark Emperors, with a "flying finger gun".

"Lord Demon King, this is Happy Street.

As the name suggests, it is a place called paradise.

You get everything you want!

Stussy looked at Ye Zhuo and threw his eyes desperately.

"You old scallion, don't think I don't know that you are the same age as BIGMOM!"

Ye Zhuo lifted Stussy.

Her only value is that she is a member of CP0 and has a lot of intelligence.

Those so-called secrets were worthless to Ye Zhuo!

"Don't be a man in the next life, you boogeyman."


When Stussy heard these words, his heart was already cold.

Just wanted to open my mouth and beg for mercy.

Ye Zhuo's eyes had already erupted with brilliant golden light.

"Flying finger gun!"

Stusschild also tried to fight back before dying.

As a peer who grew up with BIGMOM, she still looks like a beautiful girl at nearly seventy years old.

Its strength and condition are naturally quite good.

This blow was not even able to leave marks on Ye Zhuo's skin.

"Steel balloons?"

Stussy felt remorse.

Her face had long been smashed to ashes by the laser eye.

Ye Zhuo stood up and finally suppressed his anger.

"It's been a bit too brutal lately.

These demonic qi, black shadows and so on may affect my state of mind.

You have to meditate when you go back. As

soon as Ye Zhuoxin calmed the Tiger Charm, the disturbances in his heart were eliminated.

【Ding! 】

【Side Mission Completed: Domination of the Dark World

】【Mission Reward: Shivass Bracelet Perfect Edition】

A pair of gold bracelets.

Ye Zhuo really grew a pair of hands again.

But his mind moved.

Wind and thunder wings, six hands, and both horns all disappeared.

This is the benefit of nature in mastering power.

Can be used and converged at any time.

[The main chain mission has begun: Destroy one of the four emperors: wait for BIGMOM's declaration of war and attack all nations

] [Mission Reward: God's Armor Perfect Edition]


Ye Zhuo remembered this, as if even ordinary people could match the Demon Dikui when they wore it.

"Well, I guess the next one is the Eye of Aurora, capable of teleporting around the world at will."

BIGMOM still dares the wicked to sue first?

Then he wants to fight!

Three days later.

The emperors of the dark world, including the golden emperor Tezzolo and the news king Morgans, gathered on Beehive Island.

Ye Zhuo sat high on the throne and looked at the figures who came to worship one after another.

The pirate ships on Beehive Island are all guarded by Black Shadow.

The sky and the earth are all heavily guarded.

There are also sea king overlords inhabiting the sea.

Artificially created a windless belt!

Seeing this scene, the Golden Emperor Tezzolo swallowed a mouthful of spit.

"It's so exciting, I heard that BIGMOM is about to declare war on the Demon King!"

When Morgan and the Dark Emperors left Hive Island, they were still discussing excitedly.

The more brutal the battlefield, the more gold they can collect!

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