【Ding! 】【

Side Mission Completed: Capture the Black Fist Zefa

】【Mission Rewards: Swordsmanship, The World's Strongest, No. 1 Sword Hao】For

rewards such as swordsmanship and physical skills.

Ye Zhuo didn't have any interest.

He learned too much in his last life.

[Hidden mission has been triggered: reward all forces under the command of the world ZF, including the five old stars, advance city, navy, CP0, Justice Island, Draco, World Army, His Majesty Seven Wuhai

] [Mission reward: high-level domineering and listen to the voice]


Ye Zhuo thought about it and probably remembered this ability.

It is possible to perceive the inner voice of others.

The innate ability of the little girl of the empty island.

Princess Otohime, who passed away on Fishman Island, can not only sense emotions, but also influence the emotions of others.

Lonely Red can hear the words of others' hearts, and if touched, it can also gain memories.

Listening is the ability to listen!

It can be said to be quite magical.

Ultra-long distance, foreknowledge of the future, the voice of all things, plus listening to the voice of the heart.

That's not human anymore.

God on another level entirely.


Ye Zhuo returned to the main hall.

Carefully consider how much bounty each person should give.

He thought about it, found the crew, and told the story.

Everyone was speechless.

"We have always been rewarded, how can there be pirates bounty to the navy?"

Bonnie didn't understand, but she was shocked.

"That's all Bailey and gold!"

Nami felt sorry for Bailey.

"Let me do the math."

Kalifa has already made an abacus, and this is definitely a difficult account to calculate.

"Concubines hate being rewarded the most, so let them also taste the taste of being targeted."

The female emperor Han Cook sat on the side of Ye Zhuo's chair and cocked Erlang's legs.

"What a veritable Great Devil."

Betty was helpless, she never thought of this kind of operation.

However, the GM army does not have so many Baileys, and can be rewarded with deep pockets.

"Call the newsbird."

Ye Zhuo felt that this matter had to be left to Morgans.

Ten minutes later.

On a hot air balloon somewhere in the New World.

Morgans broke out in a cold sweat.

He has not seen any winds and waves in so many years.

I was stunned that I had never seen Ye Zhuo's operation.

Just became the new emperor of the sea.

Immediately started such a fierce operation, is it going to cause some big incident?

Two minutes later.

He received updated information.

Former Admiral Zefa, defeated by Ye Zhuo on Beehive Island, life and death unknown.

"Got it.

The demon king felt that it was too troublesome to be hunted down and killed as a pirate.

He simply offered his enemies a full reward.

He thought about it and called back the phone worm.

"I will open a branch and issue bounty orders.

Demon King, the bounty order is to be released all over the world.

The cost is too high! "

Morgans is going to eat it both ways.

"yes? Aren't you reporting that I'm going to have an income?

Let's take a 20 percent cut from it.

By the way, how come this week's share is not enough? Ye

Zhuo not only did not intend to spend Bailey, but even planned to knock another stroke.

"It will be sent over soon, please rest assured Lord Demon King!"

Morgans wanted to cry without tears.

He knew it long ago and wouldn't mention it.



When the whole world was shocked by the promotion of the demon king Ye Zhuo to the new fourth emperor.

Early in the morning.

There was another big event that shocked the world.

"A bounty order? How so much today. "

Chambord Islands.

Reilly bought a newspaper early in the morning and a bounty order.

The first picture is the demon king Ye Zhuo.

The latest bounty: 4.235 billion Bailey, the second is Buddha's Warring States, bounty: 4.5 billion Baileys

"The bounty

is not low, Warring States you old thing."


Renly's pupils quake on the spot, and his hands trembled in disbelief.

He picked up the third, Tekken Karp.

Bounty: 5 billion Bailey

500 million more than the Admiral!

Fourth red dog Sakaski: 4.7 billion Bailey.

"This kid is actually 200 million higher than the Warring States!"

When Renly said this, he was stunned in place.

What's going on?

Has the world changed?

Could it be that all navies stood on the opposite side of the world ZF overnight?

He returned to the tavern and gave Xia Qi a bounty order.

I drank a glass of wine to suppress the shock.

At the same time picked up the newspaper.

"Boom! Demon King Ye Zhuo offers a reward to the whole world! "

One reward after another has affected countless people.

The five old stars each have 4 billion Baileys, and His Majesty Seven Wuhai is left with only the Tyrant Bear, and the Hawkeye Mihawk.

Hawkeye 3.5 billion Bailey, Tyrant Bear gave 2 billion Bailey.

CP0 was also exposed by Ye Zhuo in one breath, with a bounty.

The World Army Marshal Steel Bone Sky, who was hiding at the bottom of the sea, and Magellan, who advanced the city, also liked to raise the bounty order.

Lose your marbles!

Completely insane!

Most importantly, each Draco offered a reward of 100 million Bailey!

For the first time in history, someone dared to attack Draco!

This is more shocking than the defeat of the Four Emperors BIGMOM.

As strong as the four emperors, they only occupy a corner of the new world.

The Great Route, the Four Seas, the Red Earth Continent, and the White Sea are all vast.

Because the Navy has its back to the world ZF, it can reward pirates.

The profession of pirate hunter was also born.

Ye Zhuo poured well, and the reward in one breath made so many sailors, even the five old stars were on the list.

Most importantly, he rewarded Draco!

That's a big no-no!


Red Earth Continent.

Holy Land, Mary Joa.

The five old stars each held their own bounty orders, and their hands were shaking.

"Madman, this is a complete maniac!"

"Where did he get so many Baileys? Was it given by that guy Tezzolo?

"The point is not Bailey and Gold, it is he who touched the taboo!"

"Draco 100 million Bailey each, if it is a Draco elite, you can get more than 500 million."

"But my supreme fast sword, the first generation of Ghost Che is still in his hands."

The five old stars all quarreled.

Contrary to the calm and composed style of the past.

It's really that this incident is too frustrating.

"Do you want to erase it?"

"You can't keep the whole Hive Island."

"Launch the Demon Slaying Order, he is already as crazy as Lokes back then."

"How much force to dispatch, who will lead the steel bone air and the Warring States?"

The five old stars are determined to strike and wipe the Hive Island off the map.

"Recruit a new Majesty Qiwu Hai as soon as possible.

Hawkeyes and bears are not enough.

And what about Whitebeard II?

Take it while Newgate is overwhelmed.

If it is a few years later, maybe the pacifists can be made. "

They're getting more and more headaches.

Ye Zhuo's presence is a danger in itself.

It will make more and more people stand up and strike at Draco.


Hive Island.

Ye Zhuo woke up in a good mood and stretched out.

"Captain, our lowest reward is Draco, 100 million Bailey.

If anyone dares to come, we will pay a bounty of up to 100 Draco.

Do you want to lower the bounty!

Kalifa asked Ye Zhuo with the note.

"Huh? Except for Draco, our minimum reward is an elite lieutenant general of the headquarters starting at 500 million Bailey.

They did not dare to kill the Draco, and the elite of the headquarters could not beat them.

Bounty hunters have this strength and have long survived. The

female emperor rubbed Ye Zhuo's ears.

It seems that something has come to mind and says: "There used to be a very famous naval hunter. "

Hawkeye Mihawk!"

Ain wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and stood up from the corner.

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