
King Riku is studying with Cyrus how to embrace the new technology.

The Demon King Thee has been delivered.

"Are Rebecca and Violet okay?"

"Don't they often call bugs back?"

"Really, it's still better to see a real person."

King Liku is now much younger.

The king of the Tongta tribe and Leo were shocked.

If it weren't for Ye Zhuo, they wouldn't be so safe.

"I really want to see what the Demon Lord himself looks like."

Manshirley, the princess of the Tongta clan, has a crisp and pleasant voice.


The same is the new world.

A port outside Whitebeard's hometown.

Huge ships docked here.

"Dad, this is a war book, right? Does the Demon King want to dominate the New World once and for all?

Diamond Joz said nervously.

"After that guy left, I heard that he had defected to the Demon King."

Foil Bista said with a smile.

To this day, they still don't understand why Titch left.

"Dad, let's go for you, your injuries can't run like this."

The immortal bird Marko was somewhat concerned about his physical condition.

Whitebeard on deck picked up the wine and gurgled down it.

"Goo la!

Is that guy making big moves again?

What a new era that we have never met!

White-bearded Newgate laughed and glanced at the sky.

His mouthful seemed to spit out a magnificent past.

"Why not go?

Just let the old man this old time ship.

Go see the powerhouses of the new era! "


All the captains stood up.

They didn't expect Whitebeard to agree to go.

This is a self-surrender for the emperor of the sea, and it is easy to break out into war.

Now no one can know the true purpose of Ye Zhuo's Demon King Post.


Some rejoice, others worry.

The country of Wa.

Ghost Island.

Kaido was laughing.


I can't imagine that this old woman of yours also has this day.

Not only lost the territory, but even the pirate group became Lao Tzu's.

Kaido helplessly touched BIGMOM's head in front of him.

The latter is shedding hara.

"Abba, Abba, Abba!"

After Charlotte Lingling was blasted into the sea by Ye Zhuo's punch.

After being caught by Katakuri and others, he actually did not die.

BIGMOM's life seems to be exceptionally hard every time it falls into the sea.

It's just that since then I have been completely stupid, not returning to the thinking of my childhood.

The appearance and figure were also violently beaten by Ye Zhuo, and they returned to the peak of their twenties.

The price is to make it a complete fool.

In addition to eating and sleeping, Kaido will have two words with her.


Katakuri turned his head helplessly.

Who would have thought that BIGMOM, who was once powerful, could be punched like this!

Hundred Beast Kaido sat on a huge chair.

At a glance, the forces under him are so powerful.

The three plagues increased by three stars, and the increase was six major plagues.

The flying fives also officially became the flying sixes, and some ministers from all nations.

Of course, the new flying sextuplets cannot be Drake, who has been several years behind.

Instead, Blackbearded Tichy sits in the corner and feasts.

He took the Blackbeard Pirates and threw themselves all under the command of the Hundred Beast Kaido.

Today is also finally the wish.

"This Devil Fruit is for you, Titch!"

"Thank you, Governor Kaido!"

Blackbeard Tichy smiled and took the devil fruit he had dreamed of.

After joining the Hundred Beast Pirates, he still hides his strength.

In order to become the position of flying sextets, neither high nor low.

And use Kaido to help him find the Dark Fruit!

Eat the dark fruit in one bite.

Tichy's expression gradually became gloomy.

The Whitebeard Pirates completely declined, and he defected to Ye Zhuo.

Ye Zhuo didn't want him to turn to Kaido.

The same through his own calculation and dormancy to get the dark fruit!

"Brother Kaido!"

Ember came from outside the main hall and delivered a letter to Kaido.

Kaido, who was puzzled, took the envelope and immediately opened it to take a look.

"Let Lao Tzu go to his banquet?

It's really presumptuous, who does he think he is?

Lao Tzu is a hundred beasts Kaido! "

Kaido believes that he is now strong enough to destroy the world.

He even thinks this lineup is enough to destroy Whitebeard!

I wanted to send troops to destroy the Whitebeard Pirate Group first, and then go to fight the demon king Ye Zhuo of Beehive Island.

"I wanted to go and smash his head.

If he goes now, he will be thought by the world that Lao Tzu is afraid of him!

Don't go, Ember, tell that guy that the Hundred Beast Pirates refused the invitation!

Declare war on the Demon King Pirates, and blast his head another day! "

Kaido, a dragon breath, destroyed the Demon King Thee.

Turning into a green dragon circling the sky.

It seems that Kaido's wine is very bad, and he starts to fight after getting drunk.


"Abba Abba Abbah!"

Her voice was heard, and the saliva smashed on the braincase.

Kaido couldn't help but feel sad from it.

"Lingling, my Lingling!

How did you end up like this?

Oh, this bad world, destroy it! "


More than a dozen pirate ships entrench themselves on an ore-rich island in the New World.

Over here.

Moonlight Moriah is talking to the sand crocodile Klockdar and his subordinates.

They were glad they had just bought custom modified human armor from the dark world.

If it is delivered later, it may be snatched away by Ye Zhuo.

Because this is the dark world through CP0.

It is then manipulated behind their backs to make the future kingdom produced.

Just as the world's ZF does the business of sea lou stone through CP0 and the black charcoal snake of Wano Country.

The decent-looking duo received an invitation at the same time.

The mood is instantly mixed.

"This guy still dares to invite me?

I really want to take his head! "

The sand crocodile's cigars all fell to the ground.

"Is Perona okay now?

If you want to see her, even if it is dangerous, you have to go!

Moriah was impressed.

He didn't expect Perona to join the Demon King Pirates.

Ye Zhuo also allowed Perona to contact him using her phone worm.

That's right, after all, Moriah is also Perona's father in a sense.


This is the moment.

The Great Voyage is on several boulder islands suspended in the air.

Shiji, the golden lion on the hood, took the newspaper in surprise.

"Why did this guy know that the old man was hiding here?"

The golden lion spat out a smoke ring.

He also often read the newspaper, and all the four emperors rose and fell.

And what about the demon king.

Wasn't he also angry with Roger back then.

One man challenged the country, and Karp destroyed half of Marin Fandor.

"Captain, could it be because we often buy newspapers?"

The ship's doctor, Indigo, made a strange balloon sound as soon as he moved.

"Hahahahaha, what you said makes sense!"

The golden lion patted his head and saw the orangutan Scarredo next to him.

"Mom, why are you here?"

"Captain, he's Scaredo!"

"Swoosh! It looks exactly like my mother! "


Headquarters of the Navy.

Marin Fando.

The Warring States were already burned after seeing a large number of invitation letters.

A pirate invites all the strong men of the Navy to a banquet?

Are you crazy?

Or lost 100 million, thinking that we have no festival!

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