"Dark Cave Road!"

Blackbeard strikes out, just trying to defeat Yamato and bind him.

A sword slashed behind him.

"It hurts!"

Titch wailed, his own crew being pinned down by the twelve spell animals.

The stealthy Rebecca appeared for the first time.


Another sword!

Dusty teleported behind Yamato with everyone.

"Hugh wants to escape!"

Tina immediately bound the rest of the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Lord Demon King let us find you as soon as possible, and there is really nothing wrong with it."

Violet also appeared.

"Damn, Bugers, let's go!"

Blackbeard didn't expect to be calculated to death by his own people.

The most disgusting thing is that he thinks that these devil fruits should all be his!

"Why do I always feel like I'm living in the shadow of the Demon King?"

Blackbeard rescued Bagers, and the rest of the crew were desperately trying to open the way.


Just as Tichy got up to leave.

A fingergun hit him in the back.


Blackbeard spat out a mouthful of black blood.

He turned away in surprise, only to find that Badgers changed rapidly.

Nine tails appeared, and it turned out to be Kalifa in the form of the nine-tailed form of the phantom beast species!

"The captain's plan is really perfect!

Although I don't know why he is so cautious.

But the feeling of success is good. "

Kalifa just came.

Outside the island, there was a thunderclap and heavy snowfall.

Nami of the thunder fruit, Hiyori of the snow fruit.

"Thousand Wheels Blossom!"

Robin's flowers and fruits are also holding the audience down.

These are all wide-ranging attacks!

"You have a disease called becoming a woman!"

Vivi walked past the Blackbeard Pirates.

Turn everyone, including Death Poison Q, into women!

"Why, I feel alive in her shadow!"

Death Poison Q also asked the same question in his heart.

But no wonder.

After all, Ye Zhuo obtained these devil fruits in one step earlier and gave them to his crew.

It will inevitably make the Blackbeard Pirates feel familiar and strange.

"There is still a one in a thousand chances!"

Lafitte spread his wings and fled with Van Oka, who wanted to fly.

A pink butterfly flew by.

The toxin quickly seeped into the wings.

"Without Lord Demon King's permission, where do you want to escape?"

Lei Jiu kicked out with a roundhouse.

Lafitte coughed up a mouthful of black blood and fell unwillingly to the ground.

"Then catch the thief first!"


Supersonic Van Oka pulls the trigger.

A bullet flew out of his sniper rifle.

Want to hit Yamato!


You've been touched by me!

So don't try to escape anyway! "

Rabbit Garlot shot at the same time!

A bullet flew out in an instant.

Van Oka's attack had already hit, but was lightly ignored by Sati.

She blocked the blow for Yamato and slashed all the bullets away.

"In front of the slippery fruit, you can't hit with this attack!"

"Fart, I used domineering!"

Van Oka people are stupid.

"Lord Demon King also gave me domineering."

Little Satie smashed out with a whip.

Van Oka turned around and tried to dodge Galot's attack.

As a result, the bullet made a detour and hit his body!

"Made, domineering can give.

Bullets can be tracked.

What the hell is this? Van

Oka felt like his three views were going to collapse.

He fell weakly to the ground.

Garlot's sniper rifle has also changed back to the prototype.

It turned out to be baby5 with the ability to use weapon fruits to become!


Tichy was sneaked up on him twice in a row, and resisted a thunderous gossip, but he still fought with Yamato.

It can be seen that his physique is strong.


None of this makes sense.

A figure walked by, and the besieged Blackbeard turned away in surprise.

I wanted to stop it, but I didn't expect that something seemed to be extracted from the brains of Van Oka and the others.

It was something like film.

While their memories are deleted, they are also tampered with by the able.


Ye Zhuo, the demon king who "never forgets", is a memory master personally appointed!

"Three-Eyed Clan?"

Titch stood up, he was besieged by the Twelve Spell Animals, Yamato, and the crowd.

But the most desperate scene appeared.

Lafitte, Van Oka, and Death Poison Q all stood up.

"Our master is Lord Demon King!

Our enemy is Blackbeard Tichy!

Defeat him to gain the approval of the Demon King!

They muttered as they walked toward Blackbeard.


Itich's ambitions and the city were going crazy.


Why is Ye Zhuo in front of him everywhere!

Even his former crew betrayed and became his enemy.

It's really abominable!

"Dark Cave Road!

Destroy this crazy world!

Give me death, all of them die!" "

Blackbeard is crazy, he's going to kill him!

He definitely couldn't live in Ye Zhuo's shadow all his life.

It is clear that he has endured for decades and has constantly become stronger.

Just to get the Dark Fruit.

After seeing Ye Zhuo's sense of oppression, he left the Whitebeard Pirate Group as soon as possible.

The plan was perfect, not only gathered the crew of the first part, but also mixed into the Hundred Beast Pirates.

With the help of the power of the hundred beast Kaido, the dark fruit was obtained.

He should have reaped the benefits of this battle!

How could he have been calculated by Ye Zhuo step by step, and he didn't even give him a chance to breathe.

The resentment in my heart has long been irrepressible.

He wants to escape and spend his life trying to take revenge!

"By the way, Lord Demon King said that Blackbeard should be surrounded by the Black Shadow Corps at a critical moment!"

I don't know who said it.

The next moment.

An endless stream of black shadow corps appeared.

The underground passages are densely packed with human figures.

Blackbeard, who had already lost his mind, was even more completely crazy when he saw this scene.

He got it!

He finally understood!

Why BIGMOM went crazy after being salvaged by Kaido.

It's impossible for anyone else to stay sane.


Born Demon King!

Ho Sheng Titch!

Thief hahahaha!

I'm going to tear you all to shreds!

Blackbeard spat out a mouthful of blood.

He roared with a mouth full of blood, frantically eroding with darkness, devouring the black shadows around him.

It's a pity that no matter how he fights, these black shadows will die endlessly!

"Why! You garbage won't die!

Even his white-bearded Newgate will die one day.

You black shadows, how can you not die!

Blackbeard cursed.

The whole body is bathed in blood, and the hair is scattered.

Until a small phagocytosis appeared under his feet.

Immediately after that, more and more phantoms appeared.

A mouthful of the shadow of the devourer Blackbeard.

He was covered with injuries.

Under Yamato's containment, there are also powers, twelve spell animals, who are besieged by the crew who tampered with their memories.

Even if his blackbeard is iron, he will be injured.

In the absence of shock fruit and injury.

Blackbeard's strength and Yamato could have fought back and forth.

It's a pity that every step he takes is counted.

The last bit of shadow is eaten.

Blackbeard felt his breath break.

He shook his body and tried to look at the world.


The next moment he crashed to the ground.

If you lose your shadow, you will also lose consciousness.


Above the firmament.

Qinglong Kaido's first sentence was to scold.

"You dare to copy my abilities?"

"You are mother, I am male, it stands to reason that you are the one who copied my ability."

Qinglong Ye's burning body is indeed even larger than Kaido.

The Mountain Demon Qi and the Earth Demon Qi made Ye Zhuo's green dragon form bigger and stronger!

Heaven Demon Qi, Thunder and Lightning Demon Qi, Fire Demon Qi, Wind Demon Qi, Moon Demon Qi, Water Demon Qi as blessings.

Ye Zhuo is also more qualified to be a dragon!

In front of him, Qinglong Kaido looked very small.

"Hot breath!"

Pillars of fire streaked through the firmament, the embers were overwhelmed by siege, and their chests were constantly heaving with pain.

He looked up at the sky, the corners of his mouth raised.

"Big Brother Kaido wins, everything..."

his voice stopped abruptly.

Because a tenfold larger flame turned into a corridor and directly ignited the sky and turned into a sea of fire!

"Hot breath!"

Ye Zhuo's voice resounded in the sky and the earth.



Kaido's eyes widened, he didn't expect the impostor to be stronger than him!

The little green dragon's whiskers were swallowed by the sea of fire!

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