"Goo la!

Your invitation, the old man is here.

Can you put away this gift? "

Whitebeard is known for being frugal.

His treasure was saved and used for the people of his hometown.

Therefore, when he went out to drink, it was always his sons who paid Bailey.

Otherwise, the redhead went to the whitebeard to drink, why bring it yourself.

The same is well known.

If you want to come to the Demon King meeting of the Demon King Ye Zhuo, you must bring money and gifts.

"There is no money under the sky that I Ye Zhuo does not dare to collect.

I dare to accept what you white-bearded, and I dare not accept me!

This is the Demon King! Ye

Zhuo drank all the wine from the Holy Grail of Life.

I saw Whitebeard firmly fixing Cong Yunche on the bow of the boat with one hand.

Hold your arms firmly, five fingers together.

He grasped the air, and actually triggered the sea and the air.

The sky trembled, and the sea water capsized piece after piece.

The mighty waves are about to roll in.

Whitebeard's way of giving gifts is really special.

"Stinky boy!

Grab what you want!

The old man wants to see if you have this ability!

As Newgate spoke, the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates also headed towards the port.

"You know how to help yourself."

Ye Zhuo flashed out.

Aurora's eyes flickered.

The next moment he appeared on the pirate ship of the Ice Witch.

Waitibé was nervous about Whitebeard.

Ye Zhuo appeared in front of her.

"It just so happens that my pirate group needs a cold drink master, and you are very suitable."


The ice witch didn't expect to be under the noses of her father, Whitebeard.

Ye Zhuo also dared to be so presumptuous.

Is your demon king using the Four Emperors of the New World as a self-service hot pot for the crew?


The next moment.

The Ice Witch was taken to the cage of Hive Island by Ye Zhuo.

Outside the cage, there were two people asleep, none other than Black Maria and Runma.

"When the banquet is over, you can officially join our pirate group."

Ye Zhuo patted her shoulder and disappeared.

Only the Ice Witch Waidibe was left with a surprised look.

Her pupils trembled and she swallowed a mouthful of spit.

Black Mary outside the cage, Runtie is not important at all.

The real horror is in the cage.

Held three pirates she knew!

One is Blackbeard Tiki, who defected from the Whitebeard Pirates a while ago.

The other is BIGMOM, which is rumored to have sunk to the bottom of the sea after losing a while ago.

Finally, there is the hundred beast Kaido who is leaning on the cage and lying in a large figure!

"Surprised? Little girl.

Zefa calmly ate lunch in the cage.

Smogg, the smoker, was studying domineering, and said while practicing:

"When we first met, we were more surprised than you."

"This..." The

Ice Witch was speechless, and she could only sit outside the cage and silently bless Whitebeard.

"Daddy, dry!"

Now it seems.

No matter who loses to Ye Zhuo, there is no shame.

I can only hope that I don't lose too badly.


Outside of Rocky Harbor.

Whitebeard glanced at Ye Zhuo, who had returned.

When it was discovered that the Ice Witch had disappeared, the originally calm mood also changed.

"Your hobbies are exactly the same as rumored."

"Fortunately, it's just a reintroduction to a job."

Ye Zhuo snapped his fingers.

The water demon qi opened, causing even more terrifying waves.

The white-bearded Newgate was easily destroyed by the huge waves caused by the Shock Fruit.


Whitebeard punched out, and the crack swept over.

Make the whole hive island shake.

"Be quiet."

Ye Zhuo snapped his fingers again.

The blessing of Sky Demon Qi, Wind Demon Qi and Moon Demon Qi quickly turned into a strong sense of oppression.

Block all air vibrations caused by the shaking fruit.



The sky magic qi summoned and the clouds were thick.

For a while, the Thunder Demon Qi and the Fire Demon Qi gathered.

The Moon Demon Qi turned into huge meteorites from the dark clouds in the sky.


As the boulder fell, thunder and fire gathered, wrapped around the meteorite.

Thousands of meteorites seem to turn into apocalyptic scenes.

The dark sky is burned blood red!

"What a complete monster.

The old man was even more pleased.

Let the old man learn your power!

Whitebeard's muscles tensed, and he slammed his punch into the sky.

The power of the Shock Fruit has been summoned to the extreme, protecting the entire ships of the Whitebeard Pirates.


The flames above the meteorite were extinguished and the lightning destroyed.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful meteorite also shattered.


There are also intact meteorites that fell into the sea, and there are quite a few fragments.

The shock wave set off huge waves, and at the same time blasted out short sea puddles.

Whitebeard gulped in the fresh air.

"This attack method is the favorite of the Golden Lion Shiki guy when he was young.

So many years have passed.

Is this old fellow already hidden in the grave.

Whitebeard had to admit that he was old.

Although they tried hard to block it, they could only let the Whitebeard Pirates avoid those meteorites.

The rubble, and the complete meteorites outside the range, still tell a fact.

He is no longer the strongest.

Thousands of meteorites, take your head to block them all.

It is not easy for those who can protect themselves.

"You guy turned out to be a mage?"

Barrett originally thought that the demon king Ye Zhuo's demon was the same as the demon of his devil's descendant.

Now it seems.

This demon should be the magician's demon!


You should honor me as a demon wizard.

First demons, then wizards.

Ye Zhuo smiled back, causing Barrett's whole body to sweat.

It's a little scary.

The smile just now seemed to have eight monsters of different shapes grinning.

"Whitebeard, greeting is over.

I have accepted your gift.

Join the banquet.

Ye Zhuo felt that the ice witch, this cold drink master, was indeed good.

If he cooperates with Smoogie and Hiyori, he will probably be able to drink a lot of fine wine in the future.

"Sons, land!"

Whitebeard didn't say much, he came here to say hello and attend a banquet by the way.

The Ice Witch only needs to be found on the island.

At that time, listen to her wishes, and if he leaves him voluntarily, he has nothing to say.

Anyone in the Whitebeard Pirates is eligible to come and go freely.

Unless it is a blatant defection like Blackbeard.

"Where exactly was Waitibé taken by the Demon King?"

The immortal bird Marko spread his wings and flew high, and he wanted to find it too.

On the port.

Only Barrett is still confronting Ye Zhuo.

"I didn't expect that Whitebeard was also old, and he chose to stop after just trying a few tricks."

Barrett said dismissively.

"You haven't seen it yet, this old man is just giving himself a reason, he is purely here to rub wine and drink."

Ye Zhuo said bluntly.

He had long seen through Whitebeard's thoughts.

"Hmph, rubbing wine? You are narrow-minded and think of the former world's strongest as too simple.

Barrett stepped forward, and he saw the smell and perceived, trying to see through Ye Zhuo's strength.

But he found that like the redhead, he hid his breath with "seeing and killing".

"Cover up.

Then I have to use the overlord color domineering to shock you!

Demon King, have you ever been defeated?

Barrett clenched his fists.

His purple overlord-colored domineering aura burst out all of a sudden!

"I didn't want to make a move, but I didn't invite you at all."

Ye Zhuo hated this kind of guy who came to make noise without being invited.

He was motionless, and his breath sank into the dantian.

"Lion Roar Gong!"

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