"System? You're out of play, right?

Demon King Ye Zhuo had no intention of stopping at all.

It seems that the white-clothed Ye Zhuo is also having the same fun.

The fire dragon Kaido is like a loach evaporating seawater in the sea.

【Ding! 】【

Main Chain Mission Completed: Demon King Meeting Sixth, announced the execution of Tiki, defeated the peak Golden Lion Shiki, Whitebeard Newgate, Hundred Beast Kaido, BIGMOM

] [Mission Reward: Years History Book (6/8)]

Another piece of waste paper.

Ye Zhuo seriously suspected that the Heavenly Playing System was no longer working.

I don't know if the system will bite the lighter.

[The main chain mission has been opened: the seventh of the Demon King Conference, personally execute the awake Tichy, and open the Demon King Conference! ] 【

Mission Reward: History of Years (7/8)】


"Upper Tichy!"

As soon as Ye Zhuo clapped his hands, he walked towards the banquet hall with eight heads.



To be executed?

Kalifa walked to the Demon King Ye Zhuo and whispered.

"They are the best sandbags, and they will be locked up on Hive Island for cultivation in the future.

You have to work hard, Devil Fruit, Domineering, Physical Skills, Sword Skills.

can be comprehended through battle, even the nine-tailed fox form has many possibilities. "

Four Emperors?

A smart person like the redhead gave up his turf and quit the competition, which is the best result.

Of course, you have to come and deliver a drink from time to time.

Kaido, BIGMOM's pirate group in addition to the crew that can accommodate it.

The rest were all imprisoned in the country of Wa.

That was the back garden of the Demon King, and it was directly under Ye Zhuo's orders like Beehive Island.

Used as experimental products, after all, all kinds of research and development need manpower.

As for himself as the emperor of the sea.

It couldn't be better to catch it as a sandbag.


Bai Yi Ye Zhuo had enough of playing, so he threw Kaido and BIGMOM into the cage casually.

The two fell to the ground in embarrassment, their heads hanging down.

This scene resembles Luffy, Kidd, and Law who were defeated by Kaido.

"Lock up our sandbags!"

As Ye Zhuo spoke, the Demon King Ye Zhuo and the white-clothed Ye Zhuo merged into one again with the Tiger Charm.


Shaking his body.

Ye Zhuo then glanced back at Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Barrett.

"Hey, are you coming to the banquet?

If you don't want to, just leave.

If you still want to fight, you have to die.

Barrett stood up and struggled to get himself breathing again.

He has already been hit hard, and he still farts at this time.

But I didn't want to attend the banquet.

As Ye Zhuo said, people didn't invite him at all.

"It's time to go, sooner or later we'll make a comeback."

Doflamingo released a silk thread.

"Able to fight four overlords.

He definitely consumed a lot of physical strength.

Once the banquet is over, the trees fall and scatter.

Not to mention the feasts that never break up in the world.

At that time, the strong men of the naval headquarters will rush up.

Doflamingo whispered.

He believed that the final winner could never be Ye Zhuo.

No matter from any level of logic.

It was impossible for Ye Zhuo to be unscathed, and his physical strength was definitely consumed a lot.

"Let's go, your logic won't work for him."

Barrett sneered.

If he hadn't fought Ye Zhuo, he would have believed Doflamingo's self-consoling words.

Physical exertion?

Any one of Ye Zhuo's split into two could beat him violently.

This is an early morning battle with Kaido, and made a lion roar skill.

At that time, Barrett also thought that Ye Zhuo had expended a lot of physical strength.

The result?

Each shot is stronger than the previous one.

"But he's also human."

Doflamingo was embarrassed, he was afraid of Kaido, and naturally he was instinctively afraid of Ye Zhuo.

But he believes that Kaido will have a moment of exhaustion, and Ye Zhuo will also have it!

"Believe me, he's not human."

Barrett does not go to the banquet, his only goal in this life is to get infinitely close to Ye Zhuo.


Take a leap.

Barrett decisively left Hive Island.

Today's Hive Island has been "expanded" by the Golden Lion and has become a lot larger.

Doflamingo glanced back unwillingly, and also chose to leave grayly.

After all, he didn't get the Demon King post either.

"Where is the spider?"

Barrett doesn't like partners, but in his opinion, Tenyasha Doflamingo is a good start.

"My nickname is Atenyasha!"

Doflamingo blushed, for Barrett, he couldn't beat it, he couldn't say it.

"What kind of creature is Tenyasha?"

Barrett asked without twisting his head.


Doflamingo was speechless, where to go next?

This post-war period.

Ye Zhuoying is the hegemon of the new world and even the world.

Ye Zhuo is defeated, and the navy will also gain the position of unprecedented hegemon.

Either way, he will never turn over again.

Come to think of this.

Doflamingo couldn't take it any longer.

"Barrett, we're out of nowhere."

"Little spider, do you want to go to that guy? How can a guy with the qualification of a king stoop under the roof. "

Barrett doesn't disdain to be someone else's subordinate.

Roger is an exception, someone he can't beat and who can be convinced in his heart.

In this way, Ye Zhuo is not impossible.

It's just as bad anyway.


The two stopped at the same time.

Turning around, he returned to Rocky Harbor on Hive Island.

"Tenyasha Doflamingo, I am willing to join the Demon King Great Ship Group and undertake the business of artificial Devil Fruit!"

"Barrett, a descendant of the devil, is willing to approach the demon king Ye Zhuo for the rest of his life!"

Hear the voices of the two.

Ye Zhuo didn't care, just waved his hand.

"You just joined and are also not eligible to attend the meeting.

Go to the rabbit bowl of Wano Country and practice Ember and Katakuri.

I need stronger sandbags, I hope you don't get too weak when you get beaten. "

As a sandbag?

Kaido and BIGMOM can only be used as sandbags, and Barrett and Doflamingo can naturally only be used as sandbags!


In the future, Barrett and Doflamingo will be in charge of guarding the rabbit bowl.

Equivalent to Magellan, Hannibal.

Let the wicked grind them.

"Can it be stronger?"

Barrett walked down the road, his heart surging.

One Piece Roger, the white-bearded Newgate only gave him a very powerful, but not unsurpassable feeling.

Only Ye Zhuo.

It is a goal that he will surpass in this life.

"It's good to have a position, born in troubled times, you have to learn to be dull."

Doflamingo liked the position of "Hannibal".

At least avoid the storm on the sea.

In the future, he will only follow the lead of the Demon King.

And he didn't understand it at all.

In addition to the three plagues in the rabbit bowl, the three general stars, the flying triplets, and the ministers of all nations.

The strong people such as Cat Viper, Inuarashi, Denjiro, Asura Boy, Kawamatsu, and Leopard Goro should not be underestimated.

They go there not as a guard, but with a squat rabbit bowl!


"I don't have money or gifts, and I want to attend a banquet."

Ye Zhuo glanced at the two who were far away.

What Barrett and Doflamingo will do for the rest of their lives is to give him a free guard.

The kind that does not give Bailey.

The horse spell showed its power, and a light successfully healed the unconscious Blackbeard.

"Am I dead?"

Blackbeard Tichy swallowed a mouthful of spit and looked around nervously.

"Daddy, you're so young, I'm really dead!"

At the sight of the blonde hair and white beard, Tiki suddenly felt despair.

Until he turned his head and saw Ye Zhuo.

"The Demon King!!"

Blackbeard Expression: (゚д゚).

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