Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 104 The powerhouses of all dynasties gather! Unprecedented grand occasion!

Jiraiya and the others had just been resurrected, and they were also shocked by the sight of dozens of Kage-level powerhouses in front of them.

However, they still don't quite understand the current situation, and many people don't even know about Impure World Reincarnation.

As a result, before they could figure it out, they heard that Black Zetsu was despising them, and they felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Who is this guy? He looks down on us?"

"Hmph, all the Kage-levels in the ninja world are here, how dare he underestimate them?"

"Hey, no, that woman feels so scary!"

"Hey, how can there be such a tyrannical existence in the ninja world?! 35

Originally, the Kage-level powerhouses of all dynasties who were still very angry were suddenly startled when they saw Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and felt the terrifying aura emanating from her.

When Jiraiya saw Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, her pupils contracted violently, she swallowed hard, and said, "This woman is so powerful, what is the origin?"

At the same time, Uzumaki Naruto and others who were originally shocked and Jiraiya and others were released by Impure World Reincarnation also came back to their senses in 853.

"Pervy Sage, it's such a pleasure to see you again!" Uzumaki Naruto suddenly rushed in front of Jiraiya and hugged him tightly, tears welling up in his eyes.

God knows, when he heard the news of Jiraiya's death, although he had been trying to pretend to be strong, he was actually very painful.

Originally, when there were so many strong ninjas in Yakushi Kabuto Impure World Reincarnation before, he even had a glimmer of hope in his heart, could he see Jiraiya again?

However, in the end he didn't see it, because Jiraiya's body sank into the deep sea, and Yakushi Kabuto couldn't find his DNA.

What Naruto didn't expect was that Jiraiya would appear at this time!

Obviously, this is Orochimaru's credit. Even Yakushi Kabuto's collection cannot be found in Orochimaru's collection. Among them, there are many strong DNAs that have not been released by Yakushi Kabuto Impure World Reincarnation before!

"Naruto, I didn't expect to see you again!"

Faced with Naruto's sudden excited embrace, Jiraiya was also a little surprised, but she quickly reacted.

He found that the other party now not only perfectly controlled the tailed beast Chakra Mode, but also integrated the Sage Mode, and he was relieved and said: "Naruto, good work, your growth has far exceeded my expectations!"

Just then one by one

"Jiraiya, long time no see!" Tsunade also came over and greeted Jiraiya.

"Tsunade?" Jiraiya was slightly startled again when she saw Tsunade, "Why do you look so embarrassed? Also, what's the situation now?"

In fact, not to mention him and the other people who just got out of Impure World Reincarnation, it's Uzumaki Naruto and the others, many of them are still confused now.

Tsunade himself hadn't fully digested the news that Senju Hashirama suddenly told them just now, so he could only rely on his own understanding and said: "In short, we have now met a very terrible opponent, that woman, according to my grandfather. It is said that she is the ancestor of Chakra in the ninja world and the mother of the legendary Sage of Six Paths!

"What? This woman is so big?!" Yi Erlai was also taken aback.

After hearing Tsunade's words, the other people around who had just been released by Impure World Reincarnation were also stunned, as if they were dreaming.

Jiraiya's heart moved, and she suddenly said in shock: "That guy, could it be that the people of Akatsuki's organization have been conspiring all the time?! 35

It has to be said that his sense of smell is still very keen.

Tsunade shook his head and said solemnly: "No, the Akatsuki organization seems to have been used by others. The real identity of the masked man is actually Uchiha Obito, Kakashi's classmate! After he got the Chakra of the Nine Tailed Beasts just now, (cjac ) resurrected the Ten Tails and became the Jinchūriki of the Ten Tails..."

She quickly told everyone what she knew, and everyone was shocked when she heard it.

Not to mention the First Generation, Second Generation shadows of the major ninja villages, or the Kage-level powerhouses of the same period, they don't know the existence of the Akatsuki organization at all, even Jiraiya, who has been investigating the Akatsuki organization, heard at this time. I feel my scalp tingling when I do these things.

At this time, everyone probably understood why they were released by Impure World Reincarnation.

Presumably, because the enemy is too powerful, the current ninja world can't deal with it at all, and they have to use the power of their dead people!

In the entire ninja world, almost all of the quasi-kage and Kage-level powerhouses who can be named in the past hundred years have appeared. What a spectacular scene?

However, even in such an unprecedented camp, everyone did not have much self-confidence at this time.

Because, the sense of oppression Ōtsutsuki Kaguya gave them was too strong, so powerful that they doubted that even if they united with so many Kage-level powerhouses, they might not be able to defeat each other!

In fact, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara actually feel the same way.

Without Lin Xuan showing them how Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto joined forces to seal the plot of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya at the end, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya felt invincible at this moment!

They felt that it would be useless for these Kage-level powerhouses in the ninja world to join forces. It would be better to directly bring out the Sage of Six Paths brothers Impure World Reincarnation.

However, Lin Xuan insisted that they would Impure World Reincarnation many of the strong men in the ninja world without telling them why.

At this time, Uchiha Madara was in the chat group and asked Lin Xuan: "Lin Xuan, now you should tell us why you insist on letting us bring all these people out of Impure World Reincarnation? 99

Senju Hashirama was also on guard against Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, while waiting curiously for Lin Xuan's answer.

Then, they saw that Lin Xuan replied flatly: "Of course, because I want you to try first, is the DNA of the strong men you found real? I will use these people to fight Marine. Great war, in case you send me a batch of fake ones, I'm reincarnated, isn't it a joke?" 5

Of course, the most important reason is that he didn't say it, that is, every time he performs Impure World Reincarnation, he has to consume reputation points! If he turns back to Impure World Reincarnation and produces some useless people, then he is not a big loss. ?

Senju Hashirama: "Nani! That's why it's been so long?!"

Lin Xuan: "Of course, it's not only for this reason, but also partly because I think watching live broadcasts is more lively with more people!"5

Uchiha Madara:

Senju Hashirama: 66....35

At this point, if it wasn't for the Impure World Reincarnation, the two of them really doubted whether they would vomit blood from Lin Xuan's anger!

However, soon they didn't bother to pay attention to Lin Xuan, because at this moment, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya suddenly moved!

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