Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 173: Sea Exploding Stars? Lin Xuan Opens Six Paths Mode!


A sudden loud noise shocked the Quartet!

The First Generation Ghost in Monk Xiu's hands suddenly erupted again, and the terrifying slash swept all directions, actually knocking back Lin Xuan's golden Susa and the huge Wooden Golem.

But it was just that the golden Susa and the huge Wooden Golem swarmed up again and continued to beat the bald monk!

The two sides continued to collide violently, and the terrifying energy fluctuations shocked the Quartet! The dazzling sword lights were even more dazzling for people from a hundred or dozens of nautical miles away.

Near Sabaody Archipelago, Hawkeye, who was fighting with Konoha's White Fang, didn't know when he had stopped fighting, and his eyes were looking straight at the direction of the battlefield, his expression difficult to calm.

For a long time, he has been respected by the world as the world's greatest swordsman. Although he doesn't care much, he also thinks that he has few rivals in kendo.

However, after seeing the superb swordsmanship of Konoha's White Fang, and seeing the terrifying slash that the Five Elders bald monk swept across dozens of miles, he realized how naive he was before.

It turns out that there are so many strong swordsmen in this world, and his eagle eye, whether in terms of kendo skills or the power of kendo, is far from being the number one swordsman!

However, such a discovery did not defeat Hawkeye, on the contrary, it made him more full of fighting spirit, because he found the direction and space for him to continue to improve!

Battlefield·Second position, Jinbei and First Raikage have been fighting for a long time. They have been scorched black by the other party's electricity, but they have not fallen, and won the respect of First Raikage.

First Raikage couldn't help but sigh: "I didn't expect that one day I would feel respect for a fish!

Jinbei: 66.99

Although you seem to be complimenting me, why do I always feel that you are actually insulting me?

Battlefield · The third location.

"Hell Assault · Four Books Consistently"!"

With a violent shout from Third Raikage, the lightning flashed like a spear, and then Bartholemew Bear's body fell to the ground with a bang, and the pieces of mechanical parts on his body were exposed all at once.

Looking at Bartholemew Kuma lying on the ground, Third Raikage said solemnly: "You are a respectable opponent. If it weren't for some bullshit in this world, the World government made you like this, maybe we could fight more happily, but unfortunately... "

Battlefield · Fourth location.

Gekko Moria was still smoking black smoke all over his body, and he was still lying dead, not sure if he was alive or dead.

Battlefield · Fifth location.

Crocodile has become a prisoner of First Kazekage, and there is a seal on his body, which is actually sealed by First Kazekage as a tailed beast!

However, he is not a tailed beast after all, although the seal against Chakra has some effect on him, but after all, the effect is not particularly good, so he finally took the opportunity to escape.

Battlefield · sixth location.

Doflamingo is nowhere to be seen, and he just ran away when he saw something bad!

Battlefield · Seventh out position.

The wooden boat made by Senju Hashirama is still slowly sailing towards the Sabaody Archipelago.

The person in charge of driving the boat was Frakes and others who were in charge of the live broadcast.

The speed of the boat was not fast, but it was moving very smoothly, and it was almost time to reach the Sabaody Archipelago.

On the ship, the eyes of Empress Boa Hancock, Conis, and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya were always on the huge figure of Lin Xuan in that distant battlefield.

Her mood has been very difficult to calm down, because she did not expect that the World Government still hides such a terrifying powerhouse, but at the same time, what she did not expect was that Lin Xuan's power far exceeded her original prediction, even if it was the World Government The strong man who was specially sent to support was also in a state of embarrassment at the hands of Lin Xuan, roaring constantly.

An even stronger adoration was spreading and expanding in her heart!

There was one other person on board, Marine's Crane Vice Admiral. Her eyes are constantly scanning the four directions, always expecting someone to quickly solve the enemy, and then come to help her rescue Celestial Dragons together.

Unfortunately, although some Marines occasionally tried to rush over to raid the ship, they were all easily knocked off by Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, and the end was so dismal that she almost couldn't help but want them all to stop coming and die.

After waiting for a long time, Crane Vice Admiral finally waited for the person she wanted to see.

In front of her, her old companion, the Marine hero - Garp the Fist!

But what made her unacceptable was that Garp who appeared at this time was seriously injured and in a coma!

It turned out that Might Duy finally couldn't hold back, opened the last gate of Eight Inner Gates, and instantly killed Garp!

However, Garp's physique is indeed pervert. Even if he was hit by Might·dai with the Eight Gates fully open, he was only severely injured and unconscious, and he did not die.

On the other hand, Might Duy, after he cast Eight Gate, the sacrifice was a little unsustainable, and it was difficult to keep the body of Impure World Reincarnation from dissipating. After bringing Garp back to the ship, there was no way to continue the fight.

Of course, Crane Vice Admiral couldn't see it, she just felt that the situation made her very desperate.

Could it be that Marine is really going to fail this time?

At this moment, she suddenly heard a cold shout from above the sea: 66..|| The so-called Five Elders are nothing more than that!

Five Elders?!

Hearing this voice, Crane Vice Admiral's face suddenly changed dramatically.

She heard this voice, it was Lin Xuan's voice, but she didn't know until this time that the person who was fighting against Lin Xuan turned out to be the Five Elders!

How could the Five Elders have that kind of power?!

This is what she only knows now!

And just when she was shocked, she heard Lin Xuan shout again: "It's time to solve you (promised Zhao), try my trick, the sea explodes the stars!"

Sea Blast?!

When they heard the name of the move, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, who were fighting, couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

They all know about Planetary Devastation, but this is the first time they have heard about Hai Bang Tian Xing, and they don't know when Lin Xuan came up with such a trick.

Because of this, they couldn't help but curiously looked at the battle scene broadcast live in the group in their minds.

As a result, they saw that Lin Xuan's golden Susa and the huge Wooden Golem suddenly merged into one, turning into a dragon that was two thousand meters long.

As a result, standing on the dragon's head, his pupils suddenly turned into the state of Rinnegan!

Whether it was Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama, their hearts were shocked, and then the same thought emerged: "This is an alternative way to unlock the power of Six Paths!

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