Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 018 Refresh Madara's Worldview! Shocked Naval Headquarters!

Immediately, Uchiha Madara flashed and came to the front of the three, Sharingan controlled the Roswald Holy Family with an illusion.

Then, Uchiha Madara looked at Lin Xuan with a rare smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "If you put aside the previous unhappiness, I suddenly appreciate you!"

"Really? Should I say I'm honored?" Lin Xuan laughed, then strode towards the door of the auction house.

Uchiha Madara followed with three Celestial Dragons.

Walking side by side with Lin Xuan, he said, "Now you should tell me what the hell is going on in this world? Why did you bring me here from Impure World Reincarnation!"

Lin Xuan thought to himself, even if he said that, Madara can't pose any threat to him. Instead, he can make Madara more cooperative with his subsequent actions, and it doesn't matter.

However, he didn't want to talk in vain.

He glanced at Uchiha Madara and said with a smile, "Do you think that if you were in Impure World Reincarnation in the Vice Admiral of the ninja world, you would talk to him about so many things?"

"Of course not!" Uchiha Madara replied without thinking.

Immediately, he understood what Lin Xuan meant.

Lin Xuan's tone is not that he doesn't want to say it, but that he has to pay enough price to say it!

So, he directly said in a deep voice: "You can make a condition!"

No way, he was too curious about the world and even Lin Xuan, and now he can only let Lin Xuan make conditions.


Lin Xuan grinned and said, "I don't ask much, I'm just curious about your ninjutsu in the ninja world."

Uchiha Madara immediately understood and said: "Just this request? Hmph, I thought you had too many conditions! This matter is very simple, what you want to learn, I will teach you, but it depends on whether you can learn it or not. You are on your own!"

"Of course!"

A bright smile appeared on Lin Xuan's face, "Actually, I don't need you to teach me, as long as you agree, I can learn what I want from you!"

This is actually a special item he just discovered from the system mall, called "Universal Copy Card"!

Using this thing, you can copy anything from the object of his Impure World Reincarnation, including items, skills, etc., but only with the consent of the other party.

In addition, there are more advanced "Super God Copy Cards", which can directly copy things and skills from Impure World Reincarnation players, but correspondingly, the price of this copy card is much more expensive than the universal copy card!

Now, with some intelligence, Uchiha Madara's consent can be exchanged to copy things from him at will. Of course, Lin Xuan chose to use the universal copy card.

After all, the price of the universal copy card is 100,000 reputation points, but the price of the super god copy card is one million points. This tenfold difference is obviously not a small amount.

When Uchiha Madara heard Lin Xuan say that he could learn ninjutsu from him without his teaching, he immediately felt that Lin Xuan had a stronger sense of mystery.

However, he didn't ask much, because he felt that even if he asked Lin Xuan, he wouldn't say anything.

Moreover, in comparison, he values ​​the information of this world more.

Lin Xuan didn't hang his appetite any more, and just introduced him to Madara while shopping with Celestial Dragons.

Of course, it mainly introduces the situation of the pirate world.

As for why he was able to bring him Impure World Reincarnation, Lin Xuan certainly couldn't tell the existence of the system.

His explanation is that his Reanimation Jutsu can cross dimensions, not only the ninja world, but also many other strong men in the world, he can Impure World Reincarnation!

Such an explanation made Uchiha Madara's heart shake extremely violently.

His worldview was greatly impacted and completely refreshed by Lin Xuan!

For the first time in his life, he felt that his previous vision was so small!

It turns out that there are so many wonderful worlds outside the ninja world!

He curiously asked Lin Xuan all kinds of things about the pirate world and other worlds, trying to let himself know as much as possible.

Lin Xuan also admired this Madara very much, and since there was nothing left or right, he simply told him everything that could be said.

Looking at Madara, who has always been cold and arrogant, looked shocked, and he felt very cool.

Before you know it, Uchiha Madara's mentality has changed dramatically.

Originally being brought over by Lin Xuan Impure World Reincarnation, and being controlled by Lin Xuan to do things he didn't want to do, he felt it was a humiliation.

But now, he is slowly thinking that this is a great opportunity for his Uchiha Madara!


Meanwhile, Naval Headquarters has received word from Sabaody Archipelago.

"What did you say? The Roswald Holy Family of Sabaody Archipelago was beaten by two guys of unknown origin?!"

The navy who was in charge of receiving the information was stunned when he heard the news.

What are you kidding?

How could this happen? !

He thought that the person on the other side of the phone bug was joking, but after confirming the truth again and again, he suddenly panicked.

This is a big deal and must be reported to Marshal Sengoku right away!

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