Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 195 The stunned Whitebeard Pirates

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates was completely stunned.

Are you sure these guys are the same group of people you saw on the previous live broadcast?

Why would they build a house here? The key is to still build it so beautifully?

Seeing their shocked appearance, Ferex finally showed a proud expression on his face.

Before he was shocked by the people of the Whitebeard Pirates, he was very uncomfortable, and now seeing them so surprised, his waist could not help but straighten up.

"This is the engineering team of our ninja guild, and they built the new houses on the island!" Ferex proudly introduced a group of bigwigs.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly felt a mess.

Even Whitebeard thought it was weird.

It's not that they think building a house has anything, it's just that the contrast between before and after is too great.

Moreover, they did not feel a strong momentum from a group of people not far away.

These guys fought off tens of thousands of Elite Marines?!

"Dad, can I compete with them?"

The captain of the third division, "Diamond" Joze of Paramecia Bright Fruit, asked Whitebeard with a warlike expression on his face.

The same is true for the captains of the other squads. When watching the live broadcast, they had already given birth to the idea of ​​competing with the Ninja Guild.

Whitebeard hesitated, and before he made a decision, a voice came from beside him: "Okay, let them compete!"

Whitebeard turned his head and saw a young man walking towards him.

It is the young man who has been in the limelight recently and the reward amount has exceeded his own, Lin Xuan!

At this time, Lin Xuan was also looking at Whitebeard.

Finally met Whitebeard, one of the legendary Four Emperors, known as the strongest man in the world!

The first time I saw Whitebeard, Lin Xuan's feeling can be summed up in two words: Haki!

Whitebeard was more Haki than he had imagined, exuding an invisible power.

At this time, Whitebeard finally burst out laughing, and said to several squad leaders: "Gu la la la la la, little ones, let's have a good time!


Several squad leaders showed smiles on their faces, and walked towards the "engineering team" in the ninja world over there.

After understanding their purpose, Senju Hashirama raised his hand to make a seal and used Wood Style to create a battle arena on the ground.

Next, the strong men of the ninja world began to compete with several team leaders of Whitebeard.

The first team captain "Phoenix" Marco challenged Senju Hashirama, but was quickly knocked out by Senju Hashirama.

After seeing the great strength of Senju Hashirama, several division leaders were shocked, but did not dare to continue to challenge him.

After that, others also came on stage to learn from each other.

When the other ninja experts on the island heard the news, they all rushed over to join the contest.

However, as time went by, several Whitebeard squad leaders were completely stunned.

What kind of monsters are these?

Several squad leaders of the Whitebeard Pirates were panting and lying on the ground, so tired that they were about to vomit.

However, the members of the Ninja Guild have nothing to do, and they even want to continue to discuss with them.

Several people are going crazy, are these monsters tireless?

After the discussion here, Lin Xuan has brought Whitebeard to the reception building.

"Gu la la la la, you are really a simple guy, I feel old when I see you!

Whitebeard looked at Lin Xuan and sighed in his heart.

The short conversation just now made him feel that the young man in front of him was really not simple.

Lin Xuan smiled indifferently, in fact he had already guessed Whitebeard's visit to Sabaody Archipelago this time.

This time Marine captured "Fire Fist" Ace, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, and actually had something to do with him.

The Sabaody Archipelago war made the World Government lose face, and its prestige was seriously affected, which brought a lot of trouble to the World Government.

The world government is eager to restore its prestige, but it feels that the Ninja Guild can't do anything for the time being.

So, in the end, I had to choose to attack the Whitebeard Pirates!

Whitebeard was able to get to where he is today, not only because of his strength, but he also naturally saw the intentions of the government in the world.

If he hadn't seen the Sabaody Archipelago war, especially before the last super-large Buster Call, he might have directly brought someone to fight Marine.

.....for flowers 0..

However, the last Sabaody Archipelago war made him see the hidden power of the World government, and it will be very difficult for them to save Ace by themselves.

Therefore, after some serious thinking, he plans to cooperate with the Ninja Guild, which is the enemy of the World government!

Afterwards, Lin Xuan and Whitebeard negotiated for a long time and finally reached an agreement.

When the Whitebeard Pirates went to rescue Ace, the Ninja Guild would also help them.

But it's not free help, and Whitebeard needs to pay for it!

In addition to monetary rewards, the Whitebeard Pirates also need to provide some Devil Fruit to the Ninja Guild.

Recently, Orochimaru told himself several times that he needed different Devil Fruits for experimentation. Since Whitebeard himself came to the door, Lin Xuan would naturally not be polite to him!

This time, Whitebeard came to Sabaody Archipelago with sincerity for cooperation.

And his sincerity is the same as Monkey·D·Dragon, it is a Devil Fruit. Moreover, this is just a meeting ceremony, and there are other thanks after the completion of the event.

In fact, even if Whitebeard didn't pay the price, it was possible to ask the Ninja Guild to help.

However, then Whitebeard will need to owe the Ninja Guild a favor!

Since Lin Xuan gave him a choice, he naturally chose to give the Ninja Guild a sufficient price, which is equivalent to hiring the Ninja Guild to take action!

Lin Xuan took the box that Whitebeard handed over, opened it in person, and saw a purple fruit.

There is also a piece of white paper next to it, which reads "Snake and Snake Fruit, Illusory Beast Species, Ba Snake".

such a coincidence?

Lin Xuan couldn't help being stunned.

Only yesterday Orochimaru told himself that he needed more Devil Fruit for research, and as a result, Whitebeard sent a "Snake Fruit"


Of course, this also represented Whitebeard's sincerity, and more importantly, he valued Ace.

The reason why he will cooperate with the Ninja Guild this time is to ensure that Ace is rescued.

Otherwise, with Whitebeard's character, how could he take the initiative to find someone to cooperate with?

Meanwhile, Lin Xuan lets the system do the identification.

Soon, the system's prompt sounded in my mind: "Ding, the identification is complete! The recycling value of this item is 20 million reputation points, should it be recycled?

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