Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 198 Transforming the Sabaody Archipelago into a divine tree?

Sabo, as a revolutionary army, has learned some information that others don't know. People who know the ninja guild will use some special abilities, which are called "Ninjutsu".


Although he had even seen stronger "Ninjutsu" through Lin Xuan's live broadcast before, but now seeing it with his own eyes, it still makes him feel amazing.

"Is this a ninja? It's really amazing, I want to learn ninjutsu too!" Luffy said with bright eyes, his face full of yearning for ninjutsu.

Sabo couldn't help but slapped Luffy on the head angrily.

After so many years, Luffy's personality hasn't changed at all. Every time he sees something new, he is always so excited.

"Sorry, my brother is like this!" Sabo said apologetically.

Namikaze Minato smiled nonchalantly and didn't say anything, giving a feeling of being approachable.

But Sabo knew that the man in front of him was undefeated against Kizaru Admiral, and in the end he was the powerhouse who trapped him.

At this moment, he felt the mystery and power of the Ninja Guild more and more!

After a while, Uchiha Obito reappeared on the boat and nodded to Minato Hikaze.

Namikaze Minato understood, knowing that Obito had put his Flying Thunder God kunai into Impel down.

So, he asked everyone to come close to him.

Flying Thunder God Technique!

In an instant, everyone's figures disappeared and appeared directly on the first floor of Impel Down.

The prisoners on the first floor of Impel Down were taken aback when they saw several figures suddenly appearing on the aisle.

"Is this the inside of Impel down?" Sabo said with a look of surprise.

Unexpectedly, entering Impel down so easily, it feels like a dream!

As for Luffy, he was already shouting excitedly.

He even hugged Namikaze Minato's thigh and shouted to let him demonstrate it again.

Sabo beat him angrily, and said to Namikaze Minato: "I'll trouble you this time, we have to save people next time, so let's separate here.

He left with Luffy and went to find the place where Ace was being held.

Namikaze Minato and the others were not involved in saving people, because Sabo and their hired mission only asked them to help bring the two in.

Moreover, this time they also carried other tasks with them.

Before leaving the Sabaody Archipelago, Lin Xuan gave them a task: in the hidden corner of Impel down, set up the Flying Thunder God spell!

With the Flying Thunder God technique, the world's largest prison will be like a home for the ninja guild from now on, and you can come and go as you please!

As ninjas, Namikaze Minato is naturally task-oriented.

In no time, they were moving quickly in Impel down.

As ninjas who are good at assassination, it is difficult for the guards in Impel down to detect their actions, and it is even more difficult to detect the Flying Thunder God technique they arranged.

After doing all this, Namikaze Minato left with Uchiha Obito and Nohara Rin.

Shortly after they left, Sabo and Luffy also began to search for Ace in Impel down.

Although Luffy's current strength is much worse than when he entered Impel down in the original plot, but with the addition of a Sabo, they can still do things in Impel down, and even cause huge waves.

On Sabaody Archipelago.

After Orochimaru completed his examination of Whitebeard, he also started treatment.

As the ship doctor of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco naturally asked for assistance.

Originally, Marko was thinking of supervising Orochimaru to prevent Orochimaru from doing anything wrong with Whitebeard, and at the same time, he could steal the medical methods of the Geniners Guild.

However, when Orochimaru and the others officially started the treatment, he was a little confused.

can not understand!

He can't understand the medical methods of the ninja world at all!

Especially Healing Jutsu, who doesn't even have Chakra, how can he learn it?

Because of this, Orochimaru couldn't understand Whitebeard's treatment plan.

However, after some careful observation, he found that Orochimaru's treatment process, except for the occasional excision of something from Whitebeard, said to take it for research, other treatments are quite normal.

The most important thing is that he can be sure that Orochimaru and their treatment are effective, that the disease in Whitebeard that makes him helpless is gradually being eliminated, and Whitebeard's condition is gradually improving!

This made him very excited.

Based on this alone, even if they came to Sabaody Archipelago this time and failed to reach a joint agreement with the Ninja Guild, their trip was worth it!

After all, a Whitebeard who is uninjured and a Whitebeard who is dying of serious illness are almost indistinguishable!

However, Whitebeard's condition is indeed more troublesome, and the treatment process is also more complicated, which takes a lot of time.

In order not to arouse suspicion and Marine's vigilance, Marco and others had to make some arrangements.

For example, most of the squad leaders returned to their Whitebeard Pirates station early, leaving only Marco to continue guarding Whitebeard here.

And Lin Xuan soon left on his own after seeing Orochimaru officially starting treatment for Whitebeard.

The Ninja Guild has just been established, and he still has to make arrangements for many things.

For example, now the members of the Ninja Guild, except for the few people who were sent out by him, are all idle and panic, and he can't let these people idle.

Although they are the body of Impure World Reincarnation, they don't need to eat, even if they are idle, but as time goes by, the sacrifice on their body, White Zetsu, will gradually lose its activity!

So, instead of letting them stay on the Sabaody Archipelago doing nothing, let these people go out and do things.

Although they may not go out to do things like this Sabaody Archipelago war, they can still bring some shocks to the world (Nuohao Zhao), and help him earn some reputation points by the way.

With this thought in mind, Lin Xuan directly sent a message to the Hokage World Chat Group: 口||@Everyone, gather at the guild headquarters!

However, before the others gathered, Lin Xuan met Ōtsutsuki Kaguya first.

And, Ōtsutsuki Kaguya also told him an idea that shocked him: "I want to transform this tree into a divine tree!"

Lin Xuan was stunned and asked, "Which tree?"

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya frowned and said, "It's the Alchemy mangrove tree under your feet!

Lin Xuan's eyes widened involuntarily: "You mean to transform the entire Sabaody Archipelago into a Chakra magic like the ninja world?

Ōtsutsuki Kaguya nodded and said, "Yes!"

ps: The seventh update is delivered today! Ask for flowers, ask for a reward, ask for a monthly pass, ask for all kinds of support! Make.

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