Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 229 Shanks: The Ninja Guild is comparable to the Four Emperors joining forces!

After Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama turned on the Six Paths mode, the battle on the battlefield between the two sides became more intense, and it was naturally impossible not to alarm Kong, Sora and others.

Especially Senju Hashirama, who directly created six incomparably huge Buddhas surrounded by golden beards, is so spectacular that many people are dumbfounded.

"We still underestimated the strength of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama!"

On the execution platform, Kong Sora's eyes widened, and the feeling of unease in his heart became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, he didn't even dare to expect Golden Beard and the others to be able to solve their opponents.

Because, when the Five Elders gather, that is the strongest state!

However, suddenly-


A figure flew out of mid-air, and finally smashed into Marineford's building complex, and several buildings were directly reduced to ruins.

On the execution platform, Kong Kong Sora's expression changed suddenly when he saw this scene.

Then his eyes turned to look, and he saw Uchiha Madara suspended in mid-air, and his eyes were looking in the direction of the smashed building there.

However, his opponent mustache has disappeared.

Kong Kong's expression changed at this moment, and he immediately understood that the person who was smashed into the rear building just now was clearly a mustache!

Sure enough, as if to confirm his thoughts, the mustache rushed out of the ruins of the building and attacked Uchiha Madara again by manipulating the weather force.

However, even with the top Armament Haki, he was seriously injured at this time.

Seeing this scene, Kong Sora's heart was shocked, and he was once again shocked by the strength of the people of the Ninja Guild.

So, he subconsciously looked towards Senju Hashirama.

When he saw the golden beard being attacked by the countless fists of the six Buddhas, he took a deep breath.

Although Golden Beard has a top-level Observation Haki and can evade attacks at a very fast speed, how long can this state last?

The two sides are still fighting fast, but Kong Kong can also see that Golden Beard's stamina is rapidly being consumed!

This situation is also not very optimistic. If there is any omission in Golden Beard, (cjac) I am afraid that Senju Hashirama will be flattened immediately!

What worries Kong Kong even more is that the figure of the bald monk has not appeared since he disappeared just now, and he has no way of knowing what the situation of the bald monk is now.

The battle on Marineford continued, and Marine's side had gradually lost its way.

At this moment, Kong. Sora desperately hoped that the two adults would appear as soon as possible.

Even, he couldn't help but want to urge him with a phone bug.


Just as Kong Kong's mind was spinning, a crack suddenly appeared in the air in mid-air, and it quickly spread and twisted.

"That's it?" Kong Kong was startled, and his attention was drawn to the past.

This kind of scene looks a bit similar to Whitebeard's ability, but at this time Whitebeard is playing against three Admiral and several Vice Admiral, so it should not be his means.


Suddenly, the crack in the air expanded rapidly, and a terrifying sword light slashed out from it, tearing a large black crack directly in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a figure rushed out of the crack, and it was the bald monk who had disappeared before.

When he saw the figure of the monk Xiu, Kong Kong Kong couldn't help showing a happy expression on his face, but when he saw the appearance of the bald monk, his expression froze directly.

The bald monk seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle, and the white robe on his body had long since become tattered and looked very embarrassed.

However, when Kong Sora's eyes fell on Monk Xiu's arm, his pupils shrank suddenly.

At this time, the bald monk's left arm was empty, and the white robe there was stained red with blood, and blood dripped from time to time, while his other hand was holding his broken left arm.

The bald monk's arm is broken!

Kong Kong Sora was completely stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief on his face.

With the strength of the Five Elders, monk Xiu, his arm was cut off, how could such a thing happen?!

At this moment, in the air not far from Monk Xiu, the surroundings suddenly began to twist, and a figure appeared directly there. It was Uchiha Obito who had activated the Six Paths mode.

Uchiha Obito is not in great shape either, Impure World Reincarnation has more fissures on his body and dust falls more frequently.

Obviously, in order to deal with the monk Xiu, he also paid a small price!

Even the offerings of the Body of Impure World Reincarnation can barely hold up!

Even so, it still surprised Kong Sora, Sengoku, and the rest of Marine and the World government.

The faces of Golden Beard and Mustache, who were still waiting for the bald monk to come back to support, could not help but show shock at this moment.

Of course, Whitebeard, Roger, Shanks, Rayleigh and others were also extremely surprised that the Five Elders, the bald monk, was defeated, and his arms were cut off.

"Ku la la la, that young man was so strong that he actually cut off the arm of the Five Elders! Whitebeard couldn't help but sigh.

"Are all the young people now so powerful?" Roger nodded, also amazed.

Rayleigh, who was beside him, looked at Lin Xuan, who was sitting on the high platform eating with Conis. He couldn't help thinking to himself: This guy is a pervert, and his subordinates are also a group of perverts!

Shanks was dumbfounded.

Ranked among the Four Emperors, he is naturally very strong, stronger than Marine Admiral. He used to think that the world should be able to count the powerhouses of his level with two hands.

However, now he was stunned to discover that there are at least four or five existences around Lin Xuan who are not inferior to him, or even stronger than him!

Regardless of the power at the bottom, in terms of power at the top, Lin Xuan, a ninja guild, is enough to compare to their Four Emperors!

At this moment, Jinbeard's side, because of seeing the situation of the monk Xiu, lost his mind for a while, and finally did not have time to dodge Senju Hashirama's attack, and suddenly fell into the ocean of fists, and was severely injured in a flash! .

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