Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 237 God's Domain! Time Slowing Barrier!

"Wood Style · The tree world is coming! 99

"Sage Art·Lane Escape! 35

"Kamui Shuriken!""

Senju Hashirama, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito shot first.

Senju Hashirama's Wood Style swept across the Five Elders like a tide.

Uchiha Madara spewed a powerful Chakra laser from his mouth, and went straight to the big star · curly hair cut!

Uchiha Obito raised his hand and swung his hand into the two shuriken, and then flew towards Er Lao Xing Longbeard and San Lao Xing Jinbeard.

At the same time, both Whitebeard and Roger are naturally unwilling to fall behind.

Whitebeard motivated Shock Fruit and slashed at the Four Old Stars Moustache.

Roger also waved the long knife in his hand, slashed it out, turned it into a fierce slash, and went straight to the Five Elders, the bald monk and chopped it!

The five of Uchiha Madara joined forces and finally changed the situation just now.

Although Uchiha Madara and the other five have no tacit understanding with each other for the time being, but the powerhouses of their level have very keen combat intuition, so there is not much problem in cooperating.

In an instant, the Five Elders, who had been cooperating with each other and had the upper hand, finally began to be in a hurry, but they quickly adjusted and became orderly again.

Big Lao Xing · Curly Hair did not directly connect with Uchiha Madara's shaggy fangs, but directly dodged to avoid it. At the same time, he blocked in front of Er Lao Xing and San Lao Xing. When they blocked Uchiha Obito's Kamui Shuriken !


I saw his fists smashed out, and the space was distorted directly. The power of Kamui's shuriken to distort the space suddenly created chaos and exploded!

At the same time, the mustache ignored Whitebeard's slash, and instead unleashed a terrifying storm that swept through the Wood Style released by Senju Hashirama, slicing it into pieces.

At the moment when Whitebeard's shock wave slash was about to hit him, a slash from the bald monk broke through the air, directly blocking Whitebeard's attack.

As for Roger's attack, it suddenly shifted its direction at the moment when it was about to arrive.

Because at a critical moment, the three old star Golden Beard launched a psychic attack on him, which was instantly detected by his top-level knowledge, so he avoided it immediately, but because of this his attack was deviated.

As a result, Uchiha Madara's first attack was immediately disintegrated.

However, the power they released would obviously not disappear out of thin air.



Under the terrifying confrontation between the two sides, the air was shaking, and the entire Marineford shook from time to time, as if it would be sunk to the bottom of the sea by the waves of the battle!

At this moment, whether it is those who are on the scene or those who are watching the live broadcast from all over the world, all of them are shaking with excitement, but their eyes widen one by one, daring not to miss any moment.

After all, this is not the world's top-level showdown that you can witness with your own eyes!

Whether it is the Five Elders, Roger, Whitebeard, or Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, and Uchiha Obito of the Ninja Guild, they are already considered the world's top powerhouses!

Even Marshal Marine like Sengoku never imagined that one day there would be such a group of terrifying powerhouses fighting in front of him!


"It seems that the growth of the reputation value does not seem to be as fast as I thought?

Lin Xuan watched the fierce battle in the field, and suddenly found a reality that made him a little helpless.

That is because many people may not understand Uchiha Madara's battle at all, and because Uchiha Madara and the others are too fast to see the fight between the two sides, they can't experience the thrills and excitement, but they only know that they have caused tremendous damage. , so I was shocked.

As a result, the effect is naturally greatly reduced.

However, there is no way, after all, it is impossible for Lin Xuan to ask everyone in the world to suddenly increase their strength, and then be able to see the battle clearly!

However, after finally creating an opportunity to earn a lot of RP, Lin Xuan didn't want to waste it.

So, he asked in his heart: "System, do you have any good solutions? For example, is there any way to slow down the time in their battle area so that everyone can see their battles clearly?"

The system replied: "In the prestige mall, there is a product that can meet the host's requirements."

Before he finished speaking, the introduction of the same product popped up directly in front of Lin Xuan.

Of course, only Lin Xuan can see this introduction.

"Time deceleration enchantment: From the world of "God of Time", it can act on a certain area to slow down the flow of time in that area.""

After reading the introduction, Lin Xuan knew that this thing was indeed in line with what he wanted. However, after a closer look, he realized that this thing is still strong and weak, and the price is not the same.

Twice the time slowdown: sells for 30 million renown points, valid for one hour.

The time is slowed down by five times: the price is 100 million reputation points, and the effective time is one hour.

The time is slowed down ten times: the price is 300 million reputation points, and the effective time is one hour.

Time slows down twenty times:

The further back, the higher the sales price. Among them, the time enchantment that slows down by a hundred times, the price is even as high as 10 billion reputation value. Lin Xuan, 970, who thought he had become a local tyrant, suddenly realized that he did not seem to be. So rich!

However, thinking about it, the ability to control time is almost the domain of God. The greater the deceleration, the greater the difficulty should be, so the price is actually normal.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xuan finally chose to spend 100 million reputation points to buy a time barrier with a five-fold deceleration, and then use it directly.

Immediately, everyone saw a silver light flashing from Lin Xuan's hand, and the area where Uchiha Madara and the Five Elders were located was directly enveloped by a strange silver light.

Seeing this, everyone could not help but be astonished.

Afterwards, Kong Kong first shouted angrily: "Hey, Lin Xuan, you bastard, you don't keep your word! You told them to fight a fair duel, but you didn't do it!

Lin Xuan just gave him a contemptuous look and said, "Look carefully, I just watched you watch a duel so hard, I just want to help you!"

Kong Sora was stunned for a moment, not believing Lin Xuan.

However, at this time, the crane Vice Admiral beside him suddenly exclaimed: "What's going on? Why did their speed suddenly slow down?!"

Kong Sora immediately looked at the field, and his eyes suddenly widened!

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