Pirates: Starting Impure World Reincarnation Madara

Chapter 241 Luffy and Sabo fight cp9!

"It's you nasty bastards again!" Luffy looked angry.

They had actually played against the people from cp9 just now, and Luffy felt that it was because of the people from cp9 that he hadn't rescued Ace until now.

Sabo glanced at Blueno, then said to Luffy: "Luffy, you go save Ace, this guy will give it to me! 39

Luffy nodded, then continued to charge up.

"Don't think about it!" Seeing this, Blueno quickly shot at Luffy.

But just as he made a move, Sabo also rushed up.

"Boom! 35

Sabo's speed was very fast, and he appeared in front of Blueno in a blink of an eye. The water pipe in his hand was covered with Armament Haki, and he blasted out suddenly!

"Revolving door!"

Blueno's hand clapped on Sabo's body, causing his chest to rapidly rotate like a revolving door, thus changing Sabo's attack trajectory.

However, at this time, Sabo calmed down after a brief stupor, and was not affected by the rotation of his body, and the water pipe in his hand slammed towards Blueno.

"Iron Body!

Blueno's expression changed, and he hurriedly used Marine Six Styles for defense.

However, he underestimated Sabo's strength.

Sabo, who can become the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, is not as powerful as Marine Admiral, but his strength is undeniable.

Therefore, when the water pipe in Sabo's hand smashed on Blueno's body, it directly slammed him into retreat, and a mouthful of blood protruded from his mouth, which could not stop Sabo's attack at all.

"Dragon Claw Fist!

Sabo quickly used the moves he was good at, and quickly grabbed towards Blueno's arm, actually crushing his arm.

Immediately afterwards, the water pipe in Sabo's hand swung out again, blasting Blueno off the bridge!

"Go!" Sabo shouted lowly, and continued to rush towards the execution platform with Luffy.

However, as they continued to charge forward, several other figures stepped on Moonwalk from below and rushed up quickly.

It is exactly the three of CP9's Twisted Fruit and Giraffe Form, Jabra in Dog Dog Fruit and Wolf Form, and Kalifa in Bubble Fruit!

In addition, two other members of GP9, Kumadori and Otonashi Fukurou, appeared on the execution platform!

All the members of CP9 have all arrived, guarding the execution stand to block Luffy and Sabo.

Faced with this situation, Luffy quickly put on a fighting stance, preparing to fight these guys blocking the road with Sabo.

However, Sabo said to Luffy: "Luffy, leave these guys to me, just rush to save Ace!

Luffy glanced at him, saw that Sabo wasn't joking, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'll definitely save Ace!


Sabo rushed out first and launched an attack on several people. He actually blocked several members of CP9 directly by himself, and he was not at a disadvantage at all.

At this time, Luffy took advantage of Sabo to stop a few people, quickly jumped over their heads, and continued to charge towards the execution platform.

Kaku, Jabra and others wanted to stop, but were quickly stopped by Sabo, and Sabo's attack also made them have to deal with it carefully.

At this time, they also discovered that Sabo's strength is indeed very strong, no wonder Blueno lost so quickly.

As a result, several people did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly concentrated on fighting with Sabo with all their strength, and the bridge was suddenly broken by the battle between them.

Fortunately, Luffy had already rushed to the execution platform, so he didn't fall from the air with them.

In the field, many people saw Luffy successfully board the execution platform.

Immediately, the faces of the people in the World government became a little ugly.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates couldn't help cheering, and many people shouted: "Straw hat boy, save Ace!"

At this moment, Sengoku, who was in the form of a big Buddha and was fighting with Uchiha Izuna, couldn't help but turn dark, and couldn't help shouting at Garp who was fighting with Might Duy not far away: "Garp, it's your bastard's family again!"

Garp actually saw Luffy rushing to the execution platform long ago, and couldn't help shouting: "Luffy, stinky boy!

Then, he continued to fight Might Duy fiercely.

At this time, all the powerful people in the World government, including Marine, were all entangled by their opponents, and they couldn't pull away to stop Luffy.

Marine Admiral Akainu, with absolute justice in his heart, naturally cannot tolerate such a thing.

However, before he could make a move on Luffy, he found the attack of the members of Xiao's organization here, so he could only quickly dodge and resist, and he didn't dare to continue to be distracted.

Kong Sora, who was fighting Senju Tobirama, became a little anxious, and suddenly shouted in Lin Xuan's direction: "Lin Xuan, what do you mean by this guy? Are you not afraid of ridicule from all over the world?

However, he was stunned to find that Lin Xuan didn't move at all, as if he had been in deep thought, as if he had not heard his words at all.


Kong Sora doesn't know if Lin Xuan is doing it on purpose or pretending, but he knows that he can only count on Rob Lucci at this time to block Luffy!

On the execution platform, Rob Lucci stood near Ace, his eyes fell on Luffy, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Before that, the two had actually fought each other, but because the surrounding battle was so chaotic, they did not really decide the winner even though they fought.

Therefore, when Rob Lucci saw Luffy rush to the execution platform, a strong fighting spirit erupted from him.

However, Luffy ignored Lu Qi's gaze, and looked at Ace, who was kneeling on the ground with his arms bound by the seastone shackles, grinned 0.2 and said, "Ace, I'm here to save you! 35

"Luffy!" Ace stared closely at Luffy in front of him, the feeling in his heart was indescribable.

At this moment, Rob Lucci saw that Luffy was ignoring him, his face sank, and he shouted angrily: "Monkey D. Luffy, if you want to put out the Fire Fist Ace, you must pass my level!

In an instant, Luffy's eyes finally fell on Lu Qi, and he said, "As long as I hit you, I can rescue Ace, right?"

When the voice fell, he pressed one arm to the ground with a fist, and his feet contracted and moved like air pumps.

"Second gear!

The next second, Luffy's body skin turned red and began to emit a lot of white steam.

This scene made Rob Lucci's pupils shrink suddenly!

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